Why is everyone so toxic ever since yesterday

why is everyone so toxic ever since yesterday.

Literally try to make decent conversation with anybody and you will get remarks such as "kys faggot" or "lmao u are such a disgrace, i bet you aren't even white you nigger" or "go kiss your mothers arse you giant flabby cunt"

Were we always like this on 4ch Jow Forums???? as far as I remember only /b/tards would post shit like this. I'm afraid the rest of the channels are turning more and more like /b/.

Should I make leave for some other chan perhaps? I feel like I have lost my own house to some squatters. Sorry for complaining.

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I also have this feeling. I think every nice people is also noticing and they are slowing leaving this toxic place. I would enter here every 2 hours to talk. Now it feels like once every couple days.

The most important thing you can do for yourself is keep your own life in order. You can be hardworking, focused, and not a miserable mess. Some good work will do your mind well. Politicized mental garbage from the interNet doesn't have to be a defining factor of your life. Why let strangers who don't care one shit about your wellbeing determine who you are and what you think about yourself?

Always remember: we live in first world nations and have opportunities that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. You have the power to create yourself. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is also very important. Nothing on a screen should ever take away from your real life.

Jow Forums is one of the angriest boards on Jow Forums. It doesn't help that we got an influx of incels after they were kicked off plebbit.

Yes, we were always like this. That's part of the fun of it.

Nigger, this whole website is toxic.


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It's a filter effect. All decent anons made the new year's goal of quitting Jow Forums.

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Thank you guys, you all raised some very valid points.

Yes but I feel as if the "asshole of the internet" has turned into a "moaning rude asshole of the internet"

Also try nanochan perhaps.
They seem decent. It has a significant Jow Forumsitical faction, but you can be a nice user there.
Alterbatively mewch is more comfy.
t. Jow Forumsitician

attitude and toxicity like this is all over Jow Forums in general and to a lesser but more moderate extent the internet at large.

anonymity gives kids the ability to act like little shits without consequences.

the entire world is full of people who are either negative or positive. or slightly negative, slightly positive. however you want to call.

you have to find somewhere people act like real adults.

Based and subversionpilled.
Smash the kikes and their cronies wherever you find them!


I have been seeing this too but in the opposite way. When you post bait people call it out and do not play with it at all, not even ironically. They will get mad when you try and make a post of the lolz. It is like all the inside jokes are being killed by moral fags and newfag redditors. Because they are on Jow Forums reddit faggs think it is okay to be mean. Now I am a grown ass man and can take this, but it is sad that this place is not for the lolz anymore. Who fucking cares if someone is larping or baiting or clearly ironically liking something.
If you see something you do not like here do not reply. Your reply feeds the flam of reposting.

any link to nanochan at all? i cant seem to find it

I don't see much if any negativity from the incels. There's the occasional women hate thread but those have been a staple of Jow Forums.

The most toxicity I see on this board are from lowercase posting effeminate passive-aggressive normalfags, failed normalfags or gays, as well as r/inceltears oof yikes cringeposters who have made it their sole mission to get mad at people who can't get laid

I only come here once every like 2 years to see what the crazy people are like again. I can't confirm for you whether it's gotten worse as it was always a terrible place, but yeah it's very, very toxic now. I've seen so many people talking about killing themselves wow. Do yourself a big favour and don't come back here again. I don't think many people would claim coming here is a good thing for their life, so kick the habit and find other more positive websites with less hysterical nonsense.

>anime image

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why wont people let me spam transsexual porn on the internet without telling me to stop
this is hate speech people
OP is a faggot and should kill himself

it wasen't since yesterday you gaylord. It's always been like this.

here you either have an intelligent conversation or get shat on, Jow Forums is a board of honesty free from pretenses of coyishness and societal rule.

you ARE a faggot, as evidenced by your anime picture. I bet you were expecting sympathy that devolves into some erotic roleplay, faggot.

Werp that's it, Im leaving this shithole. I hope a good percentage of you rot and die alone.

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why not go to tumblr? It's a litteral fucking paradise over there for people like you.

no porn. oriririgil

then why weren't you there just a few weeks ago?

sjws, cuckolds, findoms, etc etc etc.

>I hope a good percentage of you rot and die alone.
Kek, and you want to complain about toxicity.
Looks like you were a hypocrite all along.
I also hope a good percentage of your kind rots and dies alone (note how I said "good percentage" which gives me the option to say "well I didn't mean the part that includes (You), you dummy".)
Pathetic. If you want to be kind, you have to be persistent or you have to fuck off, I hate your kind.
I will be kind to those who are kind, period.
The reason non-kindness is practiced is because people like you exist, people with a pretend-allegiance to a principle they will call for when it benefits them but ignore when it again, benefits them.

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i've noticed this even happens on wizchan, the internet is shit

Jow Forums was originally just a /b/ board anyway until NEETs came in to make it their hugbox. And were left alone until they decided to take their shit into public.

>Going out in public

public != outside

Fuckoff and die in a hole faggot, if you complain about that, not only you are a cancerous newfag, but you also do not and will never belong here
>using toxic unironically with anime image attached


Attached: You need to go back to reddit and circle jerk _1465c3320759b1cb9cbbce1e79436f0b.jpg (712x1024, 211K)

almost everybody on the internet knows thats just how people on Jow Forums act like. Go back to tumblr.

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