Post your waifu, ask questions, discuss each other's waifus, and anything else interesting.
Waifu General - /waifu/ #24
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I'm truly in love with my cute waifu Leah!
Threadly husband posting as per usual.
I love Elizabeth.
4th for Alice!
My love for her knows no boundaries.
I love shyvana to the moon and back, also question time, which is your favorite picture of your waifu, mine is pic related.
Sorry if this has been asked before my memory is shit.
spent another day on lying on the bed visualizing her with me
She just kissed me, I feel so blissful now
Hey Totsukafriend...
Sorry for my autism as usual...
Hey metalanon, why are you apologizing?
Because I seemed to get people upset last thread and I don't like upsetting people...
I love this ginger girl.
This one. I want to protect that smile.
Oh. Well need not apologize to me amigo, rarely if ever actually feel anything let alone upset.
Hopefully your day will be better today than yesterdays though.
My love Tea
this one
Thank you friendo... I know what you mean about dead emotions...
Hopefully... too many panic attacks... identity shifts... i'm scared...
Do you have anything to keep yourself occupied with today to avoid those problems?
greetings from /c/ , Jow Forums.
It has been asked before but honestly it's a great excuse for me to post it. It's perfect to me.
There are two other that I really like but this one is my all time favourite.
Work for a while... then guitar lessons... today is a busier day than normal... yet my mind still acts up...
I have a lot of favourite images of Liz, so that's a hard choice. Here's one of them though.
That activity could prove beneficial in regards to your playing of the guitar though don't you think? Turn your suffering into art or whatever people do.
That does make sense... I just don't have much passion for the guitar... never enough time as people complain about noise after a bit and it gets tiring on my hands...
I love this one mainly because of the background, wish the artist made more art of her.
Appreciated urabeposter
How come you practice in it out of curiosity. If you lack the drive or enthusiasm to do so? I too lack any motivation but I also do nothing. An attempt to actually change that I take it?
Pretty much... better than stopping... better to have some form of hobby...
Hopefully it actually works at some point. Maybe with enough forced practice you'll make yourself like it or something like that. Effort makes you appreciate things more normies say anyways.
Yeah... it is something at least... I don't hate it... I just lack the drive...
It's this one. Simply wonderful.
Those are all very nice pictures of your waifus.
My favorite is without a doubt the picture that I made of her for New Year's. There's a really nice feeling that comes when you see your effort pay off.
I hope that's not a lesbian dragon
mai is pretty
>which is your favorite picture of your waifu
For me, it's my OC. I love everything about it.
Any picture where she's smiling is nice. She has a cute smile.
That's a really cute drawing, Leahposter.
No shyvana is not lesbian (although the retarded league community likes to say she is one from time to time) and her "cosplaying" does not change her sexuality.
yeah nothing beats your waifu smiling, always gives me a warm feeling when i see pictures of shyvana smiling.
>yeah nothing beats your waifu smiling
This. Post pictures of your waifu smiling, /waifu/.
Smiling Liz.
If my waifu is smiling then that is reason enough for me to smile too.
another smiling shyvana
her smile always makes me happy
Anzio is my pick
It was posted already But here's another smile of Alice
This one. I really like how she looks with this artstyle.
go shego go
Well, /waifu/?
you sadistic nigger
I' probably go with Red Pill, the likelihood of anyone I know dying is incredibly slim, so I don't consider 30% too high of a price to pay to finally be with my waifu. I don't think that makes me too awful of a person, does it?
Redpill obviously
I don't mind BTFO'ing 30% of the world to be with my waifu, that's a reasonable price
>Queens blade waifu
mah nigger
I'd definiteIy pick the red one.
Green pill and do our best to treat it.
Either the Red Pill or the Pink Pill. The Red Pill because I'm never really going to know exactly who those thirty percent are, so it could make up just about anyone. The randomness of it all relieves any sense of guilt, I suppose. The Pink Pill is a huge gamble, but one I'm willing to take for the sake of my waifu. And if I die, so be it.
Red or grey, its a nobrainer.
Like seriosly we got 7 billion people on the planet and none of us meets even a person on a average day so gettin rid of 30% of them is a cheap price for a waifu
Why would someone want to become their waifu unless they're trans or something
Don't know if this has been asked already but what are some of your favorites genre's of music and who is your favorite artist, provided you have one of course.
For me:
>favorite genre(s)
heavy metal, hard rock, pop rock, folk, country, synthwave, and whatever else I think sounds nice. Those are just the genres I can name that I like.
>favorite band or artist
Judas Priest
Probably the green or grey pill.
A tranny thinks theyre a female when theyre not, this pill actually turns you into one, and you hot ass waifu at that.
I could literally spend my life camwhoring at home and earn more than most people work for.
Also, its for the perks.
Sure it sounds like an easy life but at that point i'm not even myself anymore, i would lose my waifu if i became my waifu.
I am or may not have already taken the orange pill.
In all seriousness though, there would be a lot of side effects of 1/3 of the world dying and also my waifu would hate me if I chose the red pill. Also the guilt would stick with me until the end of times so I'll pass. I'd still choose the orange pill.
>at that point i'm not even myself anymore
I assumed the pill only changed you into your waifu as in body, not personality, if that was the case you might as well just be replaced by her.
So dont worry too much, youd have a kickass set of tits and ass to troll and tease r9k with all day.
red or pink pill easy, world is overpopulated anyway so no big deal doing everyone a favor and pink pill is no real gamble a life without shyvana is a life not worth living.
>Which type is more like them?
They're all too selfish for me. I'm leaning towards green-pill with the hopes of me being her Misaki.
Which girl is your favorite?
It does sound kinda fun, the downside is that you'd lose your waifu even if you kept your own personality.
Her smile gives me life.
Redpill. I mean I would love for Poppy to be real but, is my happiness (and potentially Poppy's as well) really worth all those many lives?
Difficult question, I've answered differently in the past but right now I think it's this one. It depicts her beauty in a simple way and the colors are very nice. I also get autistic over how she is drawn in a lot of fanart but this pic is right in my strike zone. God I love her.
>there are waifu friends on /c/, /a/, Jow Forums, tohno-chan and plebbit, probably more
I wonder what we could accomplish if we were all in one place
My choices
>Orange pill
Depends on if I'm included in "the world" and can interact with her, because if I can this I am downing that shit instantly. I won't take it if she is forced to remain a ghost even after I die though, that's just cruel.
>Red pill
Depends on what 30%. I don't think she would want to be real at the cost of so many innocent lives
>Pink pill
Def this depending on answers to the above. I don't know if I'd want her to be real if it meant coming to this world though, I'd much rather enter her world.
The rightful queen of the land Aldra, tho I preffer her in her elf form, christ what a adorable babe.
Her demon form is nice too when u want that femdom namsaying.
Tho all the girls are great mostly.
>Favorite genre(s)
Retrowave/synthwave, synth-pop, industrial rock/metal, drum n' bass, power metal, witch house, hip-hop/rap, and sometimes old-timey stuff you'd likely hear in a Fallout game.
>Favorite band or artist
ALEX. It used to be Perturbator but AKUMA opened my eyes. I had to listen to his previous work after that.
>So dont worry too much, youd have a kickass set of tits and ass to troll and tease r9k with all day.
So, it's okay to wear your waifu's body like a skin suit and post lewd pictures of yourself for a bunch of virgins on Jow Forums?
Good taste, user.
>Her demon form is nice too when u want that femdom namsaying.
Truly the best of both worlds. Have you seen her new design in Unlimited? How do you feel about it?
>Tho all the girls are great mostly.
I agree. The amount of waifu potential from all the girls in the show should be illegal.
Grimoire is the most recent ive seen, i cant find ultimate subbed anywhere, not sure how much they changed her so cant tell.
But yeah queens blade is one of my favorite anime, its got waifus, plot and *plot*
>favorite genre(s)
Folk, folk metal, metal, rock and some other genres that i dont know the name of, i like to listen to music but i dont care much what genre it is.
>favorite band or artist
Santiano, kent or ye banished privateers i cant decide
>favorite genre(s)
classical, synthwave, rock, folk and eurobeat if you count it as a genre. Those are my main 5.
>favorite band or artist
Vivaldi, Dance With The Dead, Queen, Percival and Fastway (one for each genre)
I think you replied to the wrong person, originally.
I drink and smoke too much
New thread, new Mio
Sorry i missed the fresh start but its the thought that counts
This is my all time favorite Mio
Theres something so comfy about it.
Like we both just woke up early in the morning and its kinda cold and i took a picture of Mio drinking her morning coffee while she wasnt looking.
I love it
Pink pill, its a win win situation
maybe the red pill if im feeling greedy enough
I figured out makeapp is calibrated on some really fucking bad shit, because it more often than not makes women look much uglier without makeup than they actually are - probably because calibrated on face of your average western slut
>Like we both just woke up early in the morning and its kinda cold and i took a picture of Mio drinking her morning coffee while she wasnt looking.
That's super cute, Mioposter.
Thanks user
This one is also v cute for the same reason.
Its like shes cooking me dinner and she looks so pretty and cute at that moment that i just have to take a picture but she noticed me, got embarrassed and is saying something like "hey cmon do you really need to take a picture of me right now."
Take the blue pill and break down my infinite supply of Elizabeth merchandise for raw materials and start a corporate empire.
>favorite genre(s)
Punk, country, metal.
>favorite band or artist
True Sounds of Liberty, System of a Down, Johnny Cash, Kasabian, in no particular order.
This is the only art of her so far.
> i cant find ultimate subbed anywhere
I only found one ep subbed on Kissanime.
I dunno, but I tried to make pic related as cute as possible (made the background weird for lulz really because I have to fuck at least one thing up for satisfaction)
red pill and hope it kills the 30% lowest intelligence people. I'd have to hide it from Alice or she'd probably have me crucified
>favorite genre(s)
psytrance, popfolk (turbofolk), hiphop etc. Depends on song to song really. I mostly listen to our shit, only the psytrance is foreign, but we have some of our artists as well. There are like a handful of foreign songs I like. But I can listen to anything really, tho I find rock (especially ours) to be degenerate bullshit 90% of the time but somehow all crybaby at the same time
>favorite band or artist
Jana I guess
hmm... Rapier and dagger, but Alice doesn't fit any of them so good.
Your waifu/husbando is now the protagonist of the last video game you played. What changes? (If they are from a video game then it's the one you played before hers)
>Your waifu/husbando is now the protagonist of the last video game you played
>Replacing my Psychopath ATOM RPG character
Everything changes. EVERYTHING.
Assassin's Creed Syndicate?
Well, she kinda looks like Evie, but without all the acrobatics. I guess she could waltz right into Crawford's brain and make him become a bumbling tard.
Well it looks like handsome Jack is gonna awaken the warrior and take over Pandora
Grey pill... I don't have a waifu... so I turn into nothingness and get my wish...
I hate genres and hate bands... I really only like songs and albums... though my stuff is heavy enough that I am considered... metalanon...
Funny... anime girls don't like metal... add that to the list of reasons they would hate me...
fucken shit didnt alert me you'd replied.
She looks uh, different, I guess I can still love her, i mean, we all change with age, tho in her case im not sure how she ended up looking younger.
I dont mind it but i hope that hair is grayer than it looks, she almost looks blonde. And yeah i just checked nyaa again, someone uploaded a sub, there was a raw earlier but i dont wanna spoil the episode watching it without subs.
>Fallout: New Vegas
Not too much, all things considered. The Mojave just got a lot more Scottish, and she and Cass become fast friends. She'd want an Independent Vegas for sure, and she'd fuck with Caesar Asterix and Obelix style.
>favorite genres
Oldies (40s/50s) music, grindcore, death metal, folk metal, soundcloud rap, sadcloud rap, foreign music in general (chinese mostly.), Hardbass.
>favorite band or artist
That's hard. Probably hopes die last.
I think my waifu would be upset if I didnt take the red pill
emergency comfy shyvana bump
whoa we're being slid, this make Alice sad and disappoint and mad
it's hard to pick a favorite. my canon favorites are mostly of him in costume. i love seeing him all dressed up. this one isn't canon, but it's probably my favorite.
but i don't want him to be real. i want to be with him, in his world.
>favorite genre
industrial, dark synth, some witch house, fantasy metal, power metal, 80s, and anything that i can sing along to - usually ost music from cartoons and vidya.
>favorite bad or artist
today it's suicide commando but usually it's acylum
>favorite genre(s)
Folk punk, alt rock, lo fi hip-hop.
>favorite band or artist
Modest Mouse.
Poppy would make quick work of all the thugs and yakuza in Kamurocho
g-grey pill, desu.
Pink pill.
She would hate me for taking red pill.
>favorite genres
Classical above all, but rock will do in a pinch
>favorite artists
Classical Composers: Schubert, Puccini, Mozart, Wagner. Classical singers: Wunderlich, Bjorling Gedda, Fischer-Dieskau. Non-Classical: The Beatles, The Eagles, Pink Floyd, Queen
>Super Mario Sunshine
I'm not sure she's acrobatic enough. Can she even side-flip?
Pink Pill; is there any other choice?
Fucked up the reply.
I wouldn't mind being her. She's a badass living comfy in a different universe.
But if i was her i'd lose the opportunity to love her