I'm going to post some comics, and you're going to tell me who is in the wrong.
guy is in the wrong in the first one
This is the first installment in a series of vignettes.
This is the second installment.
user is wrong obviously. He has a typical manchild attitude, and manchildren are always wrong
this is the third installment.
This is the fourth installment.
Everyone involved is overreacting and are idiots in this one. But the Chad is the worst I guessed since he's being a dick simply to be a dick
This is the fifth installment.
The normies except the college student who is implied to be a different person. That is, given what little context there is.
This is the sixth installment.
Clearly the guy
Fuck Normos
This is the seventh installment.
This is the eighth installment.
Who the dick would draw all of that and why.
Every stick figure except black and fat gf. They dindu nuffin.
This is the ninth installment.
It's called autism.
This is the tenth installment.
Green and orange for being hypocrites. And I guess red and purple for being mean at the beginning.
guy for being such a bitch
Everyone excep black the true robot
Red and his parents for spoiling him
I made these all few years ago, thought my files had been lost and am now curious to see how the userbase of r9k has changed.
I'm pretty sure this is how any possible relationship I could ever get into would go
I'd just be too paranoid to believe that she would actually be in love with me
very relatable at some points... at least i'm not alone in this suffering
In 2015 most people browsing r9k sided with the male in the story.
I remember this one, its my favorite
is this implying that Red, despite "winning" at life was still never fulfilled and felt envy about black genuinely enjoying himself playing a videogame?
Did you happen to post the OP pic in one of those old "Chad sees ur oneitis wdyd" threads that used to be here? It's so familiar and it makes me really nostalgic
this ones a bit weird
this ones a bit too political
Now THIS. This is probably my favorite OC ever from this board. Intentionally or not, it successfully deconstructs the original image without pushing any sort of agenda. While not criticizing black in some generic normalfag way (i.e. making him into a pussy), it doesn't criticize any of the other characters either, somewhat redeeming them.
tl;dr really, nobody is in the wrong in these.
I found this prompt so fun I've done it a couple of times.
Fuck I remember that one too. Ur making me feel today man. It's been so long since I've seen these sorts threads and it makes me sad
Holy shit I just realized that the left and right are the same person
Yeah, and throughout his life Red can be seen feeling a lot of anger whenever anybody actually enjoys shit in front of him.
I was stoked to get my files back, though a lot of this shit, especially the more "choose your own adventure" style stuff, is terribly sorted.
Probably filed so poorly because at the time I was a bit off my nut.
Has anyone told you you're an artistic genius, by the way? Like legit this stuff is art. Not because of the drawing quality obviously but because of what it portrays.
I can draw passably, I just get too impatient for all that when I want to tell a story. It feels like I "need" to get it all put down within 1-5 hours.
>this ones a bit too political
I was pretty assblasted at the time about having grown up on Jow Forums and the internet and kind of having the climate shift, it felt like somebody was pulling the ground away from under my feet and I spent a lot of time being REALLY mad.
The guy isn't wrong for feeling upset, But he didn't handle it the way he should've.
NOW. If he doesn't learn from his mistakes (aka. beta rage solves nothing) then I might have something different to say.
Know who's in the wrong here? The author of the comics.
That's right. The author. These are imagined scenarios that pander to everyones worst fears and insecurites, and a double pandering to anyone that's suffered some. Anyone with empathy will relate to the persecuted in these comics-- But they're imaginary people, constructed for nightmare fuel.
>Normies always evil! outcasts always good!
Take it from a bona fide outcast, nothing could be farther from the truth-- Sometimes the outcasts are far more terrible than any normie could ever be. I'm sure this conflicts with the authors worldview, But the truth is, It rains on the just and the unjust alike... the absolute ego of people, thinking their suffering is unique.
I'm gonna have to say user.. unless his sudden breakup was due to something before the comic began. Someone else trying to hit on your girl is not necessarily your girl's fault, which makes user the delusional one here.
Normie because they are the ones who are not being themselves and they demonstrate their hypocrisy at the end. It's still purple guy even with this The red guy never says anything verifiably wrong or self-deluding... I would say he isn't living very safely though with all the secrets and STDs and shit.
The danger of secrets manifested.
Faggot. He violently pushed away all his friends in exchange for women when he's actually attracted to men. It doesn't get much more wrong than that.
People change. The nature of mankind is at fault here if anything. Purple is a tard though, he asked her to change the thing that was keeping her with him.
The blond obviously is a bit delusional as well.
>Stealing from your potential savior
Absolute moron
Mom over reacts and causes unneeded harm. They could have mended a friendship. Also black should have been chill and not immediately ratted out his friend.
There's nothing morally wrong with their friendship breaking up, but it is a matter of being who they are. Their friendship ending was not what they originally wanted, thus control over their life is being stolen without valid reason.
Lime is in the wrong. For one, relationships that begin with cheating rarely ever work. Two, you never know who's on the other end of the stick, that person could seriously fuck with you.
No one is going to read this
These comics show some serious talent. The layout and story are excellent.
>No one is going to read this
I read it and many of your points are interesting and haven't come up before.
Would you describe yourself as more of a utilitarian? Your POV comes off as if that might be the case.
Which characters qualify as "the persecuted"?
Are not all the characters in this persecuted though? Every single character in that series is a victim of some circumstance. Even Red was plagued by neverending jealousy, never truly happy or satisfied. Black is no more or less of a tragic character than the others. I recommend rereading them with this mindset.
im not the author btw
None of them. Shit happens, and life bootfucks us all.
When you frame it like that, it's all. I just lean towards saying 'none' because they're not real people.
I know, I know, I'm being too literal, and maybe a little anal about it.
I was asking for clarification on the statement
>Anyone with empathy will relate to the persecuted in these comics-- But they're imaginary people, constructed for nightmare fuel.
You suggest that the comic shows a clear binary of "normies and outcasts", so which characters do you think are supposed to be outcasts?
You did the one of the pepe father rocking his dead son in his arms right? Do you still have that one?
You made these like 2014-2015 right?
Women hate threads were common, tendies posting, calling women roasties was hilarious, Elliot Rodgers was in some way celebrated because of his dumb antics like orange juice drive-bys, tripfags were common back then not just Eggman, a lot of them were obnoxious but some were cool.
I got them all back, including the sequel.
>misogyny, tripfags, and crybabies
Boy do I miss those days.
Looking back, I should have switched over to webms like everybody always told me to do.
I guess I liked drawing shit out to raise narrative tension, or bumping a thread with little installments.
Yeah, I usually go about my life with that sort of mindset. I wouldn't say it is exclusively the only way I ever think, but when someone asks "who's in the wrong here" that's the mode I switch into because we're talking individuals.
Because morals are a bit relative. I could say, if it leads you away from your own goals, then it's wrong. Same as I could say if it steps on society's goals then it is wrong, but that is often very different than your goals, making following yourself the wrong thing to do. I could even step into someone else's shoes and say you have to follow their goals in order to be in the right.
But no matter what it is utilitarian.. It's always a matter of forward force minus backwards force. I can't even see it any other way. You either benefit a goal, or you are a detriment to it. Although time plays a role too, you might be a detriment now but a huge benefit later on.
Also, thanks for reading my stuf.
But it makes retelling any of my .gif set story things a hassle.
I keep debating whether these are relevant enough to excuse taking a day to convert them to webm.
It's more of a nostalgia glut than anything else for the dozen or so people who originally saw them.
Pepe is an entirely new beast in public consciousness.
I mean this was made even before poopoo peepee, and the gore wave as desperate Jow Forums users tried to hold off waves of newcomers attracted by various news stories.
Memes are rarely "innocuous" now.
It is interesting how things change.
God damn if these aren't a lot of .gifs though.
We were a lot more angrier back then but not everything had to be coated in irony. I'm not sure if frogs and feels tavern started back then or if it was later.
We were aware of the bullshit we have to go through. One tripfag who left and said no-one would remember him was epicboy but I never forgot, even if he could be a cunt sometimes.
There were no gay generals, sissy posting was close to non-existent. There was another tripfag who was going to do a thesis or something on robots or something, Desolation was his trip I think, he was cool.
I'm not sure but I think draw threads were more common.
yeah, normalfags back then called him feels frog or sad frog but I doubt anybody associates him with feels anymore.
that's the one, always got me
Yes I remember those, those gross drawings of pepe having his dick nailed to a desk and wojak drowning in piss and wojak scrooge mcduck diving into shitcoins or whatever.
At the time, I was posting them as I drew them. Reading reactions as I continued to make the story was fun.
I actually had somebody important to me neck themselves after I made this. It was pretty bad. Some people told me that it made them reconsider their own decisions to an hero. I'm not sure if that's true but It'd be neat if my retard scribblings actually helped somebody.
It's nice to be affirmed that at least I am not alone with such specific feelings. Not sure what to make of it though, now that they have more reality to them.
I think Beta Uprising was a thing back then, this was before the Oregon shooting. We would have threads were people would call in, i.e. tactical pepe calling in, beta squad calling in, neckbeard weeb calling in.
People were creating knock off pepes like fefe, that blue elephant, I think cuckio came the year after.
People would respond with "nice meme!" ironically to shit they didn't like.
Thanks for the original content OP
>crying over that
>not feeling A L P H A as fuck
Wew. Obviously her. The fact that it's missing a few extra panels where she becomes chad's cum dumpster. Fuck that whore. There are no innocent girls. That guy avoided cucking like a boss.
Beta uprising definitely, but it was more strata specific. The board also felt more "private"- the userbase was small, a lot of us recognized one another from writing style and topic alone.
Remember those stupid fucking
>see this
>what do?
threads? With the naked skanks doing random things?
I decided to shit one up with this series of gifs once.
For those who weren't there or can't remember, this one fucking ass was posted roughly three times a day.
I was able to make these, wait, and then post the set- because photoshop takes more time than drawing poorly.
Something about this specific ass rustled my jimmies a bit, maybe it was the sheen of oil covering it.
Holy SHIt has it been ages. You're bringing me back, dude.
Definitely, if there is one thing I miss is that the board felt united, there was definitely camaraderie there that cannot be found now.
I'm glad that I've not thrown my old pc away because on it's hard drive is a few gigabytes of images from back then.
Sure do, I'm not sure if this was later, it might've been 2016 but there was a pic of I think was hibiki from idolmaster in a bikini which would get slightly more distorted each time a thread was posted with it on here, with extra teeth and eyes and shit.
I hadn't seen Parasyte yet, but it was funny to watch that later and see a similar theme executed with actual proficiency.
>there was a pic of I think was hibiki from idolmaster in a bikini which would get slightly more distorted each time a thread was posted with it on here, with extra teeth and eyes and shit.
I remember that.
Good times.
I occasionally worry about the "old guard" I hope most of us just got bored or discouraged instead of having met bad ends.
Suicide threads hit kind of a crescendo in 2014-15, and there'd be roughly a dozen in the catalog.
Not surprising seeing how most incels are insecure as fuck
I mostly just studied and came directly home to draw/drink, so Jow Forums and later cripplechan really was my primary source of socialization at the time.
I'm mostly just lucky that kiwifarms didn't sniff out my concentrated autism.
not muh terminology, ree, etc
This .gif at least proved worthwhile as a reaction image.
This set's confounding and mostly autistic hand-flapping but it is good at being repulsive and frightening.
The intent of the whole thing was garbled by my being cuckoo-clock crazy though, so I should step in and explain now that it's wrapping up.
and if I'd expanded on things a little more it would have been clearer, but my hands were cramping up and I was getting sleepy.
So we have our protag running from these random bitches turning into monsters, and it's got a bit of a zombie vibe to it,
and it seems that she's finally sequestered herself away from the complete bedlam outside.
But then thre's the big twist-
>suicide generals
I was just about to mention that. I loosely remember it getting to the point where they put a suicide hotline type thing at the top of the page? Or maybe I'm misremembering.
mummy tendies is an obvious one, those green texts are what started putting r9k on the radar, imo.
I'd like to list more stuff, but I'm having a bit of trouble remembering, the times get a bit mixed up. Like I think the olive garden posting was 2016-2017? I have fairly vivid memories of the board back when the shootings happened though I don't think they're adequate for the thread.
All women are turning into these freakish monsters, and she doesn't get to be some big exception.
She doesn't get to be "not like other girls".
So the monsters were literal interpretations of female flaws- The giant swallowing ass, a hairy mass of holes, a massively pregnant thing dragging itself along and crushing its own young in the process, and then the protagonist is a literal firecrotch aflame with her own histrionic anger.
I always preferred Cho to Eliot, I thought he suited the true spirit of the board more than a spoiled little rich boy.
Yeah there was a split between the two, but /lit/ kinda already had cho claimed, if you remember the board highscores image that used to get posted.
That reminds me of the
>look who came down from his cave
Do you still make stuff like this nowadays?
He's in the wrong. Should've been more assertive in the park over his girl instead of getting dunked on like a bitch.
Both sides are in the wrong.
This is just silly.
Here it is, here's my favourite.
Not really. A combination of getting a job, moving out, being busy, and becoming happier meant I had less time and there was less on my chest to get off. R9k also changed drastically so when I did try to post things my threads would just tank and it stopped feeling worthwhile.
I sketch a lot still, but it's all pencil & paper and I just keep it around for myself.
Oh, I just remembered that I did make a Pepe two months ago.
But they barely count as making things.
Everyone is in the wrong. Chad was being a dick. Stacy shouldn't have been so accepting of chads compliment. The protag shouldn't have been such a little beta bitch.
Purple. Though these are super over exaggerated.
What the fuck is this bullshit? Why are all your comics so fucking delusional about reality. lol.
Why are you so obsessed with faggots? Nobody gives a shit about faggots in real society outside of Jow Forums. I'm guessing yo are a faggot normie who thinks he isn't because he's gay. FUCK OFF MY BOARD FAGGOT
Nobody is wrong capital W, but I think the guy would benefit more from learning to let go.
Girl's wrong for knowingly manipulating someone who's attracted to her into a friendzone scenario. The guy's wrong for being friends with a woman he's not romantically involved with.
The normalfags, obviously.
Definitely the dipshit mom that can't appreciate this genuine gesture.
The femoid.
Politics reality, kiddo. Not all sides are equally criticizable.