Killing yourself is selfish

>Killing yourself is selfish
>Bringing new life into the world when you genetic debilitating disease is not

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morals are always always subjective. yeetus that feetus

>He still doesnt know that every act is selfish.
If you analise close you will see that every living creature acts with a selfish interest.
For example, people help eachother becuase having other people around you happy also brings you emotional confornt and/or social validation from other people. People that sacrifice themselves for a "greater good" are also doing it because they know they would feel like shit if they didnt, and trade it for the grand emotional confornt in the end of their lifes.
No one ever does anything without atleast putting their self interest in it. If you dont get any good emotions from it, social validation or any benefit from it, them you wouldnt do it.

Wrong, Buddhist monks.

They are still getting some form of emotional confort in the end of it. Either by following their ideology or by getting some better understanding of what they think the world is.
Selfishness is always the core of human behaviour, you just cant separate it, no one would be living without it.
What we call "selfish acts" in today's time, depends if those acts align with our subjective morals.

I agree with you but there could be a little more depth I think.
Like all act can be rooted in some form of selfishness but could some act be more selfish than others. Or could selfishness lead to both good and bad behavior

Desiring to cease desiring is still a type of desire.

>Like all act can be rooted in some form of selfishness but could some act be more selfish than others. Or could selfishness lead to both good and bad behavior
I think that all falls into subjective and relative matters desu, "good" and "bad" behaviour depends of our personal morals that we have created. Same thing can probably be applied on the evaluation we see to describe on "more" selfish than others. I think that the same way people evaluate risks diferently, they also evaluate their selfishness diferently, as a way to explain why some people commit acts that are more selfish than others, for example comparing stealing to a blood donation.
I would love to see more discussion on this topic but there arent many places where this may lead to any discussion. I also would like to read some more texts that debate this and see if there are counter arguements.

Yeah, the absolute reason behind any of this is because we exist soley in our own minds. Just as you typed all that out, you are really only talking to yourself. Just as I am doing now. Everyone around you is just a reflection of you. An interpretation.

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Reproducing without being a 6f7 giga-Chad should be considered child slavery

I think if you define selfishness this loosely it loses its moral impact. Like if everything is selfish and we assume selfishness is morally wrong then you're basically saying that the selfishness and consequent moral badness that come with, say, buying an item that's on sale, is comparable with those that come with bringing a retarded kid into the world. Clearly there are different degrees of selfishness and our moral intuitions suggest that there's some threshold of selfishness that dictates whether it's actually morally wrong.

You may be right, but in other replies i already addressed that we separate more selfish acts from less selfish acts based on how their interfere with our morals. And that not all our morals have the same "weight". I may consider more morally wrong to kill a kid rather than stealing candy from a shop, for example.
When we think of "selfishness is wrong" we are most likely refering to other morally wrong acts and not thinking about the defenition of selfishness in general.

I think you could provide a justification for the intrinsic wrongness of selfishness that doesn't rest on consequentialist justifications too though. Like, selfishness is inherently morally wrong because morality rests on this assumption that beings other than yourself can experience pleasure, pain, etc. and accordingly their welfare should be afforded considerations. selfishness, by definition, prioritizes your welfare over theirs and seems to be a direct affront to this assumption that other people or animals or whatever are due equal moral consideration. you're right in that the thing that differentiates the moral wrongness of killing a kid vs stealing candy are the consequences of each act, but if you also consider this intrinsic justification for the wrongness of selfishness, you could say that a particular selfish act is more morally wrong based on how little regard the person had for other peoples' welfare compared to their own, without making reference to any consequences of the selfish act. for example, I might choose to have kids solely because I think it'll be fun and I'd like to ensure my genes are passed on. I may happen to be a great parent and raise totally happy kids (not happening considering I'm on Jow Forums but whatever) and so the consequences of what I've done have been pretty good, but the choice to have kids is still inherently selfish and morally wrong because I didn't bother considering the impact life would have on the experiences of my children.

What disease?

Life gets better all the time in first world countries. You'd be selfish NOT to have a kid to experience it.

autism rates are higher in more developed countries than in less developed ones (it's also associated with higher birth weights and brain sizes, which typically result from better maternal nutrition). also increased material wealth doesn't imply that the kid will have a perpetually happy life, or even a generally happy life. fundamentally life is a struggle between feeling relaxed/content and feeling uneasy, and that struggle itself is unpleasant and makes the choice to have children inherently selfish (also it's selfish because your kids will be a drain on limited environmental resources).

>but if you also consider this intrinsic justification for the wrongness of selfishness, you could say that a particular selfish act is more morally wrong based on how little regard the person had for other peoples' welfare compared to their own
But isnt that "regard" we have at seeing the impact also subjective and relative from person to person?
I compared the killing of a kid to a candy robbery because i subjectively saw that the death of the kid has more impact than the stolen candy. I could travel back in time, or go to some other side of the planet and i for sure would find a person that thinks diferently.
I think we always prioritize our welfare(self interest) over other people, since the evaluation of the impact of our acts is always subjective to the eye of the person who is doing it, then what we may call selfish is entirely subjective aswell.
In the OP's case i think that both acts are selfish aswell, how selfish they are depends on how we may percieve and evaluate from person to person.
Sorry if i dont fully replied to all your points, my ideas are still pretty loose on this subject, i think i will probably do a thread on /lit/ about this subject in a few days.

Lemme be that thunderous tree splitting lightning for a moment.
There you have it.
I've seen niglets being happier than most people just because they are complete starving brainlets who got some food.
Then there's us, we got food, shelter but we still commit an hero and have first world problems and diseases.
Many here have things like asspegger, due to the fact that we are children of old women, my mom was 46 when she made a mistake.
All my siblings who are 20yrs older have not even half the health issues i have.
Normies the lot of them.
Imagine never growing up with your siblings, playing with them, not even your parents cuz they are tired and don't do crap anymore.
I for one, am in a weird betawithoutbux situation, getting literally second hand life and genes.
Niggers fuck as soon as they can nut and have without a doubt healtier children.
I ain't 25 yet, i already get 4 different meds plus there might be more in the future.
I am not even the worst case there is.
My life is overall shit, very much so.
I've got only few things going on for me, i survive simply because i got the privilege of being born in a 1st world country.
Should i live like an afrinigga i'd die of some allergy reaction, or fever or cold or whatever the fuck.
What purpose does my life serve if the only thing i can do is limited movement or write pseudointellectual garbage on a chinese datamining keksite.
I had no guidance and it's obvious nobody wanted me around, weak shits didn't even bother to throw me off a cliff.
Until we can have absolute power available to all over our genes, people like me should be euthanized.
I seethe watching normies have a normie life, doing sports and having highs and lows.
I only had mostly lows and never recall saying that i am happy.
Imagine the golden retirement my parents would have had if they didn't waste cash on keeping me alive.

Ah but user the very fact that he managed to reproduce tells that his genes are perfectly fine.

Wrong. Even they are human and selfish

>Babby's first sociaI commentary

feel free to enlight me in any new prespectives user.