Say you went on a date with a girl and afterward they revealed that they are trans and have a functioning penis...

Say you went on a date with a girl and afterward they revealed that they are trans and have a functioning penis. What would it take for you to give them a real chance at a relationship? I'm asking for a friend.

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If we got as far as meeting in person and getting close on a date and i couldnt tell they were trans until i jad to be told, then probably.

But no such person exists.
You can always tell.

I wouldn't date a girl without a functioning penis.

Vaginas are gross.

Boi I would YEET that tranny off a apartment building

automatically wouldn't date and i would be upset that they didn't tell me about it prior to the date.

Nothing would change my mind.

Convince him to repent by hanging himself.

Say this person has been on a handful of dates where the person didn't know until after the fact.

Why though? >inb4 it's gaaaaaaaay. You were attracted to them in the first place.

preggo fetish, i'm looking forward to the months leading up to our first child. a man playing dress up can't give me that.

I already said yes. If hypothetically I've been on multiple dates with this person and still couldnt tell then I'd date them.

But such a tranny isn't real

You're dating a man. If you're not a faggot you won't have any interest to go on dates with men. I shouldn't be shamed for my preferences.
Go kill yourselves /r9gay/

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Yeah but they're attracted to women, not homosexual predators

I dunno, I'd fetishize them too much thereafter for it to be much of a relationship.

Ohhh, I get what is going on here. It's a crazy tranny who will refuse to even talk to "chasers," but is crazy and delusional enough to want to "trick" straight guys. Because straight guys definitely love fags with dicks haha.

Because that's not the kinda thing you keep hidden, and these people usually carry a ton of baggage. Who knows what else they're hiding?

I'd break up with >her, I want to have kids.

>Who knows what else they're hiding
to be completely fair, even if it was a biofem, you wouldn't be pleased if she dumped all her secrets on your prior to or during the first date. It's expected for that stuff to be disseminated over time.

though I do agree that being trans is something you should reveal before the first date.

Accepting yourself as gay would be so much easier than this crazy fucking alternative

This. Transwomen just don't seem like they have any personality outside of their gender identity, and even if they did I doubt I'd be able to see them as anything more than the chick with the dick.


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If my friend makes it the whole way through the date wouldn't that mean that there's a lot more to them than their gender identity? They always wait to tell them until they decide they like the guy enough to go for round two.

no why waste time on a fake girl when you can have the real thing?

>What would it take for you to give them a real chance at a relationship?
Not possible.
I will never invest in a relationship if I can't have children with the girl. So I would kindly refuse her.
Same if she was a sterile biological female.
But we could stay as friends if she feels like it.

Girls/women don't have penises. Faggot.

if you're sure you dont want kids go for it

>But no such person exists.
>You can always tell.
But that's wrong

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I dunno user, I would prefer someone telling me they are pedofiles on the first date than when I ask them to take care of our 3 year old kid when I have to go on a business trip.

By the way if you can get a date with a completely "passing" guy dressed as a girl, you can definitely get a date with a 6/10 real girl.
It's so easy to take 1,000 pictures and get one that's just right, but it's always obvious in person.

there's a lot of time for all that to come out between the first date and almost 4 years after he knocks you up

If I genuinely couldn't tell before they told me I'd be ok with it. That's an unlikely scenario though.

Boy or girl. That kid is fucking hot as hell

you havent met the zoomertraps yet that took hormones blockers

Except that I have and I now consider myself a professional for having sussed him out.

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I believe you

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>That manface
>ginormous feet
>jawline like a can opener

what's a good place to find pictures of zoomertraps online

asking for a frend

You are literally just citing generals about males and think it applies, have you ever met girls ?

no clue

I would have to be extremely smitten with them.

those hands are awfully suspect though

If you can really be fooled by traps and are gay/attracted to traps then more power to you, but don't try to hide your insecurity by claiming that most guys couldn't tell they are traps, because most guys definitely could.

A relationship sure, but never marriage, cant gib me kids.

I'm attracted to traps/trans, met like 2 irl
im not hiding my insecurity what im getting at is the fact that you know its a trap before hands makes those things stand out for you even tho there isen't that much of a difference if at all at times
and most guys would definitely not if they talk to someone that went on hormones blockers

i think shes cute. orabango

Tell me you wouldn't
you can't

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I don't think you guys appreciate just how different reality is from these pictures, and how vehemently both others and I are set against the idea of giving up one of the last vestiges of our selves, our sexuality. Being marginalized by society gives ample reason to try to change to accommodate the world around us, but we choose to retain our sexuality when you choose to cowtow to something unnatural.
I know this is a generalization of traps and sissies and shit on r9k, and it might not apply specifically, but it's a very tangible phenomenon.

wrote someshit that was untangible so this is what u get
you shouldn't feel like ur sexuality is attacked if you are then thats on you
also unnatural argument is bullshit unless you think humans are not apart of nature then you run into clothes not being naturual, buildings, speaking coherently, crafting, etc

>showing off your license plate

I think she's doing fine user
Stop being so paranoid

They'd have to threaten my family with death.

They were attracted to the idea that you had a vagina, not you.

i actually wonder what it's like to live in hawaii

I'd prefer a woman tell me she is used goods before wasting my time dating her only to find a sloppy snatch

I don't need to concern myself with such a question because I'm a robot and I don't get dates.

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The hands always tell the truth. Those hands are unmistakably those of a man.

Its hilarous that you convince yourself nobody can tell. I live in a city full of trannies and cross dressers. Trust me when I say this. Everyone can always tell.
Actually its harder to tell cross dressers from trannies but you can still tell.

the dick would have to be at least 8inches long and the trap would have to 100% pass for a girl in public

>I live in a city full of trannies and cross dressers.
God I wish I was there

i stated multiple times i meant the ones that went on hormones blockers aka the zoomers aka the ones that started as children, and sure maybe it can be a bit easy to tell but with the zoomers its gonna be way harder

but then again you live in trap city and apply that to the rest of the world.
I don't live in america and in my country alone there are so fucking few trans here my guess most of them don't want to come out yet

If they weren't mentally ill, sure. But since 99% of trannies are in fact insane, no hope there.

I would, but this is a fantasy scenario, which will never be real.
99% of trans are too ugly for my taste and the other passing 1% either has a horrible voice or horrible mental problems.
gender dysphoria is a mental illness after all.

There's nothing they could do realistically.

Dont listen to all of these retards. I've had many conversations with friends about this topic and 80% agreed that they would keep knowing that person withouth caring too much.
I wouldt mind. At all. I may consider myself as Bi, but if I didnt notice anything weird or off-puting on first instance, its totally a girl to me. Sex can always be arranged, and even I may like anal sex from her.
The biterness in this board is awesome. Not even a trans girl is willing to accept your manboobs, your crooked teeth and your acne-filled fuckfaces, you retards.

>be attractive
>don't be boring
>don't make a big deal out of your trans shit
>keep up on hygiene

they already lied to you about being a girl
there's no hope for them

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I don't know if I could ever marry a trans person, but if they want to dress super slutty like this, I'd make one a fuck buddy.

They would have to accept that I will address them as male

In my case, even if they didn't completely pass, as long as they were stable, clean, fit, and pretty, I'd give 'em a real chance.
Just don't cluster b my ass

I'll have you know my teeth are NOT crooked.