I'm going to trade my 2DS XL for a GameBoy Advance SP

I'm going to trade my 2DS XL for a GameBoy Advance SP.
How dumb am I?

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I paid 30 euro for this. How dumb am I?

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Not dumb at all the gameboy sp holda up today much better than the 2ds and is more difficult to find

not dumb at all 2ds is for children

Satou I'm disappoint

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why is she in a bikini or something on the packaging, makes it look like some sort of chinese knockoff

It's like you've never heard of emulation.

good thing the gameboy advance is for the EPIC retro gamers!!!!1!!

I'm a collector / vintage autist who wants to experience Pokemon games for real.

I can't even buy eBay's China cartridges because they're pirated.

Is there any point in getting the AGS-001 version ?

>How dumb am I?
very normalfag

>every GB SP is a "refurbished" version
>ships from hong kong

Are these okay?

Just buy an EZflash flashcart for $30 you dumb idiot.
Buy used, see if you can fix some of the broken ones. I've seen people buy AGS-101 models for $20 when all that was broken was a bit of dust in the card reader. That said, nothing wrong with a 001.
Yes. A genuine working condition 101 will cost you twice as much as a 001, and there are much fewer of them. The front-lit screen isn't even that bad, plus the light is pretty useless outdoors since even mild sunlight is enough to light up the panel.
And if you ever get bored, a $60 mod (101 panel + step-up regulator) will basically turn your 001 into a 101, and you can sell it for double or even triple of your initial investment.
Based but also I own a GBA SP so you're kind of a faggot. I don't want newfangled 3D games -- Metroid Fusion and the like are pretty much the pinnacle of handheld gaming. At least not every aspect of games was full of (((innovation))) back then.

Is it a Pikachu one like the picture, user? If so that's pretty fucking rad. They made a 3DS one that looks like Pikachu too.

Attached: pikachu3ds.jpg (474x355, 33K)

>And if you ever get bored, a $60 mod (101 panel + step-up regulator) will basically turn your 001 into a 101, and you can sell it for double or even triple of your initial investment.

I'm studying electrical engineering, and I might actually wanna do this.
Where can I find the parts kit?

no get the 101

Original or "seller refurbished"?

I really want an original, mint and CIB but all I'm seeing is refurbished with a clusterfuck of different color buttons REE.

>I'm a collector / vintage autist who wants to experience Pokemon games for real.
I am in japan at the moment, and picked up green, red, blue, yellow, gold, silver and crystal for 100$ AUD.

Fuck you, all I have is Red with no box and the sticker has started whitening severely.
I wiped it gently with a microfiber cloth and all the color was flushed out lol

whatever you can find, the backliit screen is a game changer.

t. 001 owner since release and got a 101 a couple years ago.

Oh, these were just the cartridges. They are also in moon runes only. I will play them anyway even though I cant read the shit

>studies electrical engineering
>parts kit

You literally just need the display from a 101 (not an original of course, those don't exist anymore -- they're all Chinese clones but they're good enough) and a step-up regulator since the 101 board runs on a higher voltage. The pin-outs and the ribbon cable are compatible.
I've seen a few of these voltage regulators on eBay, but people say they're rubbish (current isn't limited and could fry your shit). The only other one I've found, and it's pretty expensive, is this one bennvenn.myshopify.com/products/backlit-sp-lcd-101-led-driver-board (for some reason you can't buy 1, you have to buy 2 at once, nice rip-off). I'd love to see what it's made of but I can't find any pics of the other side or any layout or anything, which is a shame.
"Seller refurbished" is a nice way of saying it's a complete knock-off modified by a Chink in a sweatshop. I'd rather buy an original that has problems and fix them myself than trust a Chink to do a job right.

If it's like pic related than that's pretty dope

I remember playing The Slayers (SNES) in Japanese with some gamewalkthroughs txt file that explained everything.

>"Seller refurbished" is a nice way of saying it's a complete knock-off modified by a Chink in a sweatshop. I'd rather buy an original that has problems and fix them myself than trust a Chink to do a job right.

I agree, but I'm also autistic about housing condition and if it has scratches I go "REEE!"

My SP won't start the orange light turns on when I plug it into the wall but that it ;_;

As much as I hate everything China, refurbished is the best way to go with an SP.
Unlike Color or classic Advance, the SP wears out so quickly. It's painted plastic, and the paint wears out in a couple of months unless you play with gloves on. This is shit design from Nintendo, the older GameBoys were plastic of a certain color so it never wore out. Original GameBoys often look better than SPs and that's saying something.
That's probably why the aftermarket shell business is so big with the SP. And the fact that it renders the previous models useless because of backwards compatibility.

>a backlit GBC exists

>it's twice as expensive as the SP

Explain. Why would anyone pay extra for a Color?

>people are retarded
>jews want money
Explain. Why is grass green?
You can buy a shell for $10.
It's not shit design, it's cheap manufacturing to save cash.
If you're a collector that wants autistic paint schemes then you're supposed to wrap it in a bag or something and put it in your basement and never touch it without gloves.
If you just want to play games, buy a normal color and that's that. I've never seen a blue or black SP lose color.

Would you happen to know if Raspberry Pi displays on eBay are backlit or not?

t. I wanna make my own handheld console out of my Rasp 3 now

I've never in my life seen an LCD without integrated lighting. That doesn't mean the chinks on ebay aren't trying to rip you off though.

You got ripped dude lmaoo

Some are still around for low power usage and ruggedised applications yet anything doing HDMI output without any lighting are odd indeed... (OP's obstacles are more likely going to be firmware or drivers, 4.x image having been hit or miss for me even on my daily) that and finding some comfy shell plastic fitting what compatible I/O devices can be found.

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Suggestions for something comfier?

NHK is one of my faves all tyme

>Suggestions for something comfier?
literally anything
try haibane renmei

If you gut some old handheld form factor, fit around your pi board (retaining as many retro HID devices possible or what some are calling a stealth rig) then no worries over ports sticking out or whatnot... because unless they are analogue, stock buttons make for easy I/O transcriptions but that LCD could still need replaced (because there are like 40 ribbon pins so their standardisation varies).

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I have an original silver SP from when they were first released long ago. I played it probably two to four times as a kid, but I didn't like it and wrapped it up in a bag and put it away. It still have that with an original Game Boy Pocket (blue), Game Boy Color (teal), Game Boy Advance (I think it is called glacier the purple looking slightly translucent) and I don't know what else I have.


I have a ton of old holographic cards (even the Charizard one) from the original set of Pokemon cards too, but I know everyone has them.

I quit buying any of that useless shit long ago, but this thread makes me wonder if any of the gaming stuff still functions properly (it should).

It's not the same thing.

Girls und Panzer, also known as MAEDCHEN UND PANZER!

I have a new 2DS and the flip screen wiggles around a bit in every position.
It annoys me cuz it feels cheap.
Does the SP have this too?

Spoiled brat detected
There's only the open and closed position on the SP. Mine is 15 years old and it does wiggle slightly, like a millimeter back and forth. Never bothered me

I got a brand new DS; it's got 3 different positions:
closed, open, and even more open.
It wiggles like 2 centimeters back and forth, feels flimsy as fucc. If I shake the device even slightly the screen shakes too.

You mean the 90 degree "open" from the ads is an actual position that "locks in"? That's fucking retarded.
Anything with a hinge this small will wobble if you shake it. It doesn't even weigh half as much as a good sandwich. If you shake your SP enough to make the screen wobble a half inch back and forth you either have parkinson's or need treatment for your autistic rage.
I've always thought of my SP as very solid, but these opinions differ between people, I guess. I'd say it feels about as sturdy as my PS4 controller, and I think that says a lot considering how much heavier the DS4 is.