Say something wholesome about him

Say something wholesome about him

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my cat is cuter but that one's ok i guess

Dude, that's so fucking weird. I open up Jow Forums and I see a picture of my cat. Didn't know anyone saved it.

I should've wiped the eye boogers from him before taking the picture

Saving this cat for later too.

People can save anything on the internet man.


He looks delightfully fluffy, soft.
Pretty eyes.

I have seen more pictures of cats on the internet than you would believe, but you said your cat was smarter and that you can see him always trying to figure something out.
I really can see it in this cat. from the look on his face I would agree there is something special about him.
he looks like he understands

something wholesome about him

Aww, he's so handsome. I love him so much.

Shhh, don't tell my cats I said that. Heehee

I'm sure he tastes delicious.

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Spread embarrassing rumours about this cat

He looks like he's posing and therefore very intelligent

My cat is looking at the cat belly side up
He seems amused

My cat is probably younger then your cat so mine's cuter

i like that his fur is orange

finally i am a single, but he has a girlfriend. lmao
so i gave up him.

I save around 80% of images I open.

Lol I've been meming him since you posted that thread about his intelligence, made him my screen wallpaper that night

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say somethihng wholesome about xmas dogie

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That's nothing. Somebody keeps reposting my tits.

you fucking little whore l hope my brothers in allah beat you

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he's earned all the treats :D

I wish I was a whore. Couldn't get laid last night and I bothered to gussy-up and shave everything.

did u try being urself?

if you show an image for people who like to see tits then they will make a tits meme. if you share an image of you cat to show the world that he is gifted with intelligence then they will make a smart cat meme.
you should have been posting cats.
looks like you had to hold food to get him to focus for the camera

i love my cat hes so cute

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i just wanted to post some of my cats

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belly rubbb

He's only 2

Kek nice. He is a good cat

if he has that intelligence at 2 years old you should take him in to the vet for those brain tests you were talking about.

I don't remember talking about brain tests

Just how many threads did you make?

you wanted an expert opinion or a formal measurement of his intelligence.
in the OP you said you felt he was special when you watched him try to figure things out and asked to if there was any way to get concrete knowledge of his intelligence

>Just how many threads did you make?

Lets just say it's enough to keep you fags occupied ;)

Same. He is my new wallpaper.

His name is Chip. Chip the cat.

I'm gonna show EVERYONE at work your cat

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My cat is going blind. I've had him for 15 years since I was 6 how the fuck do I cope bros it hurts, he looks so confused and scared and lost.

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A finer aristocat the world will never know. Admirable in poise and conjecture, Inspiring ones sense of being to be utterly mired in endearment beyond anything the likes of man has ever known. Bravo, sir Cat. Bravo.

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>tfw all of the family hates animals so you never had a pet

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