On what day do you start feeling icky after not taking a shower? I feel it in day 3

On what day do you start feeling icky after not taking a shower? I feel it in day 3

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I have not showered in 3 weeks.

Shower after day 4 and clean myself every second day

fuck yeah me too

3 to 4 days.

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I shower every night before bed. When camping I can manage day 3 before feeling vile.

1 day, maybe less

But that's because of normies

day 3. it starts to set in when my hands feel dry
i've gone 3 months without showering as a NEET... it takes multiple showers to recover from that

Honestly I miss the 1950s and stuff when people only bathed once a week. I hate that uncleanliness is stigmatized, it's good for you, builds your immune system.

>implying I don't feel disgusting all the time

Showering is a chore, but I started showering multiple times a day after normies made me paranoid about stinking in high school.
To be fair, I can't stand other people's BO or bad breath either.

If I walk into a room and someone is cooking something, I have to go wash my hair, even if I just washed it 10 minutes before.

I have pretty strong body odour and people can smell it across the room if I don't wear deodorant, and it makes me sick after a while, usually after 12 hours or so I start to stink again.

I genuinely don't care, I feel the same all the time it's just the smell that motivates me to shower when I have to go outside or if someone wants to come over.

Either day 2 or 3. Currently on day 6 for some reason.

In middle and high school, I showered pretty much every day. Now, I consider it too frequent if I shower once a week. Sometimes, I'll only take two showers a month.

yeah fucking right if you want to die at thirty you ooga booga cave man

In the summer I feel pretty gross every day so I try to shower a couple times a week, but in the winter I can go months without showering.

Only a day. Doesn't help that it's around -17F outside and any moisture in your body is sapped away instantly.

I start to feel icky if I go 24 hours without. I usually shower twice a day at least

A warm shower is incredibly comfy. I shower twice a day. I at least shower in the morning, or my day is effectively ruined because I'll be self-conscious about my hair being greasy.

I can't imagine showering once a week.

I have long hair so day 2 if it's humid or warm. Day 3 if I wear a hat.

Tits or gtfo cunt slut


It takes about 20 minutes until I start feeling like a disgusting ball of oil. I dont understand how this happened.

Does your pussy get really raunch?

I too shower twice a day although when depressed or in psychosis, I'll go a couple days. Usually it's around day 2 that I realize how absolutely disgusting I feel.

Every day after work, I don't like feeling the oil and salt on skin. I'd say 4 days is my max on weekends if I'm just lounging around the house, my hair starts to feel greasy and I really don't like that.

Never. It's my own smell, why would it bother me?
Showering is the worst desu

I commonly go 2 to 3 weeks and still feel good