Why don't you go to therapy

Why don't you go to therapy

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Cost too much, also I have a notebook I usually write in whenever I feel the need to talk to someone, since nobody wants to listen to my bullshit.

Cause therapists can ruin your life based on a diagnosis they cant ever really be a 100% sure about. And theyre also all phonies.

Wouldn't a psychiatrist be better

An eighth of mushrooms did more for me in 6 hours than therapists did in 3 years.

Because they all want me to stop doing coke, and I really don't want to

i don't want to give money to someone who is sitting in a chair pretending they are interested to listen to my problems.
in a nutshell it's basically this:
>have you done x? if not try doing it
>do you do y? then do x instead

I'm a poorfag, that's why

How can you trust a stranger and tell them all your issues? i never understood how people go to therapy.

Cause I don't wanna be a functional person. The idea of studying and working is absolutely dreadful. I'd rather be a worthless NEET.

What could a therapist do for me?

I did, they prescribed me some anti-depressants that did jackshit for a year and just decided to stop and label me as normal. Still want to kms everyday.

I'm not going to pay money so I can akwardly try to tell a stranger all my problems, just so they can tell me what I already know and recommend solutions that I'm already aware of or have tried

>But you haven't tried EVERYTHING, user!

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have fun ruining your life, that paper trail will never disappear.

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My next appointment is monday user :)

Only my second one. I'm really not sure if it will help me, but I unironically enjoyed talking to someone about myself. I never have an opportunity for that.

>pay someone to pretend to care about your problems
Therapists are whores but for your feelings, except they'll document everything and ensure you'll never get a high status position in society ever.

I have been and they threatened to put me in a physiatric ward so I stopped going

In therapy now, I've passed on the pills

But I did for ten years, and that did not help much.

One can argue a stranger can assess you as close to objectively as possible

What the fuck is an eighth?
just say how many grams and if its dry or wet fffs

Why did she not react at all to the drink?

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of an ounce dumbass

3 grams?
dry or wet

It is impersonal. They don't remember who you are, refer to their notes and give you the same crass spiel every single time.

People here would listen.
Write something down and post it here.

Dry, 3.5 gs wet would only be a microdose.

I did, for ten years.

it amounts to a very long-winded and expensive "just be yourself!"

Therapists are normalfags that won't understand shit with their meme degree.

meds helped much more
I don't have any traumatic experiences that I need to pick apart, just social anxiety and low self esteem. there was nothing the therapists told me that I couldn't find in five minutes online.

Because I feel happy with my life, I don't think I have any mental issues I need sorted out with a therapist. Yeah I know, that is kinda rare for an R9K user.

jesus fucking christ the actual coping in this thread
>t-they are going to ruin my life!
yeah, what do scientific studies and trained people doing experiments know, you know everything
also a psychlogist doesnt say "go do x lol" he helps you to do the x, youre just retarded

psychology is a pathetic meme field based on surveys where the results are bullshit "maybe this is the case" conclusions and can almost never be replicated
scientific my dick

Most of what I write is a bit too personal to put on here, but I'll probably post it one of these days.

This literally happened today.

>extremely depressed lonely and self loathing
>try to schedule a therapist appointment
>$99 just to "register" with the therapy office, and you're billed $20 every month after that
>I have the cheapest version of my company's healthcare so I'd also have to do $40 co-pays on top of that every time
>tell them I can't afford that, they immediately hang up on me
>I walk back to my cubicle feeling like shit
>boss yells at me back on the way for taking too many breaks

Highly focused on social media probably.

>mom fell for the therapy meme and keeps dragging me around to different therapists because she thinks me talking with some retard with a fancy degree is going to magically turn me into a chad with a successful career and lots of friends

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my biggest fantasy involves a therpaist and i'm afraid i'll get hard and she'll hate me

Becuase they don't care about what is moral or right, their "help" is only aimed at that which is effective in playing the game. My issue is not of capability, fear, or even being unlikable but rather with the system itself. I'm not going to pay someone to pressure me to conform to the status status quo when I'm doing well for myself as an outsider.

Cost of a therapy session if you had all that money at once you could take it and do stuff to get laid with girls instead. Then you wouldn't need therapy.

Have tried a psychologist, didn't work out. Most of the time was spent informing me that I'm fucking autistic and how to cope with that. I'm still not convinced I'm actually autistic and it's not just their assumptions of me that made them come to the conclusion.
Worst thing was is that I really didn't get any help. I don't want to cope, I want things to improve and maybe things would've if they redirected their efforts to something useful.

Don't see the point in doing it. All they care about is getting paid, they don't really give a shit about you or your problems.

Then there's the whole they can fuck up your life with a diagnosis and the fact they will report stuff you say that they think is a problem to the police.

For literally no reason I just feel like complete shit today. Am I dying/crazy doc?

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It's too expensive and as a 22 year old man I feel ashamed to ask my parents to pay for it. I am finishing my degree soon and if I get a good graduate job I will definitely go.

first appointment at the therapist on monday, it's for anxiety my anxiety/panic disorder don't have high expectations.

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My sister's a therapist and she's probably one of the most insane people I know...

i went to therapy exactly once and the fucking guy was just projecting his dead dad issues onto me because i mentioned my dad was dead and started to feel like i was HIS fucking therapist. i'm not sure but i don't think that's how it is supposed to go.

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I don't think im capable of being open with anyone, ontop of that I bet a lot don't really care about you and would just tell you some generic advice.