Does any black girls want be my gf

Does any black girls want be my gf
please and thank the

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Bumping untill black gf

Gib vlAck gf pllsss

Bump for important ppost

Bump errrinp


Give black ggffff

Are you from New Z?

No Australia
Are you a black gf

I would but i dont want to recreate your weird slavery fantasies

white men aren't attractive to me anymore, they're too bland and unseasoned

>Not just taking the bbc pill


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I dont have slavery fantasy
Plsss gf

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I hope OP finds a qt black gf

Good luck OP and femblackbot

Thanka bros I will keep at it

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Time get on the fucking plane user

fucking dropped


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Do you have black gfs for me

STILL samefagging this hard what a cuck

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>OP samefags same bait thread for hours

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Yes, I went the third world and got one. Now get on a fucking plane.

Sounds like work

i just want soem black pussy!

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That's what escorts are for you fetish creep weirdo

>Not accepting the bbc pill and getting on Grindr for gangbangs

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Bumping for true lovefo


no soz white guys on this board and in general are bad news

And black guys arent?

I promise to be good
Now gf pls

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how come nobody posts here anymore
is it cause of /ausneets/

Bequeath thoust bussy to the superior race

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White bussy can only be satisfied by bbc

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All you need for happiness is HRT Grindr and BBC

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>Denying yourself this much happiness

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>Delicious kisses await

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Please stop ruining my thread

What can you bring to a relationship? Hm?

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Hi are you a black gf
Do you like teen Titans go

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No. Do you like nintendogs?

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I guess is was not meant to be

Goddammit. Will OP ever find happiness?


Buy some meth and get yourself abo gf OP

No I want a Nubian. Queen gf

Samefagging a thread for a full day
The strongest autism

True love in purest state.

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This is what bussy requires.

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Bbc filling you up

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Filling you up till you explode.

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You could share this bed.

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Those chop sticks could be cock sticks.

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Imagine your bussy on this face

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I bet that beard tickles your taint

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I came by this thread last night with no replies but i regret it now. What a thread.

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>Implying this isn't even better

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>Implying this isn't the only compatible pairing

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Post sexy bbc dudes not porn.

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>I know your bussy quivers you bitch ass white sissy

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>Lying like you do not DREAM of this

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Can I get gf here?

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I heard you white Boys online talking dat shit!!


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You talking dat shit whiteboi?!

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Keep talking dat shit and Ima FUCK YOU

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Huh? Da whiteboi talking dat shit? I fucked his bussy just a day ago

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You want a queen whiteboi? You gon take this thing instead sissy

I said bend ova BITCH

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Pls black ggf

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You gone take dis black DICK

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Accept the fate predestined

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Yo dis whiteboi a faggot looool

Suck me!

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You belong here and happy .

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Finger your buss now faggot

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Why would you ruin my good thread with sodomy

Goodnit bump