Women Hate Thread - 2019 Edition

Will women finally go extinct and replaced by cute anime androids this year?

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I hope not, how will I get a gf if they all die?

there was an official ceasefire thread

Roasties don't belong in this place, soiboi.

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I wish one would suck on my balls

I didn't read the whole thread but I think they decided on "don't ask don't tell" so posting "femanon here" would be a violation of the ceasefire.

You can always get a sex robot.

But can the robot love me?

robots are incapable of love, hence this thread

Fuck niggers.
And fuck women.

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Oh shit, witty
I like it

fucking BASED beyond words, good job

>Will women finally go extinct and replaced by cute anime androids this year?
oh dear god I fucking hope so. please.
allah wills it

Every day we're closer to it user
The future is now

Kindapping user
it's the only way. Pump and dump

women CAN be robots you idiot

A ceasefire wouldn't necessarily rule out the existence of women hate threads. After all, women hate threads are native to Jow Forums. Arguing their existence is like fighting the Chinese Army with a toothpick. You don't do it.

They must be contained.

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I was here when they started banning the timestamped threads and anything legitimate ended there.
as for the women hate threads what is their purpose? there is no accomplishment in women hate for a board where robots don't have women on their mind.

you meant the existence of women hate threads and not the existence of a woman on the board.
my retardation

>try to go after girls
>can't text with them for shit
>finally get a gf
>she's the same as all the other dumb bitches despite liking me and being interested
>one word replies
>contributes nothing to convos


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thats why we need allah in islam women are ur slaves amen brothers

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