Jow Forums I'm kind of scared right now, can someone with medical knowledge please give me some advice?

Jow Forums I'm kind of scared right now, can someone with medical knowledge please give me some advice?

I'm very scared I might have sepsis.

My arm has been feeling weird for a lot of the past day and I just found this mark. It feels like a long bump so I think it might be from a vein or something.

A few days ago I stuck that hand down a toilet to unclog it so could it be an infection from that or something?

>Severe sepsis or septic shock can also cause complications. Small blood clots can form throughout your body. These clots block the flow of blood and oxygen to vital organs and other parts of your body. This increases the risk of organ failure and tissue death (gangrene).

Does that look like a bloodclot?

If not what is it and should I be worried?

Also that the inner forearm in case thats not clear.

Attached: muh arm.jpg (3663x2427, 1.23M)

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was there any open wound on your arm when you were fucking with the toilet?

If you're truly scared, call 9/11 and explain everything to them as fast as possible.
There's nothing embarrassing about life and death.

Extreme fear is a common thing when somethings about to go wrong.

t. medfag dropout

This is morgellons disease and is very original

You're fine. You would be feeling like absolute shut and worse by the hour if you had sepsis

I don't think so, but I picked up broken glass earlier in the day with it so its possible there might've been a small cut or something idk

Attached: wojak help.png (499x513, 283K)

I'm been feeling kind of shitty for the past few days though.

Its 4 am and I'm at my parents house though, could I wait until its daytime?

Do you have fever OP?

holy shit dude, my uncle had the almost same mark as you and he lost his arm to this same thing (it was in another arm area), the doctors didnt dont whats whats up, until it was too late. he sued for medical negligence (still going on btw). im so sorry OP

I'm gonna check be back in a minute

if you want to save the trip to the hospital - open it up, scrub it out, alcohol the shit out of it, take a bunch of aspirin for the next week

Sleep it off and have your parents or somebody watch over you.
If you feel worse tomorrow, check in asap.

don't do this OP, if you're worried, just go to the hospital

It turned up 98.1

user I'm fearful not stupid

So it is a blood clot?

I thought they used special stitches to heal veins after removing clots. he'll just bleed profusely without stitches

no, but what'll happen if you go to the hospital - they'll open it up and scrub it out. They will give you much better medicine than aspirin though - if you know anyone with extra antibiotics that'd be best

he said it might be sepsis, I'm not saying it's a clot - if its a bacterial infection through a wound, they will do exactly as I said

Don't fucking do this. Just goto a hospital. Even without insurance you should be fine.

If you had sepsis you'd feel like total fucking shit, I mean you'd be basically bed ridden and weak

About how long does sepsis ussually take? I stuck my hand down the toilet around 3 days ago.

I don't know about bedridden but I've felt pretty weak. I've mostly just been playing vicky 2 for the past few days haven't done anything physical, and there was a weird point a couple days ago where I felt really dizy like I was gonna throw up or pass out or something.

the most characteristic sign of infection is fever, your temperature is normal. If you really have sepsis you'll need aggressive anti-biotics, never medicate yourself though. I'm a med student but I can't diagnose shit just reading your posts.

Again, if you're worried, just go to tue hospital

Alright I'll go with your plan I guess user, hopefully I don't die in my sleep.

well are you still pissing on the same schedule? Check your heart rate out as well - hopefully you know your resting one. But, as some anons here have told you - my idea is kind of stupid - I've never had sepsis but I've closed my own wounds to prevent infection.

First time I did it - I went to the doctor and said I was stupid, but it worked. Then he described what would happen if I waited and went in with it infected... thank god I did it, because it was a wound that would've needed stitches near my left eye.

Don't believe you can get sepsis in 3 days though

Does it take longer or shorter? I definitely think there's probably something wrong with me, but would be kind of relieved if I could rule out sepsis.

I've being peeing pretty regularly. Now that I think about it I might be peeing a bit less but thats hard to tell. I don't know my resting heart rate so I can't really tell with that one.

longer, so if your parents have insurance and you're on it? Just go - but start paying attention to your urine schedule and pain. Keep track of your body temp too.

Just keep tabs on symptoms, mental/physical, and evaluate what to do from there. If you're progressively getting worse and you know it, don't take a chance. I had "acne" that turned out to be stage 3 melanoma.
Your doctor was right. But it was better than doing nothing.
Doubt it's sepsis, but you never know. I don't doubt something's wrong.
Resting is when you haven't physically exerted yourself. Just sitting on the couch, laying down, standing, etc.
You don't have to count necessarily, just realize if it's faster than when you last checked, if it's way slower than normal, any anomalies.

Thanks a lot for the help guys. Gonna go to bed and then go to a doctor or something tomorrow.

Here's a delightful musical number for your trouble

Attached: the very model of a modern major general.jpg (482x351, 121K)

lol I was a dumbass when I was younger, got into a fight, fell on a ping pool table and 6 cm from my temple and 6 cm from my left eyelid was opened up... Not gushing... Just bleeding a lot because of alcohol... Every drunk person there wanted to drive me to the hospital...

Drunk me, decided to burn it shut... lol that's the only way I could even measure it by feeling it... jesus I could have died or lost an eye.

That song was gay as hell. But no problem man. I wish all the best.
Hah I have similar experiences. We were all young dumb and full of rum at one point. I always say booze is the real killer and it's not because of cancer. And yeah that was a good choice to at least heal yourself up instead of ignore it. People don't realize how dangerous cuts are.

lol yeah since then - the scar isn't even that noticeable now - it was for a solid 3 months after I did it... lol just put a large width flathead screwdriver under a flame for some time.

how'd med school yo - lol I went school to be a lawyer but found a job as an armed contractor in DC - Nobody told me contracts can change every year.

>thinking doctors are anything other than the scariest thing on earth
some people go their whole life without ever having surgery and I hope I live like that. my wisdom teeth got removed many years ago and I can still feel where they are missing in my jaw.
terrifying stuff

Attached: plagueDoctor.png (150x182, 53K)

School went fine, but goddamn it was hard. Insane amounts of things to memorize, before during and AFTER. There's new studies and revisions every single day, so keep that in mind. I pursued something else after awhile, I just wasn't cut out for it all (impatient, wanting quick money). But the knowledge is super helpful. Anyways sorry you didn't really get to pursue law lol. At least you'll know how to rob a bank.
Don't be scared. But don't be dependent either. No one likes seeing a doc but shit happens.

I just don't like doctors, and no longer have insurance. So I fix my wounds myself. I had a great time when my wisdom teeth were removed, I asked the dental assistant if I had morning word, and apologized if I had an erection.

Its the drugs that make you feel funny

lol I became one of those guys called as backup in the navy yard shooting. I carried a gun, but wasn't there for it - great pay, military people decreased the chance of dying... but again... those contracts die out.

Wish I could carry on this conversation, but I gotta hit the hey.
Good luck with everything my man.

>see blurry picture of a slightly red spot along with a terrible description by a faggot OP that clearly has no idea what the words he's using mean
>"lmao just cut it open, pour alcohol in it and take aspirin"
Every time I hear /diy/ medicine horror stories, it's the fucking burgers.

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none of the practical elements of surgery scare me.
it's the idea that they might one day say they have to cut me open for a tumor or something and then stitch me together 'fixed'.
it's scary because I know I'd have to have the operation but it would be great to tell them I will not have surgery and I don't care if it kills me.