Reminder to all white robots in 2019 to take the NatSoc pill, followed by the God pill

Reminder to all white robots in 2019 to take the NatSoc pill, followed by the God pill.

>Become connected with your ancestors and Creator
>Motivate you to exercise your body and mind to glorify your race and God
>Give your life purpose
>Shed degeneracy (alcoholism, drugs, fapping, self-loathing)


Watch the Greatest Story Never Told and read the Book of John.

Godspeed anons. Heil Hitler, Deus Vult, and God bless you all.

Come to sixteen divided by two chins for further truth bombs once you have completed this preliminary step.

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Other urls found in this thread:

You can't be a nazi and worship god in a way that is acceptable to him, idiot

>Become a white nationalism
>Embrace a theological system written by/for kikes and sandniggers
Okay m8.

National Socialism is compatible with Christianity.

>Embrace a theological system written by/for kikes and sandniggers

>Christianity is the basis of the entire morality of Germany
>Hitler will never forsake God
>Hitler defending Christianity
>Christianity and religion in Hitler's Germany
>Debunking the anti-Christian myth
>Christianity is not Jewish
>Adolf Hitler and Christianity
>Debunking the Myths of "Nazi Occultism"
>Hitler and Christianity
>Hitler and Christianity - Smoloko
>Was Catholic Hitler "Anti-Christian"?
>Positive Christianity in the Third Reich - D. Cajus Fabricius
>Positive Christianity in the Third Reich


What about the NazBol pill?

I was originally ironically Heil Hitler, but now unironically Heil Hitler.

>All these links
>Literally all rationalizing bullshit. Christianity is fucking Judaism 2.0: Special Gentile Edition and you're a dickless faggot for boosting it. Piss off with your goddamn semite fairy tales you fucking cuck.

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Christianity is not Judaism. inb4 "yes it is". Jesus was a self hating jew who called out the merchants and the rabbis for being the corrupt money lenders they were.

>Shed degeneracy (alcoholism, drugs, fapping, self-loathing)
you can fuck off

>Literally all rationalizing bullshit

How much of it did you read/watch :^)?

>and Creator
who exactly?

>Now user, you ain't getting into this Nazi shit are ya? Because if so we might have a problem.

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>National Socialism is compatible with Christianit
no it fucking isn't. Nazism is distinctly a germanic movement. They changed the lyrics to Silent Night so it made no reference to Christ or christianity for fuck's sake.
>b-buh what about all the times Hitler praised Christ and christianity?
And? Mussolini would be considered a fedora tipper of the highest caliber nowadays, he still more for the vatican and for Roman Catholicism than any ruler before or since. Why? Because Italy was majority catholic. Germany was also majority christian, so the Nazi Party couldn't just say "oh btw you're all a bunch of retards getting fooled by the jews so your religion is now banned" without suffering major backlash. They needed to slowly dismantle it from within, and then they could do as they pleased. Fucking imbecile.

he actually saves all these biased links to spam threads. i dont know whats more sad about that

Mussolini was also a notorious rapist

>Nazism is distinctly a germanic movement.

National socialism is an ideology for all peoples, it was expressed as Germanic national socialism because it was only done in Germany.

>Fucking imbecile

Stay mad

I'm glad you didnt read or watch anything I posted though :^)

Yeah I get all that, but race is the most important thing, period. Don't think worshiping some old man in the sky is equally important to your people on this earth.

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>no argument besides u mad ecks dee
Yes bro, all the allusions and aesthetics of ancient germanicism, the PAGAN symbolism everywhere, all of that had nothing to do with germanicism, and everything to do with a foreign abrahamic religion whose messiah is the king of all jews.

Literally all of that is possible without touching National Socialism in the slightest

Sad how crypto-fascism actually works

Is Jow Forums just an lgbt, pol, and b circle jerk now. It all gay shit and pol tier threads.

What if I'm 1/8 jewish? And the rest of my ancestry is russian? Seems antithetical to nazism desu.

>hasn't heard of positive christianity
>is too furious to read research literally spoonfed to him

Remain irate

How am I supposed to explain to my Asian gf if I take the NatSoc pill?

Bible literally calls the Jews "Synagogue of Satan"

Facism, and natsoc is pretty fucking stupid to identify with.
I'm a libertarian who can recognize that in times of crisis we need decisive military action.
The 60 year long (and counting) invasion of the United states is more than enough to warrant three years of martial law. The militarry needs to remove illegals, at all costs. Legal citizens who are not white need to be shipped to liberia, or peurto rico, or something.
A wall needs to be built, and the traitors in our government who allowed this to happen need to b made an example of.
Bottom line is, America needs to be white again. I'm talking 56% to 100%.
If we all agree on that then the means to that end really dont matter all that much, but I will say that endorsing dictatorship over democracy in the long term is an incredibly shortsighted way to look at this.

>endorsing dictatorship over democracy

Democracy got us into this mess. National Socialism (the belief the state exists to serve the people) is not fascism (the belief the people exist to serve the state).

>positive Christianity
>They needed to slowly dismantle it from within, and then they could do as they pleased.
Do I need to bring up the Poem Hitler wrote during WWI about Wotan? Not christ, not God, Wotan.

Oh look we got a fucking edgy twelve year old here. Got off Jow Forums fucking retard

Yes. It's just everything that would be rejected from there. It's pretty much what /trash/ is. And it's pretty sad.

stay mad kid lmfao

>gets BTFO
>u- u mad!
The absolute STATE of christkeks.

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I'm not arguing there wasn't an ancient Germanic revivalist strain in Germanic National Socialism. I'm arguing it National Socialism is compatible with Christianity.

It is well established that Hitler quickly drew away from the esoteric world of the volkisch movement, because he did not want the kind of secret society of initiates that characterised that tradition. He wanted to build a mass movement. As a result, in Mein Kampf he wrote strongly in support of the Catholic Church and its traditions of authority and dogma. He even mocked pagan LARPers as nerds wearing winged helmets in MK.

So overall read Mein Kampf and then read the links I posted. The clock has struck 12 here and I am fulfilling my pledge to leave Jow Forums. Peace out madboi. Angrily reply to this post btw even though I wont be here to read it. Top kek!

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>gets BTFO
>has to run like a coward
typical jew.

wow good job you really got em

Thats just your personal opinion. I'd personally say that you can't be a liberal and worship God in a way that is acceptable to him.

>National socialism
You're off to a pretty bad start at the recruitment process, user

Oh I see. Its okay because he was a self hating jew and once mentioned that jews were being greedy.

Fuck off. All monotheistic religions are jewish religions. They always will be and always have been. You've been had by jews yet again. There is more than one god you silly fucking fools. Everybody knew this before your kike faggot showed up.

Reminder that all collectivism is anti robot. The point of being a robot is that you're hated by the collective and exist outside of it. Im not gonna fight for the same people who treated me like trash and still continue to do so just because they're white.

If you're an actual robot and not a retard from Jow Forums, becoming any kind of nationalist is being a prime cuck. You're gonna fight so that Chad and Stacy can bully you more efficiently now that they dont have to deal with Tyrone and Jamal anymore.

>take the NatSoc pill, followed by the God pill.
someone isnt very familiar with actual nazism lmao

>rationalizing bullshit
Is this projection? No other peoples of earth, the entire fucking planet, believed in a single god. The only people in all of history to ever believe in only one god were juden. Keep sucking that jew dick. I'm sure one day your soul will truly be saved by the one true jewish god you all worship. You literally worship the same fucking god and yet you pretend you aren't a fool. The only difference between you and jews is the belief in the stories of a jew named Jesus and how epic and cool he was.

Did you just say you're against fascism but in support of forcefully removing legal citizens because they're not white

I hate sandniggers as much as the next guy but you're very much not a libertarian user

Did normalfags actually like this interactive movie?

>everything i dont like is normies

No its mostly plebbit newfags like you who don't put brackets around board names. The few actually decent Jow Forums threads left are destroyed by people like you who hate those stupid evil virgin right wingers!

You are cancer. Every post you makes adds to the degradation of this website. You came here because it used to be a good website. You turned it into a shit website. Now you bitch that the website is shit, all because you were too much of a faggot to lurk moar.

You're not a robot. The people who treated you like trash were not a collective but a group of individuals. Humans naturally form collectives. You are an actual faggot and I know for a fact you are just another normalfag. Normalfags like you only see whats in front of their face. Some people bullied you and now your views on society are based on a grudge or personal gain. The amount of robots in existence would drastically decrease in a national socialist society. People are retarded NPCs, it is not their fault they are led astray. Become a programmer and lead them towards a proper path. They will always bully but it would be minimized. The amount of 30 year olds without wives and children and purpose in life would drastically decrease. You aren't fighting for chad to bully you more, you are fighting to turn chads bullying into something productive and turn stacies into good loyal housewives for all men.

Didn't the Nazi party co-opt the shit outta Christianity turning it into "Positive Christianity"? Which was just essentially a tool to help further the states own agenda? I don't think the nazis could allow an ideology that took importance away from theirs. You're either Christian or a nazi, both are pretty incompatiable with each other.

How else would someone be able to enjoy a interactive movie? Its not a good movie and its not a good video game.

But why? At least you're not like a closet nazi who spouts retarded shit like muh crime or muh iq. You're just a retarded stubborn nazi that hates brown people. Be glad most people arent like you.

I can't take it because I already took the nazbol pill

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Fuck off, wignat.

Bump originigilio

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Democracy is what led to this horrible abomination on the first place. You are lying to yourself if you think it will ever be any different. Allowing normalfags the right to vote is not a good idea. They are retarded and easily manipulated. They will eventually vote for retarded policies for more security. They will eventually allow women to vote. Democracy is tyranny of the majority. Even worse, the only people who actually vote are extremists. Normalfags don't give a shit about politics at all. So you have a system that only very opinionated people will participate in effecting the entire country.

Absolute nut case. He is just saying for these nazis to take their politcal shit back to pol ( or gay shit back to lgbt).
I hate you Pol tards. I used to be all for free speech but than I saw how Pol niggers invaded almost every board and try to shove some schizophrenic MUH JEWS or MUH WHITE GENOCIDE on every thread. You should be hanged

>If I say muh before something it automatically makes it incorrect
Please explain why the strong correlation between crime, iq and race is someone how retarded?
As opposed to believing everything is up to personal determination rather than luck of the genetic lottery.

At what point did you guys realize Socialism with Chinese Characteristics is the only viable way forward?

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This board and Jow Forums would both be so much better if you collectivist retards all killed yourselves.

I said muh because closet nazis will advocate for deporting ALL brown people because of crime statistics they got off a pol infographic. And iq, lol ask any nazi how about deporting low iq whites as well and he'll say some crackpot shit about culture.

>The amount of robots in existence would drastically decrease in a national socialist society.
that's bad.

>this entire thread
go back

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You are a newfag. Its Jow Forums not pol. Stop posting and lurk more. You really don't know what you are talking about. We didn't invade every board. I browsed Jow Forums before I browsed Jow Forums. I'd like this place to go back to the way it was just as much as you but it won't. Jow Forums is the least of your problems on this website. 9/10 faggots here are from plebbit. I bet 5/10 people here still browse plebbit and Jow Forums depending on their mood. They think everything on this website is just irony. They are here because its were the "cool" kids hang out. These people are far more cancerous than any person spouting nigger ever could be. Look at the catalogue. There is one Jow Forums thread. 10 faggot threads. 10 threads that start with IMAGINE insert stupid scenario. 20 personality threads. 5 race bait threads. 20 so my gf broke up with me threads. 10 incels are evil threads ect ect ect.
Jow Forums is the least of your worries. If anything you should promote racism, sexism, pedophilia and anything else youd think normies find repulsive. Pro tip; they really really hate pedophilia with a passion.

These ideologies always get taken over by dumb, power hungry ultra chads anyway. All the original "intellectuals" of the movement get purged once the party is put in place and the people who were promised to get loving wives and shit just get thrown into gulags. This how these ideologies ALWAYS end up. They always get co-opted puritanical retards. At least NEETS are tolerated in a liberal democracy.

>The amount of robots in existence would drastically decrease in a national socialist society
can you back that up?

>everything right wing center is a nazi
Iq is used as proof that race exists and it may determine IQ. The current narrative is that race is a social construct. Iq and race correlations are not a discussion of who to deport and why but a discussion of the correlation between genetics and intelligence.

Nope the same way you can't back up the idea that Chads and Stacies would bully you for being a virgin in a fascist society. I sincerely doubt people would bully you for virginity in a world that cherishes the beauty of saving yourself for marriage.
I truly believe a society that pushed you to your limits would produce less robots than our current society that allows children to become lazy.

Literally nothing of what you said is true in the least. People were not promised wives. NEETs are not tolerated in liberal democracy at all. At least no more than they were in Germany.

>you are not a robot goy, trust me it is i who supports normalfaggotry who is the real robot, now why dont you suck this nice chad dick, its white did you know that?

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Christianity is proto communism.

The things you listed I find great but NatSoc argument are as fucking retarded as they get

OP is bluepilled. It literally doesn't fucking matter if you're a "NatSoc", fascist, ancap, or whatever the fuck meme ideology that is completely incompatible with modern society. Enlightenment comes from within and can only start within. Stop consuming garbage ideology. Enlightenment will naturally lead you to solutions, probably traditionalist in nature. Also Christianity is to a great degree cancer. Become a chad amoralist and explore polytheism, monotheism, animism and extract the meaning of humanity and central absolute virtues and take these into your life and manifest the reality your soul demands.

>he thinks national socialism is about """white""" nationalism



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Socialism doesn't work even if you guise it under Nationalism you retard.

Being a robot involves isolation and self-loathing, which leads to excessive contemplation. In order to be a National Socialist, you have to not think about things very deeply. You won't find many converts here for these reasons.

Are you here because this is the only board other than Jow Forums that won't just say 'fuck off' in most replies? Because we literally cannot do that here.

I'm a Communist Nationalist though

>Become connected with your ancestors

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[insert nazbol text here]

I'm very in tune with my ancestors. I plow fields every mooring.

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hale hortler praise kek XD

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My ancestors worshipped cheezus for about 500 years and the old gods for 10,000+. Which ones do I become connected with? The tippy top NSDAP were all pagans/occultists/atheists. So was Mussolini.

I've just got to say, as a mixed race man, I definitely appreciate the company of literal Nazis way more than libs. Yeah sure, some of the right might want me dead, but at least they're a respectable people that have just reasons for most of their actions. They just want to survive. Wish there was a way I could support you guys more openly, but there's no realistic way to do that.

white cock gargling, self-hating, uncle tom

The only way to be winning is to align yourself with the downfall of humanity. Make it your higher goal. Anything else and you will shoulder all of mankinds sins. Every happy person today are supporting the descent. Take the black pill or the pink pill if you want to succeed in 2019.

I'm no nazi but I'll take these guys over the sissies, trannies and fags anyday.

Its not just personal opinion, it's also theological consensus.

And being a liberal is based on tolerance, which is an important Christian virtue (and has been ever since Jesus invited whoever was without sin to cast the first stone). God wants liberality; there's no feature of it that prevents you worshipping God in a way that's acceptable to Him.

If you read the full bible, it's not really suitable for natsoc. Can we just have the New Testament and scrap the old? It's really interesting to read but there is a bunch of Jewey shit in there that I don't care for.

What if I'm 1/256 native?

Paganism is dead and all the original material is gone. All modern "pagans" are larpers.

>this image is meant to be cringe
>normal happy kids are becoming alt right
>lmao he has braces and he's a little dorky!
>lmao grades! He goes to school and has a good family lmao.
>he's going to be a working, tax paying, voting citizen one day
Wow yeah you really showed us.

you cant follow a god and be a nazi, fucking underage faggots acting like they're revolutionary national socialists.

its time