Is there a greater cope than nofap?
>Just stop masturbation and you get girls, bro!
Is there a greater cope than nofap?
>Just stop masturbation and you get girls, bro!
Other urls found in this thread:
yes it is a cult, they have no real science to back it up
But I stopped fapping for 827 days and now I can shoot lasers through my eyes
Nofap is good for one thing: you blow an enormous load after. For fun do two weeks of nofap and then unleash the fury of a thousand suns into a hooker's mouth.
Nofap is like the tranny fad. Its ridiculous levels of cope for depressed beta males who refuse to actively improve their situation.
>ITT: shrivelling sore raw peepees, having been touched constantly to pixels. not an iota of self-control
no testosterone here, let's keep lookin', Scoob
Nofap is a meme, it should be fap once a week
Did I break nofap by humping a pillow and using my imagination?
>no real science
how will r/nofap recover from this
>Nofap is a meme, it should be fap once a week
Basically you.
Face it. you have an illness.
The problem with nofap is its taken to extremes. You shouldn't fap everyday especial as men get into their late 30s and older but you don't have to go months at a time without fapping. Once a week or even twice every once in a while is perfectly fine.
>I never touch my pee pee I am such an alpha male!
t. incel in denial
The real point is to find something to occupy yourself so you don't waste energy with sexual desires. If you feel the need to fap you are mentally unsound. I know this is hard to comprehend on a site like Jow Forums where you are bombarded with pornography 24/7, but if you are a reclusive robot there is zero reason you should have any compulsion to masturbate.
Nofap to get girls is dumb for sure, though
I'm not in denial
Well at least you can get all that T from nofap
Seriously though, becoming ultra horny with nofap while being an incel is torture and a total waste. I got to 76 days and made phone sex with a 4/10 fat tranny lmao
It's a placebo, that doesnt necessarily mean it's ineffective. It could still improve your life in various ways. Although I agree the leddit soys are delusional.
>This is how a high T nofap incel looks like
where's your proof? how you going to counter legit libraries of chemical and physical science? cope
>and this, anons, is what a low T failure who can't resist touching their raw peen for more than 4hrs looks like
You can't look good now by copying the way I post, friend, everyone can already tell you are a retard.
And by calling anyone who masturbate a "low T failure" just shows how deep inside the cult and brainwashed you are.
But this is what really high T chads do, they bitch and whine on the internet about other men touching their dicks.
I'm confused what you mean by proof. There has been countless studies showing how placebos effect your brain chemistry and improve anxiety and depression.
>reddit spacing
>distinct lack of logic proposed sheerly to cope with inability to resist touching your peen
>complains about salient post which counters a clearly incorrect post as "i bet this is how chads go about things"
>uses "chad" and "incel" terminology
you are quite far down the rabbit hole heh
links, dawg. a cursary glance at any nofap forum will link you to direct studies and chemical analysis.
>unleash the fury of a thousand suns into a hooker's mouth.
Reminds me of this guy.
>nofappers still can't prove that nofap does anything beneficial long term
Is there a bigger brainlet filter than falling for nofap?
No science to get grils, yes.
It does increade your T-production tough for a short time until your body adjusts and it goes back to normal. I think it was 1 or 2 weeks of nofap to get a measurable increase, then it reverts back to how it was.
The getting a gf trough it was always bullshit.
ppplease let me masturbate my penis!! to pixels!! for every day this year
>Nofap cultist
>Claiming anyone else is from reddit
Lol why would you want to actively spend time touching your own genitals? There is more important and generative shit to get done. The theory of these "dedicated no-fappers" is that if you actively improve yourself instead wasting time, you'll be more likely to get laid. I still jerk it pretty often (3-5 times weekly), but I used to do it everyday for almost an hour or two. That level of habit is hindering to productivity.
>instant unfounded coping
Pagan flagellation desu
"muh dik" niggers can't wrap their brainlet heads around why white master race Chads prefer to bust nuts in pussy rather than their hands. lmao incels BTFO
Don't worry I am sure that if you spend the next 500 days without masturbating you will not be a failure anymore :)
distinct lack of addressing the argument
thank you crusty boy i value your words
>nofap cultists are the ultimate incels of the internet, the entire community was built upon a premise that you can get laid if you stop fapping
>Strawman caps lock posts
It isn't the literal act of not masturbating that helps get girls you fucking retard. It's the way that not masturbating changes your body chemistry that PUSHES you to get a girlfriend. You'll have far more drive to actually seek out a girlfriend when you do not masturbate.
I was a robot until I was 24. The reality is that the majority of people on this board are still virgins because they don't even make the effort to get a girlfriend.
It's a pretty small cope, assuming you have the self-control to stop fapping, you'll soon find that it didn't do shit except rid you of one of your better pastimes, then start fapping again. MGTOW and religion are much greater copes.
Cope. Wanting something more will not grant that thing to you.
>don't make me expend effort what the FUCK user??
>thread mocking nofap
>nofappers instantly start reacting emotionally, insulting others and throwing a tantrum because someone insulted their religion
tbqhwy, I have some built up resentment towards women in general for all the blatant sexism in the media, double standards, narcissism, and entitlement. I can't easily shake it off and become a beta-bux or a captain save-a-ho.
Nice try but we all know nofap have the help of the based hebrew people! ^_^
I've also been rejected pretty hard in the past but now the same age range that thought of me as embarrassing to be seen with are now becoming interested.
A lot of people miss the point of what NoFap really meant when it first started out, it was simply for porn addicts to stop watching porn and to make them see that porn fucks up their mind. Also for people who beat their meat 2-3+ times a day. Now it's just desperate virgins coping hard by thinking they'll get super powers if they don't touch their pepee for a year. it has a noble cause, but it is ruined by 16-17 year old who have been rejected by 1-2 girls and now they think they're an incel.
I used to be a nofap faglord, I got up to 76 days, it was pointless in the end. Now when I go back into the community and see what they are talking about, its cute, like watching children play with superhero toys and remembering when you used to be so ignorant of everything
>They had to specify Jews
The eternal vermin strikes again
well gang
thank u user, fucking comedy gold
>See hotgirl in class
>She is friendly to you
>Find out her instagram
>Jerk off to her pics
>No longer feel the need to ask her out
This is how fapping ruins you.
>ask her out
>get rejected because she was never attracted to you in the first place and the connection between the two of you was only ever in your head
>get on r9k and make a roastie hate thread
Yes, not fapping is clearly the winning move.
How do you know if you never try?
only men who 'benefit' from nofap are fakecels who never ask girls out
logic won't work here, user. just leave them
>hey guise, MGTOWNEETgod69 here! It's nofap day #1458 and I'm still a lonely, depressed virgin. Thanks for watching and remember, don't get married!
mgtows are not in favor of nofap, many encourage fapping and sexdolls
I don't do nofap to get girls or whatever bullshit meme. I do nofap for discipline, just like lifting.
I did try. I have tried. I got her number last time, only to have the bitch ignore me because she already had a boyfriend. I've been in that situation more times than I care to remember, and she never says yes.
porn sites accused nofap of antisemitism
>Implying that she is a bitch for having a bf
>Implying that she is a bitch for never saying yes
>Not sure if she actually interested in him but he thinks it has to be her problem not his
fappy cognitive dissonance is hard to deal with
She's a bitch because she gave me her number with no intention of ever texting me back. She should've said she had a boyfriend when I asked and that would've been the end of the matter. Her behavior towards me was duplicitous and cowardly.
In that case I would like to know maybe she wanted to humiliate u for being a loser so she wanted to show you she has a bf
(In that case she is a bitch and should be tortured)
Same, i don't give a shit about women i just do it because im an undisciplined piece of shit
By spouting anecdotes without realizing that the placebo effect isn't actually synonymous with no effect.
sounds familiar, that
>Just stop masturbation and you get girls, bro!
Pic related
>This is how fapping ruins you.
And improves the gene pool by making non-Chads less likely to reproduce.
That was my first post ITT so I don't know what you're talking about.
A larger libido doesn't actually give you the skill needed to start a successful relationship and it actively impairs your judgement, leading to dumb mistakes and bad choices.
Other than the nofap and Jordan Peterson part I am "The virgin self-improver"
My life is constantly trying to get better and still being the same old khv loser forever
The best part, is he is one day off from the optimized fapping regime
Study that is often used by nofap, for some reason they seem to have selective reading as the study clearly states that there are minimum fluctuations in testosterone on the 2nd and 5th day with a 145% testosterone rise from baseline of the 7th day.
What nofap doesn't mention is that the study very clearly says, their are no further fluctuations observed after the seventh day.
In other words if you want to experience peak amount of extra testosterone you should fap once every eight days, as its pointless to abstain any longer unless you're doing it as a test of willpower.
Testing if you're just adding (dot)s for no reason.
I haven't posted a link in a long time, can you paste links without them being removed now?
Well, I didn't realize you could pasted links now, nice to know
It does increase after 3 weeks though
But higher test is pointless for an incel, you will just become hornier and there will be nobody for you to release the tension, its frustrating
Thats interesting, thanks for the studies. I tried once just to test it out, as you say its just frustrating, pretty much the last thing Jow Forums needs unless they have a genuine porn addiction, in which case moderation is more sustainable
Did you fuck up too bro? I feel you man
>Assuming that nofap has benefits as a universally accepted, factual 'given' and any detractors are coping for their failure to complete the challenge
Why is this type of twisted mindset so common in all kinds of people nowadays?
my sides, this is even funnier than the photoshopped western blots in biochem the french cucks shit out these days
to think this was published in a journal with impact factor > 1, i guess med-related fields were fucked long before clueless commies got to them
I got to 76 days, more than 95% of nofap losers, it does jack shit other than turning you into a horny animal.
If you nofap you get thirsty.
There's no bigger turn off for a girl than a thirsty guy.
Nofap is stupid. Just reduce your fapping to 2-3 times a week and stop watching porn.