I can read your minds, who knows what kind of dirty shit im gonna find in there. But yeah I'd mostly use the power to see if girls like me or what my friends really thinkl of me.
Level 0 is god tier by the way, it's a whole separate ball game from 1-3. Same with 9 being infinitely more trash than 7-8
Parker Miller
Identity Manipulation-The user is able to modify and/or change a person's identity, including personality, preferences, race, sex, and other various aspects. Some can add more to their identities and make them believe something they didn't before. One with this ability could turn somebody into a completely different person altogether. If that person has a superpower, then the user could either take it away from them or enhance it.
>powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Weakness_Detection I would use this power to manipulate people into giving me whatever I want so I could live the easy life. I don't want to rule the world, just be lazy.
I would fly over my small town at night, using the moon as a power source and being the depressed little shit I am. I could probably show off to a girl to make a cool date
Carson Rogers
powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Astral_Projection I dunno. Voyeuristic shit at first, then probably try to make a living spying on corporate and government secrets for various interests. Occasionally I'd still do it for fun, and have a hot, well-paid live-in maid/fucktoy who takes care of me while I'm out like a vampire's thrall.