What hole would you prefer to fuck?

1. Mouth?
2. Ass
3. Pussy?

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4. belly button

how the fuck was that not original?

isnt that the 10 year old drag queen?

What are you "origanally" talking about

I'd prefer the hole in my heart were filled.
None sexually

can i fill that hole with dick

This is the correct choice. Good on ya user.

No, only the destruction of what's killed us inside can fill that hole.

pussy, since ass barely gets friction because it's too tight, and I cba to buy lube.
mouth is a close contender too

I choose 3, thank you.

Lactatia i think it's called
google it if you must, but don't stare too long into the abyss

Mouth unless the pussy is bareback.

No it's definitely not him, and why would you think OP is that drag, doesn't even look the same?

"she" is incredibly annoying looking but let her hair down and bury her vaginal canal missionary and hear her squeak when I go balls deep. i just wanna hear a girl moan in my ear again

Made me cast Harden.

Who is this person?

The female anus is the patrician choice

your new mommy

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I want it to feel good for her.

If all trannies looked like this I wouldn't mind them, Emma is 10/10

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With a face like that, busting a fat nut in that mouth is the only solution

can I impregnate a girl's mouth

I wish user, i wish.. Imagine the quality BJ she can give with those lips

Sounds good to me. But what is my new mommys name?

I dont like blondes. They rustle me jimmies

> mouth
> ass
> mouth

In that order

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None, I want my mouth fucked though

Ass, always.
I want to have pleasure while they don't enjoy any part of it

Her asshole better be clean af then

throat twice, then asshole three times, then throat twice.

Since she doesn't have a vagina I'd fuck her clean asshole. I want to hear her moan and scream while I'm gently choking her and playing with her mouth.

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Thats the point, it better not be

worship her, user

Attached: queen.gif (268x151, 835K)

Lmao you nasty af

>Imagine pumping her ass so hard she shit on your dick
>you tell her to suck a dick full of shit

Okay. I will make many tributes to her.


You're forgetting one more user... (;

Which one are you origanally referring to user? :)

I want her to deepthroat the fuck out of my dick and take my soul

Pussy. Mouth only feels good for one person, and ass is nasty and might hurt her.

What if she likes it?

Ass (given that it is clean and free of shit beforehand).
If that isn't an option, then mouth.

>3. Pussy?
404 not found.

I hate Zara Larson.

Would you still facefuck her if she had none?

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Ngl she gives me a massive hard on, even her voice is feminine if you watch her youtube vids. This is coming from someone who legitmatley hates 99.99999% of trannies btw and believes they should be put in mental institutions.

Yeah. She was put on hormone blockers young so she doesn't look or talk masculine like most trannies.

No, I'll do it even harder.

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How did you do that lmao

To answer your question, yes, she still have a pretty face, begging to get splatered by my thick warm nut


Clone stamp, airbrush and blur filter.

Pussy but not that girl's

Yes. Tiny mouths are hot.

Gosh she is so hot i wanna fuck her asshole so hard while choking her to the point she moan and cum

3, the idea of going into the ass is gross and whenever i got head i couldn't get off to it

Do it to pic related.

Attached: kylie-jenner23_2-1.jpg (1000x750, 93K)

Just google her pre surgery pics nigger


If you talking about pic related, mouth.
Other cases, pussy and mouth. I dont do anal

Changed her eyes as well.

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>dont do anal

gay, a real man destroys all orifices his woman has to offer

This makes me diamonds and I don't even know why.

>no titfuck option

Fucking normalfags

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I would grow a third penis and penetrate ALL of teh holes!

none of them. i ain't got time for roasties.

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Once loosened up, ass is unironically the best place to stick your penor

Mouth is second best because its warm and wet like pussy but no risk of pregnancy

Originally would go for the ass of course

Vagina. Anything else is sodomy.