>NYE again >friends and I wanna finally get laid >come up with ultimate plan to get into a party and meet girls >Idea is to go around wriggling ourselves into random parties >nothing can go wrong >purchase packs of beer to act as a sort of offering >go to hip area outside of the city with lots of young people >listen for music around the streets >hesitant about knocking for a bit but finally build courage >find a house party but door is open and we just go in >Original plan was to knock and ask if there's a guy called Adam and if we can look for him inside >when we get in we just hope they let us stay >in reality we didn't ask anyone and we thought it was an easy in >we make ourselves at home >crack open the beers we brought >they tasted like hipster shit >almost undrinkable >still drink to look the part >so many chads and stacys >feel out of place >few minutes in some guy asks if we'd seen his RayBans >say no and help look for them a bit >he fucks off and we start talking >3 mins later chad rocks up smoking a cigarette >"hey boys what are you doing here" >friend says something >"yeah nah you're not invited" >mention Adam and how he invited us >"no Adam. leave" >agree to leave >"sorry we must have the wrong address" >the guy must be high or some shit >audibly annoyed >"nah you're not invited" >get up and try to pick up shit beers >"Nah nah that way" >feel a mist on back of my neck think nothing of it. >everyone staring >chads get mad >hear something about missing RayBans on the way out >friend grabbed the beers >we make a break for it. >talk about how we're never doing this again >mate says there's a massive spit on my back >tfw we couldn't even drink the beers because they were so horrible and should have left them >mfw we could have died on NYE
>redditors patiently waits for NYE to post their dumb greentexts Hope 2019 finds you dead
Caleb Bailey
I woke up in a strangers flat, in a skirt, with four sleeping men around me. And a bleeding asshole.
Be grateful.
Tyler Cox
how does one even get in this situation?
Robert Green
If me and my friends would have done this it would have became a fight when he spit on me no questions asked
Nolan Morales
Lmao. That sounded like a really stupid idea lmao. On my part, I got so wasted I couldn't get up at all. I got wasted to oblivion completely. God, what a fucking waste of time. This wasn't even fun. Well, back to praying and thinking about God.
>thinking you can just rock up to random parties Fucking idiots, you know every time someone goes to a 'random party' they know at least one person there, and have the social skills to fit into that kind of environment. If you have any anxiety about situations like this then you don't belong there, everyone who goes to these things is fully confident and comfortable around the volume and style of people that go to house parties. t. a guy who tried to force himself to go to parties and got his soul crushed
Ian Brooks
Is that such a good idea though on someone else's property with a bunch of other chads on their side It was my friend's idea. In hindsight it was utterly stupid and would never work. but he insisted that the "arty" parties in that area are so chill they let anyone in.
Jose Stewart
I go to random parties all the time where I don't know anyone
Elijah Flores
if you guys were chads you probably could have pulled it off.
Noah Murphy
Fuck. I can't believe this shit. It makes no sense. I've barely been in parties all my life and now I've acquired so many social skills I can just come into one and drink myself fucking crazy and I still don't see the point in it. I bet it's fucking easy being a party crasher. You just make up lies and look at them in the eye. It's easy. That fucking easy. But it makes no sense. Partying is boring. Normies are boring. Everything is boring and meaningless.
at least you an interesting experience to remember
David Davis
Alcohol. I only remember images.
Jace Richardson
jesus Christ I was about to say is going to a house party that easy in a big city? I fucking hate my life. then everything after that just sounded like hell and shit.
Blake Torres
How? is it even any good?
Dominic White
>Alcohol. I only remember images. How come people black out when drinking? I've literally drank to almost passing out the paramedics had to help me but I still remember everything that happened in detail. Do you have a weak hippocampus, bro?
depends on how you drink. the faster you drink the more it happens but yeah I dont have it happen much either. I kinda stop forgetting shit leading up to going to bed if I drink a shit ton but I know if something traumatic was happening id remember it as vivid as day
Brody Edwards
Yes, I had been drinking all night and then downed a quarter of a bottle of vodka during the 10 second countdown.
Joseph Turner
are you a girl or guy original?
Hunter Scott
So the current state of the literature says that basically:
1) Blacking out to the point of losing memory is something that only some percentage of the population can do. There's probably a genetic component. But it's definitely a physiological trait. So some people don't black out and lose there memory. And some people do
2) For people who do have the trait that makes it possible for them to black out and lose large chunks of memory, there is a worsening effect. It's very unclear why this would be, but if you're a person who blacks out and forgets big parts of the night, then every time you black out it's likely going to get worse. Over time (and over many blackouts) these people can end up getting to a place where they lose their memory of big ass chunks of their night.
Matthew Foster
Honestly, that sounds kind of fun. Certainly not ideal, but at least its an adventure. Way better than spending your night at home doing nothing on NYE
also I kind of agree with your friend. If you were a little more assertive you probably could have gotten accepted into the party hivemind. Since you were brave enough to try this one time, you should try again.
You really aren't that far from pulling it off
Carter Young
Scamming your way into a part on NYE is a great idea. it's very doable. You probably almost made it work. Once you're in and actually accepted it would have been a fun way to make some friends
But this makes no fucking sense:
>>friends and I wanna finally get laid >>come up with ultimate plan to get into a party and meet girls
You really thought that as a group of dudes who hadn't been invited to one party between you, that you could walk into a party where you didnt know anyone and just pull random girls. That would require heroic levels of charm.
You might have been able to make some friends, but the idea that a bunch of losers who can't make friends enough to have a party to go to on NYE, could slip into a party and fuck chicks is insane. If you can't convince a normie guy to like you then you have literally zero chance of convincing a normie girl to like you - let alone fuck you. Jesus
Luke Bennett
That actually is a good plan, you need to look around at how many people are in the party though because if it's too small you'll get noticed t. robot with cyborg friends that do this
Nolan Moore
bumplriguugh eyah
Nicholas Diaz
Had a real chance with a great girl for the first time in so long. Screwed it up by lieing on the floor and pretended to be asleep after she had invited me to sleep in her room. I was so thirsty, hot and uncomfortable but was too terrified to move.
Now i'm not going to see her for a few months and have shown I cannot follow through in anyway the last few times we've met.
Ayden Perez
>>friends and I wanna finally get laid i think your group has missed an obvious solution to this problem.
Sebastian Lewis
How many Brap hogs were there? BRAAAAAAAAAAAP
Brody Thompson
invite me next time, faglord. I want to see this happen in person.
It doesnt even require much charm I got into a random party once saying I liked their Christmas lights and girls always love seeing new guys to give them attention
Nicholas Russell
well I think that part was more of an appeal to the autistic stereotype of the board. I don't believe any of us had intentions to laid that night. The grand plan was to make more friends and eventually actually get invited to these events.
Ryder Peterson
It would be easy to make it look like an accident. My old neighbor was an italian mafia faggot that burned down his house after his divorce, and even though everyone knew it was him, he was never convicted.
Jason Flores
should have made chad prove his worth as a bouncer and ruined him
Hudson Adams
Should have just gone to another random party. I live in a college town and people do that shit all the time.
Frankly I would have made a scene though. I'm already max embarrassed at that point so I have no more dignity to lose lmao
Yeah sure for attractive guys like you it doesn't require much charm but everything is different for you people.
David Diaz
I drank so, so much everything was spinning, and even still i didn't stop drinking. So when it was time to go home...I felt completely normal. I was a little dizzy, but nothing serious, i envy you guys that can just lose your conscience over alcohol, i am not physically able to get drunk.
It's not that hard indeed, this one time i decide to travel by foot with some friends and we just happened to go past a party, most girls looked 16 to 20, they stopped to wave at us with a "Hiiii" If it weren't for our mission of getting to the city by 5 am we might just have stopped there for a while
Jaxon Russell
Around 4 liters of beer
Jackson Gray
>drank so much, everything was spinning >not physically able to get drunk I hate to break it to you, but it sounds like you were drunk.
Nathaniel Robinson
I think he means he is still able to think rationally and remember what he does instead of coordinating himself.
Luis Garcia
like 7-8 pints?
You can get drunk you just haven't been drinking enough.
Lmao so you went to a random party with a group of friends, which already makes you stick out if nobody knows you, unlike if you were alone or with like one other dude. And then you decided to just sit with your group? Not mingle with the other people there? Fucking losers.