>Zoomers are taking over from Millennials now >Zoomers are nostalgic for 2000s things, not just that but LATE 2000S things, blissfully unaware that Millennials widely considered their childhood stuff the downfall/shit era (2007 has been cited as a singularity year)
>Millenials are taking over from Boomers now >Millenials are nostalgic for 80s things, not just that but LATE 90S things, blissfully unaware that Boomers widely considered their childhood stuff the downfall/shit era (1999 has been cited as a singularity year)
I feel like jerking off. Kill yourself, faggot.
Jaxson Adams
Millennials are cancer, I hope zoomers grow up to be better.
1990 here.
David Brooks
late zoomers are cringe, late '90s/early '00s zoomers are based as fuck
How old are the oldest zoomers now? This generation shit always confuses me.
Lucas Cook
There's nothing to ask fag
Nathaniel Young
It seems like a new generation is created for every 5 years now
Landon Powell
Basically, after 1995 everyone is a zoomer.
So about 23
Juan James
Basically, after 1995 everyone is a zoomer.
So about 23
Ends at 2015 btw, no name for 2015 and later yet.
Jacob Collins
2007 had Gurren Lagann and Clannad
Jacob Myers
I'm honestly glad I'm a zoomer then (98) millenials are ficking cucked by everyone in the media 24/7 and all the boomers on here are forever bitter and depressed and hate the zoomers for being content with their generation
Carson Jenkins
Is it mostly zoomers who keep using words like "cuck"? It sounds like you want to swear but are too afraid to use a real swear.
Thomas Taylor
I barely use it so I wouldn't know. When someone uses it or when I use it I just read it as being humiliated or degraded or just fucked with nothing you can do about it.
>It sounds like you want to swear but are too afraid to use a real swear. that doesn't make sense. there's no such thing as a real swear. its either a word that isn't as harsh or a word that is harsh that people use as insults.
Cooper Hill
I miss when the internet was good. Now its just cancer and social justice. We used to have fun. Now its just regurgitated repost content. OC is a bannable offense. Corporations control everything.
This is the worst future of cyberpunk shadowun. I want to go back
98 here but i think 90% of music made past the mid 2000's is just shit
John White
I'm 1996 and me and my "friends" all tend to have brothers exactly 2 years younger. My "friends" are a little bit more based and feel a lot like a transit zone between the 90s and OP pic while all our younger brothers are full cancer and absolutely haram.
Landon Gray
>blissfully unaware that Millennials widely considered their childhood stuff the downfall/shit era >waaaaaahhhhh stop liking what i dont like Imagine being this much of a pussy
t. Another boomer who is not as much of a little kid like you. You are more of a child than actual zoomer kids are.
Aiden Cook
Pretty much this, I'm sure Gen X feel the exact same way about you, and the Boomer's about Gen X.
Hello fellow zoomer. They left us with a shit world. We get grouped in with autist millenials too much. Agree? After 2015, they're considered gen Alpha
Aaron Young
In all honesty, I think gen Z can just be classified as kids who grew up post 9/11 when the world became overly protective. We literally weren't allowed to play outisde for fear of what would happen to us. We're all fucked because the majority of our social interaction was forced to be on the internet because real life was deemed "unsafe". Gotta love government fear mongering. Completely destroyed the ability of my generation to actually socialize.
Mason Sanders
I miss Halo 3 and MW2 so much. I miss 2010-2014 Jow Forums so much. I miss being happy so much.
Xavier Campbell
Oh yeah and not to mention we get blamed for the failures of millenials. Our gen x parents fail to realize it was their fear that caused us to turn out kinda fucked up. We eat tide pods and shit because attention on the internet is the only attention we've ever really known.
James Hughes
>We eat tide pods and shit because attention on the internet is the only attention we've ever really known. To be fair, only dumb niggers eat tide pods.
I think zoomers have it easy, you are born at the beggining of a technological boom similar to the boomers in the 50's. Except zoomers are even more degenerate Millenials didn't have it so easy we grew up being told being a plumber will raise a family, then by the time we become adults we were fucked over hard.
Ian Wright
Can't disagree with you there
Mason Garcia
A technological boom that was forced upon us. We are literally force fed media day after day by older generations yet still get blamed for the ideologies we hold. No older gen has yet to take responsibilities for their failures which created the monster that is the millenials (and soon the monster that will be gen z). I as an 18 year old freshman in college isn't advertising to these 9 year olds who cannot function without a device in their hands. That was all you guys. You created the problem and expect us to have already found a solution.
Henry Martin
>wow time goes by wow >wow world changes wow Get fucked lol. I bet OP was born in 1995 or even later.
1997 here. also what the fuck, I thought zoomers were people born after the 2000's
Blake Myers
You fell for Millenial propaganda.
Levi Gonzalez
Man I love the late 90s early 2000 cartoons, got a lot of crap, but a lot of really memorable shows like Ren and Stimpy and Powerpuff girls.
Hudson Reed
Millennials are the last generation who remember growing up in a world without the internet and being able to unplug. It will be up to us to save humanity with this wisdom. We will be the only ones not entirely controlled by the emergent internet super-consciousness that is controlling everyone. Our redemption arc is coming.
John Sanchez
self-improvement pill zoomers are the saviours humanity needs, it's over for millennials
Henry Parker
Gen alpha is just chads and stacies everywhere
Dylan Adams
Zoomers are mind-controlled cookie-cutter soulless bugmen. I mean how stupid do you have to be to think you invented "self-improvement pill." WTF are you even talking about dude
Liam Rodriguez
shut the FUKX up grandpa
Ryder Murphy
not saying zoomers invented it, just that it came too late to make any meaningful change to millennials lives
Parker Parker
>born in 2000 >grew up on Sega Saturn, Newgrounds, flash games, old 60's-90's British Television repeats, trance, house and techno >lumped in with Fortnite, CoD, L4D, pop-music, Disney and IPhone "zoomers"
Andrew Allen
Same. I hate both. I hate that everyone says gen y is "entitled" and rags on them harder than even white males. I hate the adhd zoomerfucks with their internet addictions and cringy meth-like hyperactivity. I'm of just the right age that I can larp as either but man that's like a kick in the ass or a kick in the face.
Gavin Cooper
>Born in '98 >Grew up with all of that (except Saturn, PS2>Everything>Xbox) >Remember the Bush years, and the recession These psychopath 12 year old "zoomers" are not me. We need to end the Generations Jew. It's literally just a pseudo-marketing thing.
Compare y2k adults with these fortnite-loving zoomers. Not gonna get any better
Kevin Thomas
Dude its existed since the DAWN of time you fucking idiot. Nothing about you is special or unique to your generation you goddamn soulless retard.
Bentley Flores
S E E T H I N G, stay mad you will never be part of the zoomasterrace, millenialbab
Jacob Price
If you can't remember the 90s you're a zoomer. The people who shit on late 90s babies aren't even actual millennials but rather cucks born in the mid 90s who feel superior for being able to remember an extra year of the fucking 2000s
Oliver Gray
The only real 90s memory Im glad I have that zoomers will never experience was the hype around Phantom Menace. Yes the movie was shit but from 1998-1999 it was one of the most important things in the world. Constant daily news reports, magazine exposure, tv reports, billboards, lining up to buy a fucking jar jar toy before you knew who he was in the movie. It was genuinely comfy and fun. My birthday is in May and had my birthday party PM themed 2 weeks before the movie came out. We went to a midnight showing May 19 1999. It took me probably 6 months before I noticed the movie wasnt good. I saw it 5-6 times in theatres trying to convince myself I hadnt wasted 2 years of my life on it.
Carter Davis
>be me >born in 94 >youngest Millennial >oldest Zoomer
I don't even fit into a specific demographic REEEEEEE
Daniel Peterson
94 isn't zoomer though. To be honest generations are arbitrary and they keep changing the range. Probably because zoomers are basically just socially inept millennials.
Lincoln Carter
I like zoomers. They aren't uppity, self-righteous pricks pricks like millenials are, and they've learned that the game of life is rigged against them. The winning move isn't to play, but to laugh at the person who rigged it for how pathetic they really are.
Luke Brown
can't wait to push you down the stairs in your post apocalyptic retirement home retard
Brayden Harris
Millennials thought the EXACT same way 10 years ago when they first graduated high school. The gen xs before them also thought the game was rigged against them by Reagan. The simple truth is you like all before you are a dumb teenager who doesnt understand and will goes through the same process of understand all before you have in time. There is absolutely nothing unique about your generation.
Leo Cox
Makes me feel how dumb it is to attach our identities to the media and culture of the generation we were born in, considering how ridiculous that looks to older generations. Makes me excited about the kind of worldview and formative experiences younger generations have/will have and what novelties they will create. Makes me experience a sense of fraternity and solidarity with younger generations who talk about their childhoods in exactly the same way we once did, even though I remember them as babies. Helps me see how quickly people I once perceived "merely" as babies grow up into human beings with opinions, identities and thoughts similar to mine, which is very reassuring. And I agree that the people born in 97-03 that I've interacted with have been pretty cool overall.
Camden Gomez
and what exactly are they going to do when they're forced to play? everyones forced to play or you're homeless.
Austin Gutierrez
You will be right there with me pal Im not significantly older then you. Also the zoomer soi will make you significantly weaker then me in old age.
Matthew Scott
I'm an 00 zoomer. I consider millenials to be pussies who are a disgrace to our ancestors, with their homoerotic love for nigger leftist ideologies.
Andrew Young
>Le born in the wrong generation Congrats fag
Austin Hernandez
To be honest I've never once heard anyone blame zoomers for anything. I hope your generation doesn't mature with a sense of unwarranted self-importance and a victim complex. On the other hand, isn't it you guys who produced most of the hypersensitive SJW tumblr types? Or did you mostly inherit that from gen Y?
Lincoln Williams
Millennials make up the overwhelming majority of the young alt right that memed trump into the White House while zoomers were still in junior high. Zoomers are attaching themselves onto something they had no part in creating you dumb fuck.
Ryder Davis
It wasn't as bad before the 2016 election. Those people were laughed at, but since they election for some reason everyone takes them seriously and its fucking bizarre.
Gavin Wilson
Of course there are alt-right millenials, but they are a minority. When I was growing up, the majority of the kids I knew were against immigration and were proud to uphold the conservative values of their nation.
Nolan Lee
Let me rephrase. Millennials tried to be a part of the system and got a rude awakening that the era of guaranteed success is gone. Unable to accept the reality of their situation, they turn to leftist political ideologies with the flawed notion that the lack of it is what caused their downfall, and not their failure to adapt. The idea that you will most likely go nowhere in life is the reality of the zoomer. They do not try to fight it, but rather they understand how pointless trying to play the game by the rules really is. They would rather make their own rules and have fun. There's a reason besides constant internet presence that zoomers like memes so much.
There's a study that's been blocked by various universities stating that most zoomers aren't trannnies or gays because of any actual feelings of dysmorphia or attraction to the same sex, but rather they see these people shove their shit down their throats and they cave to it. It's just mass peer-pressure basically, and I have a feeling that zoomers are starting catching onto this.
Jordan Thomas
When you were growing up? You mean now? If really are a zoomer you are not even close to old enough today to be ((grown up)). To your point the fact is statically zoomers are the same if not more liberal then millennials on average so you are in the minority as much as the last generation alt right was.
Caleb Long
This guy's rightThere are at least just as many homo nigger leftist loving zoomers as there are alt-righters. And they got both of those ideologies from millenials. There are left-wingers and right-wingers in all generations, fag, and each successive generation adopts the theories proposed by older ones.
Aiden Peterson
imo young zoomers have the best chance for success of recent years. The boomers are finally starting to retire and if you dont be dumb and choose an in demand job in a field that wont be automated in your life time you have a good chance of doing well. Better then older millennials no question. As for zoomers liking memes what does that have to do with anything? Memes were literally invented and still to this day most created by Jow Forums millennials. Zoomer created memes are almost universally unfunny shit that gets mocked mercilessly. I genuinely believe on average peoples sense of humour doesnt properly develop till about 24-25 or whenever the person is out of university.
Aiden Howard
>As for zoomers liking memes what does that have to do with anything? Think of it this way: Movies are creations with the sole purpose of making as much money as possible. Any other outcome with regards to its quality is purely coincidental. Same goes for TV, video games, and just about any other medium. You can't put a price tag on a meme, so there is unrestricted freedom for expression. In other words, memes offer something that other forms of media simply can't afford to have: Human ethos. How funny the memes are or who created them is irrelevant in my point.
Kevin Evans
>late zoomers are cringe, late '90s/early '00s zoomers are based as fuck based and red pilled
Caleb Powell
zoomer thinks he invented fucking memes. you guys are doomed
Carter Phillips
I literally never said that you dense nigger.
Sebastian Torres
zoomers patting themselves on the back thinking that theyre "based" because they havent had to face reality yet
Blake Scott
What the actual fuck are you talking about, you degenerate ape?
Lucas Reed
It has something to do with it when you imply zoomers have a unique understanding to just have fun and enjoy memes due to the futility of their situation yet ignore the fact that most of the content was not made by them. Do you think the ACTUALLY funny people make the memes dont have a unique understanding? Hence why they have the ability to make them? All you proved is what we knew all along. zoomers are brain dead consumerists trained from birth to consume other peoples content and pat themselves on the back for doing so. Zoomer created memes are always shit and unfunny because those who just consume all day have no creativity of their own.
Logan Bennett
its just funny seeing all this pro-zoomer sentiment like you guys are going to be the next fucking saviors of the world, meanwhile youre still in high school and the world we are jointly inheriting is already beyond fucked
Jordan Scott
As if laughing at futility is a good thing. They won't be laughing in 10 years lol
Alexander White
>Any other outcome with regards to its quality is purely coincidental. Same goes for TV, video games, and just about any other medium.
Except for internet indie (flash) games, indie (flash) animations, amateur artwork (on communities like DeviantArt) and amateur internet literary fiction (to name a few), all of which have been massively popular since way before the form of culture known as "internet memes" in the contemporary sense of the word, and have always mostly been created for purposes of self-expression and experimentation rather than monetary gain. Modern day internet memes, which are really just text, sound and image data combined and recombined in an open-source way to express, transform and blend particular ideas, symbols, concepts and narratives, for purposes ranging from humour and self-expression to political and ideological propaganda (which does have a price tag), are often derived from all those other media (TV, films, video games) in the first place. Memes need other forms of art to feed off of, because their value as art does not extend beyond context and commentary. Memes are somewhere between art and a form of communication, which only became possible once user-friendly technologies to manipulate and edit text, image and sound were available to the average person.
Justin Powell
Robert Garcia
My birthday was December 31st 2000. Kissless handholdless dateless virgin with no friends, too dumb and autistic for college or a job. Ask me anything.
>You can't put a price tag on a meme, so there is unrestricted freedom for expression.
First of all, yes you can put a price tag on a meme, because memes can be very effective forms of propaganda which can be created and spread artificially, just like marketing/advertisement. Second of all, memes are just remixes of already existing images and ideas. Your freedom of expression is restricted by the source material you have at your disposal, which, ironically, is mostly TV shows, movies and video games which you hate so much.
Joshua Rodriguez
Late 2000s were bad but they weren't as bad as what we have now and we're soon going to have next decade. I just wish the boomer/zoomer meme would die, it's the most painfully unfunny meme I've seen in a while.
>It has something to do with it when you imply zoomers have a unique understanding to just have fun and enjoy memes due to the futility of their situation yet ignore the fact that most of the content was not made by them >wow I love this painting, but i guess i'll never understand why i love it cause i didn't make it
>Do you think the ACTUALLY funny people make the memes dont have a unique understanding? Hence why they have the ability to make them? When did I ever imply that they didn't?
>zoomers are brain dead consumerists trained from birth to consume other peoples content and pat themselves on the back for doing so. And you aren't? Every generation is going to have its braindeads retard who exist only to consume. Your statement means next to nothing and proves how mad you are.
>First of all, yes you can put a price tag on a meme, because memes can be very effective forms of propaganda which can be created and spread artificially, just like marketing/advertisement. People are not paying money to see and enjoy memes. What you're saying is true, but due to the nature of memes you're not going to see any monetary gain from making a meme.
>Your freedom of expression is restricted by the source material you have at your disposal, which, ironically, is mostly TV shows, movies and video games which you hate so much. Maybe your unfunny twitter gifs, but for every meme spawned/derived from mainstream media I can think of three that are not. I bet you can only think of only two or three memes that were derived from a TV show or something.
Austin Hernandez
>but for every meme spawned/derived from mainstream media I can think of three that are not. Name some. Also just because a meme isn't directly taken from mainstream commercial media doesn't mean it's a form of original creative expression. Memes composed from internet pictures, e-celebs and screenshots of websites are no different from those composed of elements from mainstream commercial media in terms of creativity and self-expression.
Camden Thompson
Vapid. Most are "obsessed" with social media. Most also vape. They typically have nigger bfs if you live in a city or older chad/brad bfs and dress very slutty. But most are also kinda smart compared to the general population and all go to college and are in difficult classes.
Jace Lee
> internet pictures I mean photographs*, pictures can be original obviously.
Ryder Roberts
Doge Wojak Old stock photo guy Man looking at not-gf woman Ragefaces Advice animals Virgin/Chad etc.
And don't fucking move the goalposts by say "those are unfunny/dead."
>Memes composed from internet pictures, e-celebs and screenshots of websites are no different from those composed of elements from mainstream commercial media in terms of creativity and self-expression. Even so, the medium itself is ripe for self-expression. Where it spawned/derived from is irrelevant. It know that it seems like I think otherwise by providing a list of non-media spawned memes, but I speak solely for the medium itself not the pieces that make it.
Tyler Bell
>People are not paying money to see memes This is true >People are not paying money to enjoy memes. Less convinced by this. If a meme is based on something from commercial media, and it is popular, then people will be exposed to it and be motivated to purchase/view the media in question in order to "get" the meme and enjoy it the same way their peers enjoy it. This is part of the whole "advertising/marketing" point.
>you're not going to see any monetary gain from making a meme. Not directly, but if you spread an idea that is beneficial to your agenda using memes you can get various kinds of gain from it, including monetary gain indirectly.
you said it yourself, any monetary gain from memes is purely coincidental if its source is from a mainstream source. Even then that rarely works. The corporations who make the media don't understand memes for what they are and any time they try to make something "memeable" they fail spectacularly. Zoomers simply don't fall for the same marketing tricks that previous generations fell for.
Jason Jones
>Old stock photo guy He's called Hide the Pain Harold, and that's literally a proprietary stock photo made for money. >Wojak >Ragefaces These are both from rage comics along with me gusta, foreveralone, FUUU, etc. They're essentially the same meme. >doge based on a photograph + lolspeak. Doge and its derivatives are just lolcats V 2.0 (lolcats also being photographs). Let's count lolspeak as a meme. >Advice animals Yes. (True, they're photographs, but the meme is not really based on the content of the photograph but rather the idea that each one represents). >Man looking at not-gf woman Don't know what you're talking about. >Virgin/Chad Yeah, it's a good one.
You've named about 4 or 5 memes not based on pre-existing media. Not a very impressive number out of around 4000 listed on knowyourmeme.