If there's more to life than sex. Why do normies use the word "virgin" as an insult? Discuss

If there's more to life than sex. Why do normies use the word "virgin" as an insult? Discuss.

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Because they're unvirgins and you're not an unvirgin, so it's something that makes you different from them. They don't like things that are different and want to make you feel worse (and by extension, make themselves feel superior), by pointing out your differences and making them sound like flaws. Stay strong, user. sex isn't that important. Focus on your own wellbeing and happiness instead. Don't put any weight on the opinions of normalfags The only person whose opinion should matter to you is you.

theres more to life than money but calling someone a poorfag is an insult

theres more to life than IQ tests but calling someone a retard is an insult

theres more to life than food but calling someone a skeleton is an insult

virgins are scientifically proven to be bad people though. that's why they're virgins. "more to life than sex" means you have nothing to brag about if you do have sex - everyone else has it too (who matters)

I am not op but you are a nice poster. Thank you for existing and please never leave Jow Forums

No problem, user. I hate all the garbage that people post here, so I'm trying my best to change this board for the better. You can help by being kind to everyone, ignoring obvious baiters who are trying to hurt others, and encouraging everyone to focus on their happiness and well-being. I hope 2019 is a great year for you.

because to be involuntarily celibate means there's something disturbingly wrong with you, which is pretty much always accurate

when it's by choice no one has an issue with it and that person won't be called virgin as an insult -- e.g. a regular person who could have sex and people want to have sex with, but they choose not to for religious reasons etc

Weak people are more likely to succumb to weak things like peer pressure and after they do they then want to hide their embarrassment about being weak by bullying others into making the same mistakes. That said you should still get some pussy or dick just to relate to others even if they are dumb as fuck.

Also the term "incel" has a inherent negative connotation.
It sounds alot like "insect" or "insignificant "

Will do lad. I hope you have a nice year too.

Y-you too. Do you have any goals this year? I want to get better at japanese and melee, and be more positive.

Good luck lad! I find both foreign languages and motor control difficult so hoefully you fare better in your hobbies than I would.
Learning to draw is something I've always wanted to do but I rarely have the motivation. Getting back into lifting and running would be good for me too.

Lifting and running sound like great hobbies. I go for long walks sometimes, but that's the extent of my exercise. Learning to draw sounds really fun, too. I used to draw a while ago, but i quit because I was really bad. You should never quit, though. Practice almost always brings improvement if you have the right mindset.

an insult is generally made to target something you're insecure about for maximum damage. If you don't care about having money, perfectly happy living in your wine jug, then calling you poor won't be an insult. But if you're posting pay day threads on Jow Forums, someone will trigger you easily by calling you poor.

So while there's more to life than sex, to those who don't see it that way, calling someone a virgin can be a devastating insult.

Im surrounded by religious normiefags all day. fucking mormons all day in and out, i call them MORMIES, lol. Anyway they think jerking off is a sin and talk down to me about it.

>MFW wehn I don't have 7-8 kids, miserable with >two ex's who are both sucking me dry with >alimony

>MFW i can buy what I want and do what I want by myself and feel great.

>MFW being a virgin in this mormon hellhole is actually the best thing to happen to me.

>MFW when another great year of virginity

>MFW best friend just got GF

>MFW friend dismantled Computer to be with 5/10 GF more often

>MFW I still have computer and my vidyas

Stay strong anons, GFs arent worth it if it means goodbye to everything else that makes you happy. Im looking forward to another great year of still being virgin and no GF.

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Because the life of a normie is only sex
It's a curious case
If you're worried about being a virgin, you're just a bitter incel and no one owes you anything you fucking sexist incel!
If you're not worried about being a virgin you're just coping and you're an incel

It's funny when someone calls you a virgin as an argument, because you could have sex but they'll always be retarded

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Most people over 30 don't have sex anymore. They just work a career until they're too senile for that and then they wait for the dirt nap. That's what life offers besides sex.

Grindr has been a God send to us robots it's easy to be a TOP and fuck sissies if you are a virgin I suggest you try it

because they were willing to play the game to unlock the vagina that allowed them to no longer be a virgin. whats the game? unless they have chad like looks chances are they had to bend over backwards for a girl and cuck themselves into settling with chads left overs.

refusing to play into their game or not attempting to make them feel as if it was all a waste and that they have not actually accomplished anything besides getting cucked.

tell any normie you want a virgin qt wife and they will tell you its impossible and that you sound like a virgin incel loser. why? because they have and are willing to settle for a woman who is used goods.

try it

i want a qt virgin wife

>scientifically proven to be

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I don't get bullied for being a virgin because I just don't tell people that I am one

why are you such a virgin you stupid little dick ugly loser no girl will ever like you youre too fucked up lmao

maybe if u drop the judgmental attotude u will get laid

>maybe if u drop the judgmental attotude u will get laid

explain how

You dunce, you played right into his little trap!

i was making a funny meem post that comtradicted itself from 1 paragraph to the next (ur a perma virgin p1 / act like me and u get laid p2)