R9k's (hypothetical) Day of Retribution

How do you imagine striking back at the normies, robots? Choose your:
>method of attack
>suicide method (optional)

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Other urls found in this thread:


With my cock. I will snu snu Stacy to the end.


Beating them at their own game

>Method of attack

Charm, wit, intelligence, good looks.


Probably some wu-tang.


Probably a nice tight fitting red shit, some good leather boots, and blue jeans

>Suicide method

Diving headfirst into whatever the fuck.

It's a good day to die and be reborn, robotos.

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don't mind me, i'm just gonna monitor this thread

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But fren dey sed this was my kase? You monitor too?

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AK with drum mag, sorority house, c4 detonate the fucking door.


tshirt linking me to r9k just to flood it with more normies

suicide method, c4 charge to head.

Basically the OP pic except I'm a fit dude and would use an AK while blasting Slavic Hardbass. However, I'm too old for retribution (24) and no longer day dream of such things... Fuck I miss rampant homicidal day dreams.

A bag full of cats
>method of attack
Unleash the cats
Cats! The Musical
You bet I would say 'cat costume'. Wrong. Dog costume. What now bitch?!
>suicide method (optional)
The cats will be forced to eat me after they finish consuming the entire human race.

I imagine only targeting roasties.

>suppressed WA2000, short barrel AR-15 in .50 Beowulf
>sniper attack at major event
>Orgasmatron by Motorhead
>body armor, black leather duster, ballistic mask with ahegao mouth
>suicide by cop if I can't escape

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Shotguns, AR, pipe bombs, and maybe some smoke grenades
>method of attack
Pull a fire alarm bringing everyone out to the field. Park a truck in front of the exit get out of the truck and unleash hell.
Pic related
>suicide method
Explosive vest

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You're never too old to dream desu.

On my person I'll take some AR, idk what kind, so long as it's easy to use, reliable and ideally looks cool. I'll also take some kind of handheld explosive to deal with police vehicles. Finally, I'll take some kind of long range sniper rifle.
>method of attack
Total insurrection, anarchy and government upheaval. I'll initiate the attack by sniping [insert high ranking corrupt official] and map my rampage to the locations of other high ranking corrupted individuals. It'll be easy to track them using social media. Meanwhile, my comrades will be assaulting the capital and other government infrastructure. They'll evacuate the innocent and destroy their facilities.
>sound track
Hot Fuss album by The Killers, A Rush of Blood To The Head by Coldplay and Red Hot Chili Pepper's "By the way" album
Black top coat, skinny black cargo pants, boots and an edgy t shirt. Plus body armor but fuck head protection I'm too cool. Also horn rimmed sunglasses, because I think in my dreams it happens in the spring or summer.
>suicide method
Not necessary. If I die I die.

The world they made for themselves
>method of attack
When their bullshit finally spills over and collectively bites them in the ass
Something religious I think. It just seems fitting to play the latin hymns while the modern Rome burns in its pig-headed arrogance
The same humbals clothes I always wear
>suicide method (optional)
No need. I'll prob die soon after myself. I'm just here to watch, popcorn in hand, as the entire world shoots itself in the foot with a rocket launcher.

I typed humble, is there some kind of filter for that word too?

I just want to stalk random people and scare them I don't want to hurt nobody

Assault rifle with plenty of ammunition
>Method of attack
Pull the fire alarm and unleash hell while walking through the hallways
Bathory self titled
All black
Gunshot to the head, duh

That rifle would not do shit in a school shooting, that picture is cancer.

Okay Rorschach.

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Not if your aim is good, which it looks like hers was. Besides, you can carry more bullets.

>Bathory self titled
For me it would be a choice of
Deicide Self titled
Slayer hell awaits
Darkthrone under a funeral moon

>AK-74 with 6 rpk mags and smoke grenades, flashbangs, and pipebombs. Possibly poison gas bombs, and a gas mask with a team Wendy ballistic with a lbt pc with lv 4 plates. Would be an attacking on the exit of a concert of some faggot singer, would use flashes and smoke to drive out people into the line of fire then showtime.
>bohemian rhapsody, by queen
>as seen as above, but while wearing a flecktarn uniform and with deployment boots.
>mossberg shockwave

No, look at the amount of blood, a .22 does not do that, that almost looks like blunt force trauma. Also, the chest rig she is wearing has 5.56 mag pouches for a rifle chambered in .22 long, illogical at best.

multiple pipe bombs, pistol, shotgun
>method of attack
wait for the annual summer party at my University( basically 3000 chads/stacies), set up multiple bombs in schoolbags around the stage, start shooting immiedietly after the explosions
The Toxic Avenger - Make this Right
casual clothing to blend in better
>suicide method (optional)
continue shooting untill a cop kills me

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Gym membership and hobbies
>method of attack
Self improvement and therapy
Alt rock: the black keys, queens of the stone age, pearl jam etc
Jeans, tee shirt, beat up old vans

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An actual school shooter thread.
This is fantastic

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That's why I said my retribution is just self improvement, they can't get me for anything

same user. fuck all these doomers

>you go and do something stupid
>people who are weird/off get lumped in with you
>even more jokes about being the next eliot rodger thrown their way

y u do dis r9k
you're only hurting the collective whole of this board by trying to do anything but move along and deal with it

people like op and
are why we can't have nice things.

Hey you seem pretty cool, you got discord?

>shooting normies
>not going after a Rothschild or some cool shit that'll get you meme'd on Jow Forums instead

you're just feeding into their attack program imo, if they're too evil to not bully you and call you a school shooter then who really cares if they get shot?

when the day comes how will you weed out those that do not deserve the kiss of death, those that have not wronged you and suffer the same fate as you?

>are why we can't have nice things.

No, you can't have nice things because the world belongs to normies.

You're already at the bottom. It fucking doesn't matter who you get lumped in with. There's no more down to go.

It doesn't matter how nicely or poorly other robots behave, you're still going to be a fucking loser as far as normies are concerned, either way.

If I had the depraved wherewithal I think I'd make an excellent mass bomber.

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I'm going to maintain my viability within the system until nanotech becomes a little more accessible. Then my Day of Retribution involves a self-replicating nanoscale weapon pointed at some protein structure that's the basis for grain agriculture or the human mind.

I want to burn it all down. Not just a piece.

>y u do dis r9k
>are why we can't have nice things.
Think you got lost on the way to reddit dumbass

>Bombs and a laptop
Method of Attack
>Set up a shitton of bombs in duffel bags around my university, then remotely explode them when everyone is inside of the building
>Ocean Man
>Legit just a hoodie and jeans
Suicide methos
>Bomb strapped to my chest (if the cops ever backtrace it to me)

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vector or AA12.

>plan of attack:
fucking guns blazing from bottom floor, hold one classroom hostage or at least one person, without intent to kill them

Saint Pepsi - Fiona coyne
or royal blood - ten ton skeleton

Aiden Pearce mask, anime shirt, boxers

>Suicide method:
back flip off the roof using my hostage as a way to safely get up there and leaving them alive cause gay unless they a cuck thou

Yeah my second choice would probably be bolt thrower

By killing whoever I deem unworthy to live in this world in a very slow and agonizing way. Either with my bare hands or a knife. No suicide because I know I'd never get caught.

Basically Ide got sicario mode. 90s operator black gear, balaclava, face painted in green camo, just walk in my HS bullies family whilst they are having dinner and execute them in front of him before killing him.


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Accuracy International L115A3 silenced
Desert Eagle as sidearm
>method of attack
Sniping chads one by one from 2+km out. One every couple of days, taking care to leave no traces of my deed.
Something like rock but with a slower pace.
Disposable clothes. Whatever is on sale at the store. Burn them or give them away to the homeless once used for a day's shot.
>suicide method (optional)
Deagle to head if they ever catch me.

Banana peels and a super soaker full of lubricant
>method of attack
Strategically place banana peels and lubricant on stairs and hallways
The Kinslayer
Full body banana costume with "Natural Selection" written on it and black sunglasses
>suicide method (optional)
shoot my shoes with lube and trip off a roof

benelli m4 super 90,HK usp match, bikelocks, pipe bombs
>method of attack
get excused for toilet, use that time to use bikelocks on doors, place pipebombs in the designated safety spots, begin
>suicide method
shotgun to mouth

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First of all i have nothing against normal people. My fight would only be with people who have actually harmed me, and those who harm others. My method of attack would be to not attack on my own but to launch a full blown uprising of other people with my predicament. Everyone would take out their own enemies at the same time.

>all answered by pic related

In all seriousness, it's pathetic that you need to invent threats instead of doing the hard work to go after real ones, glow.

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Best post in the thread desu.

air-soft pistol (Britbong) to subdue, knife to kill
sneaky kills until noticed or bodies found, then genocide mode
Pet Sounds
blue suede suit
Slit throat

Bro you might as well make a four winds shotgun or just fucking buy guns illegally because you are literally committing the worst crime one can commit anyways

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Never really thought about that

this, why are we even considering getting our hands dirty in an attack? being safe and far away with no chance of being caught is the only real way besides the normies will just laugh at you being dead or in prison.

better than gays and sissies threads

Canisters full of deadly gas (preferably one that can kill quickly) and a remote system that would let me trigger it from afar.
>method of attack
plant them in the vents of the place i want to attack; space them out evenly. send in a violent threat to get the area to go into lockdown
Nine inch nails - The day the world went away
Just my normal outfit. Nothing special.
>Suicide method
I would prefer to be smart about it, but if it ever came down to it, a bullet through the brain would work splendidly.
Hello fbi man.

>TAR21 FMJ and heartbeat, rpg, semtex and nerve gas
>Tommy's Theme - Noisia
>all black, boots, trenchcoat, gloves and gas mask
>RPG to the ground

Right back to the good ole days.

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> lawn chair
>let the bodys hit the floor
>comfy robe
>radation poisoning from nuclear fallout

I get in my car and drive somewhere and never talk to anyone I know ever again. Thats the maximum.

I don't really have any need to kill anyone at my old school because I've long since left and anyone associated with my time there has long since gone. I do want that place destroyed though for the shit I had to put up with for those years

Bombs set on a timer
>method of attack
The school is set in three main blocks. C block has some gas taps in one of the classrooms so ideally I'd like to get a bomb in there somehow. B block has a few more gas taps and I'd like to get a couple bombs in there at ground floor at both ends of the building. A block, maybe get some bombs in the teacher/admin areas. There is a section that is three floors and both front and back have glass style exteriors. Would be fun to see all that shit fly
Something by KMFDM would be fitting. Ready to Blow immediately comes to mind
My black boots, dark jeans. Maybe a CKY shirt and a black trenchcoat as a nod to Eric and Dylan.
>suicide method (optional)
Let a train hit me at a crossing a way out of town. Or maybe go to a place that meant a lot to me as a kid and take a cyanide pill.

peaceful dissent

>method of attack

C S Lewis Mere Christianity audiobook (moderate volume)

plain colored robes

>suicide method (optional)
befriend a jew or two