This is my mom in college 1975. Thoughts?
This is my mom in college 1975. Thoughts?
She looks like the type of girl who rode the cock carousel in college before settling down with your father.
She's SMOKING hot man!
Daaaamn, let's see an after pic!
she hot. girls are always really pretty when they wear sundresses, though.
lol nvm 82 points on reddit.
blows my mind how people all over the world were statistically so much less fat just 40 years ago.
either medical science erases obesity through surgery or gene editing, or we're actually going to be a race of el goblinos in 50 years.
I'd check if your dadreally is the one she claims him to be.
Food got worse. Education about it is almsot nonexistant. You had Obama trying to do something about it, the moment he uttered the words healtier food, the hamplanets started to roll around. The only way to make sure shit like that doesn't happen to you, is to take care of yourself and try to look out for likeminded people to not fall into the fattrap.
she was a cock carousel slut in college.
sage goes in all fields, leave us alone tonight doesnt nye suck enough without your stupid threads
cute mom btw
that isn't ur mum but she was a pretty little bitch anyhow
I once got aroused from seeing a pic of my mom in a bikini when she was 19yo
can l see the pic too?
Hang yourself redditard
You're a sick fuck for posting it if it's true. My Mom's old pics of her when she was young are hot too and she was probably a slut like yours probably was. My Mom cheated on my Dad too btw. Was a hot curvy big breasted italian/swedish girl. She's used up and wrinkly now.
>My Mom cheated on my Dad too btw
with me :)
Very nice underage user, you really told me. Now fuck off.
>in 50 years
>I'm quite possibly your dad
you sure showed me
>You had Obama trying to do something about it, the moment he uttered the words healtier food, the food companies started to roll around.
Ftfy. Food companies hate it when people realize their shit is unhealthy.
>An adult making insults to some random kid on an Indonesian basket weaving, sissy bait board
Might as well be an underager
>still replying after getting destroyed anally by me
you might as well let me make love to you at this point
>I'd just like to add that I am a girl, and I too, would like to fuck OPs mum.
food has too much sugar in it
everything is processed, you shouldn't be eating 97% of whats available in a commercial supermarket.
OP your mom looks like a gorgeous wonderful woman, i hope she raised a good man
Lots of autists showing up tonight
You just described every woman born in the last 300 years
>quotes me 3 times
Aren't you gonna buy me dinner first dude
>i am allowed to browse this website but no one else must
Fucking retard.
>i hope she raised a good man
Like who? His brother? A good man wouldn't post his mom on Jow Forums. Probably a LARP anyways.
I would tie her up and fuck her brains.
>don't repost stupid normie updoot shit for (you)
hows that
You mother is v cute
It blew my mind travelling from Aus to Europe. What would be considered a slim guy here is just the standard over there. I can only imagine how fat the US must be.
Looks like Natalie Dormer dude wtf