Post your personality styles and (optional) MBTI.
INTP here. Totally unexpected, I know.
People say I have no personality
Same here, except I know it.
What's this gay shit?
>105 questions
Yeah no fuck off
Expected the compulsive part, pretty surprised by the sadistic/masochistic part.
I like that we're all compulsive.
im an intp yyy
>tfw people still call me NPC
INTP here
Well, wasn't what I expected.
>I am uncomfortable around strangers and sometimes fantasize that they will hurt me
Disagreeing with it, can mean 2 things :
> 1. I don't feel uncomfortable around strangers
>2. I do feel uncomfortable but don't fantasize about them hurting me
This is just one of the several examples. The test is gay
Your personality style is:
Multiple Personality Styles
Oh dear, oh dear. Either you clicked 'Agree' to too many questions that did not really apply to you, or you appear to have multiple, equally prominent personality styles. It is quite possible that you have several personality styles that are all strongly expressed and which co-exist in you. Whether you really have these multiple personality styles, or you just clicked 'Agree' too leniently, we are unable to say, and we are therefore also incapable of giving you a more personalized description. But you can consult the charts below in order to see which of the styles you score the strongest on.
I guess I'm insane :)
>Your personality type is: Depressive
Seemed fairly accurate.
ENTP here, 51% E and 49% I. Some girl I was interested in got me to take this test. I think I scared her off when she found out how strange I am.
im intj btw
Yeah but what does compulsive actually mean?
ISTP. oregano oj
I'm so originally fucked up.
ENTP, btw
Antisocial extrovert.
I'm introverted and got 0% for being antisocial.
INTJ, used to have high on compulsive, masochistic and sadistic. But now I always only have 100% schizoid. Probably going to get worse and develop schizophrenia. Any tips please?
Schizoid just means that you don't care about relationships with others, not schizophrenia.
Antisocial isn't what you think it means.
It's basically the psychological professional term for sociopathy.
Decided to take the test again with more care for how I answered since the last test suggested I clicked "Agree" too much.
Still high antisocial, sadistic and histrionic, but slightly lower across the board otherwise.
I'm not narcissistic at all your tesr sucks dick homie
great way to start 2019
>Your personality style is:
>Your test scores suggest that your personality style entails: A preoccupation with matters of order and control. Not only are you supremely well organized and settled into your usual and familiar routines, you also believe that others should be. This may lead the people around you to perceive you as a moralistic stickler and a busybody - someone who's always pointing out the inefficiencies and mistakes of others, smugly flaunting your own successes as a model for others to follow. Unbeknownst to yourself, however, one reason that you cling to the rules is because you feel that you constantly must fight off urges to let loose in order to be worthy of love and respect. You most likely have unacknowledged feelings of anger and defiance that you hide away from the world, attempting instead to present a perfect facade that others may admire and respect.
It's all gonna be okay r-right guys?
Multiple Personality Styles
Oh dear, oh dear. Either you clicked 'Agree' to too many questions that did not really apply to you, or you appear to have multiple, equally prominent personality styles. It is quite possible that you have several personality styles that are all strongly expressed and which co-exist in you. Whether you really have these multiple personality styles, or you just clicked 'Agree' too leniently, we are unable to say, and we are therefore also incapable of giving you a more personalized description. But you can consult the charts below in order to see which of the styles you score the strongest on.
you're pretty fucking well adjusted, what are you doing here?
Multiple Personality Styles? So I am sort of retarded?
I still come here for feels and comfy brit threads and to talk to anons about past feels
(I first came here back before I had psychedelic trips that kicked my ass lol (mushrooms/lsd) I was an angry shit and manipulated/was mean to people all the time just like my BPD mom, i was ENTP)
do people even believe this shit?
i wanna die sometimes
also how do i stop being so paranoid all the time? I've had some traumas before in my pathetic life.
multiple personality styles as well
Multiple personality styles too.
If you agree with both of them then just agree, if at least one of them does not apply to you then you disagree, you're the one who is gay.
Apparently i am a sadist
Your personality style is:
Your test scores suggest that your personality style entails: A susceptibility to anxiety and depression, which you guard against by withdrawing from evaluative social situations. You may appear emotionally flat to others at times, but contrary to how others perceive you, this flatness is not your actual state. Instead, you use it as a form of self-protection: As soon as you are around people, feelings of tension and disharmony start to creep up on you. By presenting yourself as quiet, reticent, and modest in social situations you hope to inject some remoteness whereby you can maintain emotional distance in the event that others should start expressing negative evaluations of you. The irony is that you have a strong desire for acceptance and affection, but you restrain these longings in yourself because you are afraid that if you let others get close to you, they will only end up hurting you.
Yep. Pretty accurate.
I have the ultimate gamer status
pretty much what i expected
literally a 6 year old could make these observations based off the answers given though
Is this level of antisocial normal
100% dependant
100% avoidant
I am the encarnation of betaness
MBTI is a joke for special snowflakes. You can't define someone's personality off a set of yes and no questions.
why every single personality is negative?
Because they don't watch anime.
>100% Antisocial
>86% Narcissistic
>86% Sadistic
>71% Compulsive
I think those traits match with my long term goals.
Becoming a multi-millionaire entrepreneur and gain political power.
I got multiple personality styles, but I'm pretty sure it's just because I didn't know how to answer a lot of the questions.
I know I'm very avoidant, but I think the rest of it is bs.
antisocial and intp
>Your personality style is:
Multiple Personality Styles
16personalities ranks me as INTP.
This site claims I clicked "Agree" too many times. Pic related, I have 3 personality styles at 100%.
We're all fucked bros. Either we're retarded and can't even take a simple yes/no quiz or we genuinely belong in some kind of institution.
Compulsive= bad decision making.
>Becoming a multi-millionaire entrepreneur and gain political power.
>Either we're retarded
Yes you are retarded a women and child created this THEORY who had no phycological education
Hello, fellow Anons.
Guess what, I'm a healthy boy with autism.
Don't mind me.
Also, how tf do you have so much retard points here?
i'm an INFP
any comments?
Im a piece of shit I knwo
Oh God oh no
INTJ, sometimes INTP
My narcissism score is way too low.
yep yikes i'm suprised, infp if that matters
I'm such a pussy bitch and I can't wait until I get the courage to kill myself. or will I need someone else to tell me to do it, like this gay shit suggests
People with schizoid personality disorder rarely feel there is anything wrong with them. Symptoms include an indifference to social relationships and a limited range of emotional expression.
Can I join the club? It's probably a shit club and I'll leave it but I still want in the club.
xNTP-A. Wasn't a very insightful test, in my opinion.
I think my biggest source of self-doubt stems from my emotions or lack thereof. I'm quite certain I can feel love, anger, jealousy and happiness, but I'm never quite sure how to express them. If anything, I've a tendency to feel something simmering under the surface but am unable to put it into words.
The more personality tests I take, the more I think i'm a psychopath lol - INTJ
i'm isfj
please tell me i'm not fucked
I really hate that it gave me primarily "masochistic" tendencies in comparison to sadistic. I am not a fucking masochist, I hate femdom and I don't let people tell me what to do if they have no actual legal authority over me. This test confutes a lack of desire for leadership with masochism, fucking retarded piece of shit.
I'm also iSFJ
im glad im not the only male who is an isfj
thanks for existing user
I'm always offering free hugs on the MBTI threads.
It only gave me 29% on antisocial, and I don't think thats accurate at all. I like imagining having friends and meeting people, but when the chance comes my way, I tend to run from it and fear it.
So what does this means?
avoided clicking agree too much and i think it's pretty correct
Multiple personality styles apparently
Got the same thing, but its not like its entirely accurate
ENTP, if it means anything.
well. seems like im totally fucked
INTP btw
you are a female
Geee thanks genious, I was starting to wonder why was I bleeding every month.
ISTP here
Wondering why I'm not more antisocial
got multiple personality styles lads, whatever that means, tried to answer it as honestly as possible but maybe I agreed to too much stuff, I don't know.
So, having no problems being around strangers and being paranoid about them hurting you, points at the same thing doesn't it ?
The questions are poorly designed. You can't just club 2 statements together and expect a answer in yes or no.
i think i agreed too much
Undertermined. I got JUST'D pretty hard
wew. What the fuck is that.
>Your personality style is:
>Multiple Personality Styles
>Oh dear, oh dear. Either you clicked 'Agree' to too many questions that did not really apply to you, or you appear to have multiple, equally prominent personality styles.
kek. How am I sadistic though
my brothers
I sometime answered with contradiction, but they still applied to me.
Or I may have mistaken the question sense sometimes
damn i didnt expect that much paranoia,
the algorithm must be rigged or smth
I S/N T P. Always get ~50/50 sensing and intuition.
i took the 16 personality and got over 90% introvert
wojak has become more and more someone i look to, i don't know why
Had to look up "histrionic", "borderline", and "hypomaniac" and together it sounds like they say "You're too happy sometimes." Also feel like simply taking the test automatically puts you at 50% compulsive.
I think I'm an INTP, but I don't know what these charts mean
I'm not that antisocial tho
infp, sometimes (originally) intp
this site sucks
fake news intp here
well i already knew that i am narcisstic
I wounder what would have happened if I pressed everything in reverse.
Maybe I could have been a Chad.
>multiple personality styles
this comment is original as fuck, im an INTP btw
I might unironically autistic, so these results make some sense. I just took a MTBI test and it claims I am INTJ-A.
Do i win something now?
>>not original
ISTJ, I feel like I'm really interesting alone but have no personality around others.