What do fembots read / watch when they shlick?

What do fembots read / watch when they shlick?

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>pic related.
unironically /ss/

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My ex girlfriend usually watched cream pie porn.

I can see why she is your ex

>100% pure semen

As opposed to what?

Could you just imagine how gross it is to masturbate by sticking your fingers in a goopy slime cavern?

Gross. Why even fap at that point?

Usually daddy daughter stuff, rape and brother/sister. Anything where a guy overpowers a girl

i have some top notch /ss/ doujins, post discord and i will link

You're disgusting. KiII yourself.

bj compilations, lots of amateur stuff that's usually filmed with a phone or webcam

jesus christ women are so predictable.

why are they all submissive sluts? it must be in their genes.

>why are they all submissive sluts
biology numbnuts

20% blood 80% semen

Here you go rapelady.


Why do fembots need to shlick when there are horny robots that would happily put their rod in them

you are a lass of taste anonette

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Would fembots be interested in schlicking with a guy over vc?

i watch porn when i shlick.

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What kind of pornos?

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I knew a girl who only got off to Transformers fanfic

porn where people fuck vanilla style

no, you probably have an ugly voice

>Watches vanilla
Your a good girl

thank you, fellow user. I do also like to read fanfictions but yeah vanilla is good.

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milk enemas
girls rimming guys (idk i think eating a guy's ass is really gross and humiliating and that turns me on)
spit bukkake, girl on girl piss drinking.
my fave porn is where two japanese girls get milk enemas then all the other girls in their gym class piss on them.
basically humiliation type stuff with body fluids.

stuff like bdsm, ropes, bondage etc does nothing for me. i don't like seeing people get physically hurt.

I have this sometimes

16:10 for you then.

They have bigger fingers than your dick

To who?

got elephantiasis do they

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a/s/l please respond

do any fembots watch amateur interracial porn? i want to talk to you.

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way to ruin a thread fag

I read hentai, big fan of asanagi

how do you mean? a thread about different genres of porn, but then interracial isn't allowed?

I require the name of that slut.

Painal, violent rape, pretty much anything where the girl is in pain

lola foxx123123

100% juice with no additives

The girl. Girl on guy femdom isn't my thing.
Again, because it usually shows them getting hurt, and that's a turnoff for me.

I've always wondered if there were any that liked straight loli. And what makes it appealing to them if so.

just go the reddits cuck sub. im sure they have one

>double penetration
Not something I would do irl, but pretty hot to watch.
>lesbian strap-on sex
I'm not a lesbian, but I found a bunch of pictures on my brother's old computer and since then I've come to like it so much that it's easily one my favorite fetishes.
But seriously I would unironically let my brother fuck me if he wanted to. It helps that's he's fairly muscular and hairy and from talking with his (now ex) gf, I want to see if she was telling the truth about how big his dick is. Sadly, he's too dense to ever do more than look at my cleavage or ass.
I don't like the really abusive stuff, but damn I want to get ass smacked.
>dildo masturbation
I only really watch this when I'm using my dildos, but I don't like the anal stuff.
I fantasize about about my brother and his ex fucking on my bed and making me watch and clean them with my mouth. I'm fucked up, I know.
Sadly, I will never grow a dick but futa-on-futa is hot as hell to watch.

I always thought guys would be more humiliated having a girl give them a rim job than giving one themselves
I certificate think so

just post the links here m8

cuckquean stuff probably.

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Most of the time i watch guys jerking off or "incest" stuff

How much of your brother's porn did you watch?

Kill yourself cuck, nobody likes you. But I bet you enjoy hearing that.

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Give sauce, I like girls with hairy pussies masturbating.

Source pls!!!!


you're insecure as fuck. it's just porn, faggot. you have to differentiate between porn and reality.

Are you the black guy who was complaining that interracial porn is all YES FUCK ME WITH YOUR BESTIAL NIGGERCOCK YOU SAVAGE BRUTE instead of normal sex?

I'm a man and I hate watching interracial btw

That's a valid perspective, but I'd say the person who has the other person's shit particles in their mouth is the one being dominated. That's my take.

I often fantasize about rimming a guy, then sucking on his balls and perinium while I jerk him off.

I think I could only do it if I really loved him.
There's something so intimate and debasing about it.

I've talked to guys online about it but most of them aren't that into it. Or if they are it's just a fantasy, they wouldn't have the balls to do it irl.

>tl;dr: real men would let their girl rim them

>What we enjoy as people doesn't affect reality in anyway.
Can you guess what this is?

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I need to brush up on my latin

>you're insecure as fuck
>can only get off to cuckold porn

if you were so secure, wouldn't you be able to pleasure your own whore?

No you don't get it, it's kinda like how the only way to win a war is to surrender and be blown off the face of the earth.

I've always considered the one giving to be the dominant one

Although I'm a bit of an outlier since I fantasize about performing cunnilingus as much as anything else, but I cannot imagine most guys want girls anywhere near their asshole

So idk
It would take a lot to let a girl lick my ass

boy benis :DDDDD

And here I thought you could win the war instead of being a submissive cuck and letting the enemy crush you and your country

>every girl is a sub
>not a single woman has fucked up fantasies of degrading and dehumanizing other people

this is a cosmos of constant disappointment. this entire universe is specifically designed to disappoint me. i will never experience satiation and i will never feel whole. i hate existing and i want for this world to be destroyed.

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I usually look at cumdump hentai. That and reverse cowgirl but out in public. Or the kind of porn where the girl isn't showing she's into it and doing other things.

Nah dude. That's what they want, so you're letting them win.

>Or the kind of porn where the girl isn't showing she's into it and doing other things.
that sounds hot as fuck, specially if she slowly starts to get into it, you got any favorites?

yes, it's normal human behavior. i watch interracial porn because it's nice porn to watch. you really have to realize that porn is not reality, otherwise i'm afraid you have taken porn a step too far.

normal people can differentiate between porn and reality. you can't.

when you watch porn that doesn't mean your sexual fantasy is about watching a guy fuck a girl. the image of a guy fucking a girl is simply more stimulating for your brain than watching just the girl.

i don't watch cuckold porn, cuckolding is where a guy watches another guy fuck his wife. i watch interracial porn. dumbass.

there is no politics or white genocide conspiracies. i just watch the porn because it looks hot. you know, like most people. why would this be the case for every genre of porn but then when someone says interracial, people on r9k freak the fuck out. it's hilarious to see you scream over something so petty.

no, white guy

>i watch interracial porn. dumbass.

>cuckold porn with just more letters

whatever you say little cuck

am i missing something here? i said i watch interracial porn, not cuckold porn. i don't like cuckold porn.
interracial = sex between two different races
cuckold = letting your wife have sex with another man

>normal people can differentiate between porn and reality. you can't.
Nobody is saying that porn is reality schlomo. They're saying that you being a cuck is reality.
>is about watching a guy fuck a girl
Then why do you specifically watch interracial then? What In your non cuck head, makes you attracted to that?
>don't watch cuckold porn
If you specifically watch interracial porn where you're not the same race as the guy, and you don't just watch it because you came by it, but you actually sought it out. Then you're a cuck, and you're watching cuck porn.
>white genocide conspiracies
Wasn't implying that.

Diff user, but I forgot this is also one of my kinks.

Usually newsreader scenarios, or where the news girl is interviewing people as she's getting fucked and everyone is acting normal.

Female teacher getting fucked in front of her class is good. Or where the girl is cooking or cleaning the house, and a guy is fucking her and it's like she doesn't even notice.
There's something really hot about it.

My gf rims me all the time. I think she's just obsessed with my ass though. She'd probably peg me if she could get away with it.

But until then her tongue goes into my asshole while she jerks me off.

Is it common for girls to be into gay male stuff the same way it's common for guys to be into lesbians? Not even necessarily videos, photos/stories/whatever does the job

Uh duh
They're probably more into gay stuff than men are since all men care about is lesbian porn
My sister told me way too graphic details about when she watched Top Gun with her friends

>There's something really hot about it.
sure as hell is specially if she is over come by pleasure and starts to slowly get into it.

can literally see when she starts to get into it

I don't understand why you're trying to act like it's cuckold porn. It pretty much is. You go out of your way to watch black dudes fuck white chicks.

That's literally what being a cuck is about. You're a cuck, just accept it my guy

i watch lesbian pron because i got tired of comparing dick sizes
on the other hand fujos are a stereotype

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You people are fucking revolting.

Sat next to a chick on a greyhound and her phones background was tentacle on male.

Most of it was pictures on his old hard drive, but he had quite a bit. Around 800 to 1000 pics, but the majority of it was girls fucking each other.

That's fucking hot desu
Not the background itself, but the fact that she had it as her background

>Nobody is saying that porn is reality schlomo. They're saying that you being a cuck is reality.
explain how i'm a cuck? i don't like cuckold porn and i wouldn't be turned on by watching my gf have sex with someone else if i had one.

>Then why do you specifically watch interracial then? What In your non cuck head, makes you attracted to that?
it's kinda like orc porn or something. an outlandish brute fucking a petite, pale feminine girl. i like great contrasts. so in porn i like watching a very big masculine man fuck a very small feminine girl, and there is a great contrast between black men and white girls. occasionally i also watch white men fuck black girls, but i like black men on white girls more, since i find white girls more attractive. but there are definitely some attractive black girls out there that i like to watch in interracial porn. namely brittney white (pic related)

>If you specifically watch interracial porn where you're not the same race as the guy
why would i have to be the same race as the guy? the fuck is that about? it's not an RPG you dummy, it's porn.
in your mind, do you also have to look like the man in the porn to not be a cuck? so let's say, if you have brown hair, are you cucked for watching porn with a blond man? your reasoning is ridiculous, but at the same time i'm fascinated and i want to learn more about you.

>Wasn't implying that.

>You go out of your way to watch black dudes fuck white chicks.
>That's literally what being a cuck is about.

i don't know what else to tell you, your definitions are plain wrong.

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Usually pretty vanilla, romantic fanfic. Sometimes impregnation or gentle femdom.

>You go out of your way to watch black dudes fuck white chicks.



various fiction on archiveofourown.

last time i really looked for something i found this fic of moira dominating this subby feminine girl

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Are you into cuckquean outside of the incestuous context?

your reasoning is phenomenal, user. i can tell you're a critical thinker.

>i like great contrasts
Watch BWWM
>very big masculine man fuck a very small feminine girl
So why do you go for black men then, instead of white men?
>since i find white girls more attractive
Yeah, sure. Totally.
>do you also have to look like the man in the porn to not be a cuck
No, but If you go out of your way (like you do) to watch porn where the man is so different from you, then that is pretty cucked.
>your definitions are plain wrong.
You're ability to understand nuance and anything outside of dictionary definitions, is severely lacking.

I love all that homemade stuff, like stuff where you can almost imagine they dont even know that the camera is there.

I only speak the truth

Not really, I think it's just because incest irl in so taboo that I wouldn't mind it if it involves my brother and me, even if I'm not the one getting fucked. So pretty much just in the context of incest.

Would I do that with my (nonexistent) boyfriend and some other girl? No way.

I look at /h/ and eromanga sometimes, but mostly I just have long romantic fantasies about cute boys from fiction, and eventually it gets around to lovey-dovey handholding sex.
>tfw will never say "I love you" to a 3dpd with the same intensity of emotion I whisper in my head to 2d

You'll get there someday. Just be careful you aren't taken advantage off.

>Watch BWWM
you did not read all of my post. evident by the fact that i have already mentioned this. i will quote myself in the hope that you'll read it this time: "occasionally i also watch white men fuck black girls, but i like black men on white girls more, since i find white girls more attractive. but there are definitely some attractive black girls out there that i like to watch in interracial porn. namely brittney white"

>So why do you go for black men then, instead of white men?
because i can watch them fuck white girls with a big contrast. it's only the combination of black men and white girls that is attractive to me, not black cock by itself. i find white cocks more attractive. if i were gay i'd want a cute white boyfriend.

>Yeah, sure. Totally.
does that not make sense? i'm a white man so i'm mostly attracted to white girls.

>No, but If you go out of your way (like you do) to watch porn where the man is so different from you, then that is pretty cucked.
no, that's not cucked. that's interracial porn. cuckolding is where you watch your wife have sex with another man.
also, think of it this way: even if you only have a 4 inch dick, does that mean you can only watch porn where the man has a 4 inch penis too? is it wrong to watch big dick porn if you have a small dick? no. watching big dicks fuck a girl is simply more appealing to watch.

>You're ability to understand nuance and anything outside of dictionary definitions, is severely lacking.
your*. i can tell your linguistic skills are subpar also evident by your incorrect usage of the word cuck. but that's ok.

you're wrong

>lovey-dovey handholding sex.
The best kind (not that I would know but it seems like the best)

Women don't masturbate. Biggest lie of all time.

>You'll get there someday.
Doubtful. 3dpd are repulsive. I've dated a lot, I mean a LOT, of them, and all I ever felt was mild or not-so-mild disgust. 2d are superior.

>3dpd are repulsive
>I've dated a lot, I mean a LOT
gotta love whore irony

>occasionally i also watch white men fuck black girls
I was more speaking about how you should do that all the time instead.
>fuck white girls with a big contrast
>Listen guys it's the contrast, I swear I'm not a cuck really, I just watch it for the contrast, trust me.
>does that not make sense? i'm a white man so i'm mostly attracted to white girls.
You're mostly attracted to white girls who fuck black men.
Learn to understand that meanings of word evolve.
>even if you only have a 4 inch dick, does that mean you can only watch porn where the man has a 4 inch penis too?
Do I have to repeat myself? If have a 4 inch penis, and you "go out of your way" to watch porn, where the guys have huge dongers. Then that is pretty cucked.
>your*. i can tell your linguistic skills are subpar also evident by your incorrect usage of the word cuck. but that's ok.
I mean, sure my grasp of the English language isn't perfect, so what?

Ok, lets say for a moment you aren't the giant cuck that you are... Could you at the very least agree that (whether or not it was you who posted it), this post comes off as incredibly cucky.
I mean if you just like watching "cuck shit" for the contrast off it, then you shouldn't be interested in woman who watch it. And being interested in women who prefer black men, as white man, is pretty cucked?

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I mean isnt it?

>I've dated a lot, I mean a LOT, of them, and all I ever felt was mild or not-so-mild disgust
Here I kinda felt like I was actually responding to a semi decent human being. But the fact that you would date "a LOT" of people, even tough you seem to get no real joy from it, tells me that I might be wrong.