A lot of single mothers are looking for a serious man in their life...

A lot of single mothers are looking for a serious man in their life. What's your excuse for not settling down with a serious but sexy single mother?

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Who wants to raise a kid thats not even theirs

I would rather keep my money.

You can always have more kids

it's a waste of money. i'm tired of this reproduce for the sake of reproduce bullshit.
low IQ is what it is.

Skip the kids part and I'd ask where I could sign up tbf

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single mothers irl look nothing like in that pic they're all bitchy obese lards

>single mother
>Why don't you keep a parasite as your pet? >Why do I want Tyrones niglet as well?
>Why should I give MY shekels to some disgusting dried up old whore for childsupport

This 100%
I would like an older, more experienced to have a /gfd/ relationship, but a lot of them are looking to find some commitment which I'm not sure about, since I'm pretty young

yeah but unless shes ditching her other mans kids im not taking responsibility for another mans children.

dont want their nigger children or nigger exs in my life. get fucked whore.

>single mothers
No thx

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I hate children. I really originally hate them.

Unironically, the kid. Put the sucker up for adoption, then we'll talk.

So it's only justifiable to be an old cunt if you've got kids? it's not a plus if they don't have them because the babby didn't obliterate their vagina?

This world is fucking confusing.

or i could wait until i attract a woman who isn't a single mother. It all depends on how much of a rush I'm in to cast off my single life.

and it's pretty fucking good rn, so no big rush.

So? Why wouldn't you seek to have a family where all kids are yours? Children are fucking expensive and I have no interest in raising one that isn't mine.

also imagine trying to be proud of paying off a mortgage on your home when you know some shmuck's child support dollars are going into it too.

same. Getting cucked by another guy.

She should have stayed with the baby daddy. Widows get a pass

Seriously? You doing this thread again? It hasn't even been eleven hours.

I categorically refuse to raise another man's child. Absolutely no one is worth that burden and I have far too much self respect to sell myself short like that.

I come from a single mother myself and this tought has come up often.
Must be my own obsession to live trough some childhood i feel i got to have.
But to say that single mothers are "serious" and "sexy" is quite the stretch,browsin trough many of the dating apps i see a lot are your archetypal sluts who just hit a bump on the road to their sluttery.Not really wife material desu.
The ones that do seem serious about their situation and life have expectations of their possible partners that are frankly way too fucking high for me.
Im just a working class dude that couldnt go to college and get a car because again single mom household.
If id meet one id like and which liked me id dive in there without a heartbeat.

>Must be my own obsession to live trough some childhood i feel i got to have.

*Must be my own obsession to live trough some childhood i feel i never had.

I tried, she was still an unfaithful whore