can anyone explain to me why women do this to themselves
Nose rings
As a man that has one, I find them attractive and so do many others. So naturally a woman who finds it attractive on others, would get one herself.
i'm indifferent on those kind of nose piercings. the gross septum piercings are awful though
Theyre cute but I got rejected by a 5 that had one of those so now I hate them
Call for acceptance in groups that praise those.
Don't be tolerant of it, please. Be honest in your dislike - express your disgust and say it's ugly, if the opportunity shows. Too many people already pamper those bitches just for being female, they'd be praised even for eating shit.
Theyre fucking disgusting.
>"hurr let me stick this piece of metal in my face, that way i become extra beautiful"
they look trashy and I assume everyone with one is a huge slut I'm currently 24-1 on that so the odds are really good
Is it true that everyone who gets a noise piercing is a slut?
to some it probably looks cool and it definitely stands out somewhat
i don't know but i hate it pretty viscerally.
I mean, I'm in Jow Forums aren't I?
That doesn't mean anything with all the faggot posters these days.
Also, checked.
I can happily say I am not a slut, and neither are the VERY FEW people I know that have them.
I'm a man with one and girls love them.. later virgins
thats a redflag for an independent strong women haha
fucking disguisting
Don't care for them personally, I think the studs look like blackheads
I'm low key attracted to nose piercings, lip piercings, and so on.
because they want me to fall in love with them
Its fucking hot if they have attractive noses
>has a ring in his nose
Pick one, faggot.
That poster's not a human male.