Post your heights
Femanons, Manlets, lankets, average Joe's etc.
Everyone post it and don't be ashamed.
Height Thread
203 cm here bros
whats the point in living?
177cm (5'10")
Really don't care about my height but a few cm could be nice.
130 pounds
kill me.
looks solid to me
207cm (6.7 feet)
Most men think i'm too tall.
186cm Manletking Turbochad
5'7 is the most I would go so you're golden.
height 5'4
weight 108 but got up to 111 or so from water/food weight, im anorexic and not used to keeping stuff down. i hate myself and wanna get down to 89
That's not a manletking
105 Ibs
22, male
175cm not sure in feet
60kg also not sure in lbs
What am I?
111 at 5'4 is a normal and healthy weight. Weighting below 100 if you're over 5'2 is dangerous
Skinnyfat jawlet lanklet here
i dont wanna be normal and healthy i wanna be skinny
I used to weigh 70 lbs at 5ft3 lmao
I think about dying every day. :c
guy, white murican
185cm (almost 6'1'')
90kg (200lb)
never seen a vagoo
193cm here. lanklet but okay with it
143 lbs (i was 130 last year but i started working out a lot this year so at the very least i'm really toned)
i'm sorry brother. that's just unfortunate.
there's literally nothing wrong with you. you're a decent height (not tall or short) and a solid weight.
wtf you're not a manlet stop mogging just because the average in NL is like 190
skinny girls are gross don't do it
a skelly
you can't fix the jaw but you can fix the skinnyfat
It's your body, but why do you want to be that thin?
How? Sure you're scale wasn't in kilos?
Seriously try and get help. Like not even a meme, please talk to someone before you hurt yourself if you're serious. Keep your chin up if you're just feeling insecure.
Start dating manlets, they don't care.
67 in
119 lbs
My brothers are all taller than I am. I stopped growing two years ago. Ducking malnutrition.
190 lbs
180cm (5'11)
~70kg (~155lbs)
Can I still classify as a skelly? I unfortunately have some bellyfat :c
260 lbs
Been losing weight. I'm almost down to what I weighed in middle school.
Feels good bots
Holy shit, we have the same specs. Wanna trade places?
McFuckin let me die
187cm and still would have loved to be really tall like 196cm.
It must be a display of my autism but everytime I see a taller man, I feel sick.
>all these "females"
fuck off trannies
I'm a 167cm male fk u be thankful
>64 kg/141 lbs of fat
>5'8"/172.72 cm
>tryna lose weight
>parents keep buying junk food and shit
>the only food my house has is junk and unhealthy
>pls kill me
I know man, sorry for you, this is why I talked about autism. My obsession with height is Elliot Rodger-tier.
i have the same problem except i'm 19 and a neet
Prob the fattest bitch here :/
5'2 140 pounds
What are you even doing here? Stop ruining your life on this board, you stupid kid.
140 isn't that big at all. you're probably just thicc and not actually fat. trust me, there are 200+lb fembots on this board that would catch you in their orbit.
5'8", female. It's pretty neat to be honest. A shame because it limits my chances with guys a little, but I look pretty.
Post your nudes and we'll judge.
Somebody definitely lying about how tall they are. I'm a freak of nature and about a 1/2000 chance. Like my uncle who is a doctor got my tested to see if im genetically fucked. I'm fairly sure some of these guys measuring wrong.
No thank u. I have enough judgment at home
Lemme see the cellulite on your pig ass.
They're clearly making normal sized people who put 170-185cm measurements feel small
I'm around 5'11 but my posture is so bad especially my lower back so i really only look like 5'9
5'5 manlet here
i can't reach the top shelf
Hope u like it teehee
You think posting this means it'll stop me?
5'6" here, it's pretty alright.
117 pounds
feel like i missed out on being a successful gay guy because i have the build of a twink and girls repel me
135 lbs
Not horrendous, but not great. I have posted my body in a couple of threads on Jow Forums before and responses were fairly positive, but I can't delude myself that women don't find 5'8" too short.
because you don't date manlets? or manlets won't date you?
you're a giant why are you here instead of stomping villages to death
Stop u from doing what?
180cm (5'11)
not sure how to feel, feel like a turbo manlet sometimes, average sometimes, taller than some sometimes
>because you don't date manlets? or manlets won't date you?
I don't super care about manlets, unless they're under 5'4" because then they're too smol and I don't like small guys in general.
Most guys 5'5"-5'9" don't really ask me out. I have better luck with awkwardly tall dudes.
Girls send me manlet memes. Not even kidding. I don't laugh at them though.
97 lbs.
i am an ideal height for headpats. please form an orderly line
Shut the fuck up you stupid whore. They don't ask you out cause the see how you directly or indirectly tell them aren't good enough and to fuck off. And the awkward tall dudes aren't the Jason Momoas and other model actors you feel you deserve you entitled useless sack of fat, shit and blood.
What the fuck are you talking about?
I'd date a shorter dude, I dated a guy who is 5'6" for a couple of months. No problem with it. They almost never ask me out.
I love very tall dudes, I love awkward guys.
youre an ideal height for being held down by your throat and hatefucked into the floor. is it rape if you offer 0 resistance to my huge cock ripping open your bleeding womb?
145 pounds
going to the gym, trying to lose weight ;~;
gym doesn't lose weight. what are you eating every day? what does your tongue like to have on it?
You ever look up how many calories are burned per hour of exercise? It's about 9 potato chips / hour of high-speed jogging.
fair enough. i guess it works out since you're on the boundary of being tall but not so tall where you're going to dwarf most guys like an ent. i guess it's different since i'm 6'0, but i doubt I'd be interested in a girl who was 6'1+ so I imagine most manlets work in the same way.
i tend to write off girls who make fun of short guys as being shallow and not worth the time. like especially if she's sub 5'6 like get out of here with that shit.
it always fascinates me how there can be people this small
Do any of the micro
>I'd date a shorter dude
>I love very tall dudes
L M A O. See anons, she'll never truly love you, she'll just settle for you if her dream lanklet won't rescue her from all you subhumans. Inb4 you'd say how is pefer bigger tits or whatever. No whore, my animal is brain is not my main driving force. I'd take an uglier girl that I few compatible with as opposed to a better looking roast, unlike you who'd always choose the taller guy and then hope he is at least bearable to be with.
i already eat fairly well, my diet is improving. I've lost about 30 pounds at this point
im going to the gym to feel healthier/look more toned
All men are basically the same. An ear, a shoulder to cry on, someone who provides attention.
The trick is to become an indispensable man. One who she needs at any height, with any hair, looking any way. I have women in my life who sob themselves to sleep if they don't hear from me. They need me like water. You have to break the woman down. It's not about tall or short, it's about dependence.
you probably look fine
if you do really want to lose weight the best place to start is with your right that you don't burn a lot of calories from exercise. the biggest thing is making dietary changes that are sustainable which gradually bring you to a caloric deficit. i mean ideally you do both at the same time, but if you only feel like doing one then diet management is the best way to go.
I'm six ft two
Two hundred thirty pounds
Weird looking face
Wide shoulders and hips
Seven and half Eench long amb quite thikkk cockus ,
Lost virgenatey at thirteem
Had a baby at twontay wone
Kurrentlay living at home wiff parents at twenty five. Lost it all my joob my car my girlfrempt and baby at twenty three due to drub abbictshun trying to get this thang back on da raod but is harb frienbs. is harb
105 pounds
I mean as i said before, I am doing both. I started changing my diet about four months ago, and i am starting to entirely cut out processed sugars at this point. I am just going to the gym now because i feel more ready to change my lifestyle, as i am becoming adjusted to the changes i've already made. Also, going to the gym has improved my mood significantly as well
I want you already
Male virgin freak
23 yrs old
165 cm
Didn't know dependence is another word for 8 inch size queens satisfier dick. Or half of that plastic gift purchasing method. Or model having face. Which one is it homo?
Do you know what dependence means?
You're being stupid. I love tall guys, it doesn't mean I don't like or am uncapable of loving short ones.
I picked short guys over tall ones because they were better personality wise.
Does it mean I don't think height looks good on men? I do, obviously. Does it mean it's the only reason why I pick dudes? No.
Yeah, if I was a couple of inches taller it'd really be a pain. I'm glad I'm the height I am, I wish I was smaller because it's cute but it's aesthetic.
Okay I'm legitimately interested to hear how (you think) you accomplished this feat.
then you're 100% set then. cutting out sugar is huge for a lot of people. i'm in the opposite camp of you in that i'm trying to put on weight, but cutting as much sugar as possible has been huge in terms of my skin and general health. and yeah, going to the gym (once you get over the initial curve of being around others and figuring out how to manage a schedule) is really good for my mood. whenever i'm having a shitty day, going and focusing on just improving my body is a really good way of grounding out all the bullshit. i'm glad you're making it, so speak.
>Teach girl about themselves
>Explain concepts of the world
>Explain their emotions to them
>Help them manage their emotions
>Inspire their confidence in their sexuality and maturity
>Addict them to your approval and feedback
It works best on very young girls, but I've done it to 27-32 year old women.
Can you count to 5 without using your fingers? I doubt it. I was asking for the real reason of your "dependence" cause for whores, yet your normalnigger self is unaware that's probably outside your control and you aren't the smooth talking Casanova you thought you are and you are just tall or something else.
I'm really nervous that I'm going to fail at cutting out sugar, just because food has always been a huge crutch for me. I hopeful though that with a lot of dedication to myself and my future I can do it. Thank you for the kind words, I hope that you can do well in putting on weight. I believe in you user!!
Also yeah, I've just being going after work. I'm lucky to have a 24/h gym very close to me, though I'm still too nervous to venture out into the freeweights area. I want to wait until i'm a little less pathetic/know what i'm doing more before I go and embarrass myself in front of the buff, handsome men ;~;
Girls have told me they're falling in love with me within 20-30 minutes of first talking, without a pic exchange. It's called persuasion and psychological conditioning. Listen to Henry Rollin's "Liar."
what's your discord? i'm trying to fall in love in the next 30 minutes
5'9. Might just kill myself soon lads.
Sure thing bud. I want the xl pickup master legend pack. Do I write my cc info right here to save time?
It's not pickup, it's targeting vulnerability.
Do you think lions chase every antelope they see?
So I go after uggos or handicapped. Don't need motivational speech for that.
Every few months I come on here and encounter the same self-defeating personalities, over and over. I'm offering insight and experience, and all your puny autist brain can do is go into lockdown troll mode?
Ooookie dokie. Where's that 4'11 girl from before?
learn to spell weeb faggot
hey if you want to be smaller that's your imperative i'm just saying that you're pretty much set.
unfortunately i can't give you much advice on freeweights since all i train are calisthenics because freeweights are a no go due to an injury from when i was a kid. but if you want something you can start with and progress to the confidence for freeweights, give it a shot. bodyweight exercises train a lot of muscle groups at the same time and you can do them almost anywhere. and even if you don't want to do bodyweight stuff and want to get straight into weights, just look up the proper form or ask someone in the gym to help you get yours down. as long as you aren't doing the bullshit exercises i see people make up my university gym, nobody's gonna judge you.
Oh shit. Time to see the master in action. Lead the way oh conqueror of axe wounds. I am but a mere cub learning how to hunt from the alpha of the pack.