Are any of you in the military or are planning to join?
What are your experiences or what are you trying to get out of it?
Are any of you in the military or are planning to join?
What are your experiences or what are you trying to get out of it?
I was in navy school but got kicked out. Then I tried to join the army and air force but was not accepted.
I strongly recommend it. It's not for everyone but it's a really good career. The best out of them all imo. It's fun, you make friends, get fit as fuck, get to wear a sexy ass uniform, become much manlier and respectable in general, hell people treat you like you're a hero and you were the lowest of scum just months before. Also steady job and pay, no job interviews or any bullshit, institutions based on values such as honor and loyatly instead of profit, you can trust people, you get benefits, get to so exciting things...
I could be all day. I'll never get over losing that career.
by navy school do you mean navy boot camp? or OCS?
what happened that you got kicked out?
I'm not american but it's the equivalent to Annapolis. Had a few episodes with alcohol. I was in university before the navy and I used to drink a lot. Then I just fucked up.
I did an enlistment as an infantry muhreen from 2008-12, including 2 tours/16 months on the frontlines of helmand afghanistan. I didn't join for the benefits or to do my "duty" or whatever, I just really wanted to kill some muslims. Most guys in my platoon were the same way.
I'm in the air force, I came in for food and shelter. I hate my job and do the bare minimum. I'm getting out next year, but I'm scared of going to college or having to work.
Army infantry, I hate my job everyday except when we get to do cool shit in the field. If you're thinking about it, I'd say do it just for the money and college opportunity later on, as long as you know how to manage your money and don't blow them on stupid shit. 3 years isn't that big a commitment. Highly recommend chair force or some supply intel pog job.
already went to college and did too poorly to become an officer so it's not nearly worth it
Not American. I served in French Foreign Legion though. Already posted about it here few times. It is actually pretty good last resort option for adventurous robot.
Depending on how this year goes for me, I'll either join or kill myself
I'm enlisted in the Navy. When we aren't at sea it's alright, when we are at sea not having the chon or contact with my family is a bit sickening. I still have 4 years left in my contract. I would recommend the Navy if you don't want to be an infantrycuck. They run a lot
Hey dude, I'm . I tried to join the FFL in 2016. I made it to the last stage in selection at Aubagne but was not selected unfortunately. It was a great experience still and I'm glad I tried. What regiment were you in? I was hoping to go the 3eme in the South American jungle if I got in.
Is the army a good place for people with no direction in life
Yes. You'll be in the best shape of your life and make some decent money. If you aren't a complete autist you might just make the leap to being a chad
>If you aren't a complete autist
What is the minimum I can be autistic before I shouldn't consider doing the military
Why they flunked you out bro? They rejected you for good or you can try again? I was in 2e reg. Friend who enlisted with me got into Guayana, told me what atrocious horrid shit it was and that pretty much only Brazilians flourished there.
Don't join if you get homesick, we had one guy cry and release because he missed his mom. That's the only autistic thing I can see holding someone back, there's a lot of retards in the military
what about navy reserves?
I just don't talk to people. I have the qualifications to apply as an officer in my cunt but how bad of an idea will applying for that be
I tried to air force, but got rejected due to a peanut allergy and everyone called me a pussy because of it. They're not wrong and it's kinda funny.
>Why they flunked you out bro?
They didn't say why. The Caporal-Chef just didn't read my name when they announced the selections and i was back on civi street in an hour. At least they paid me 900 euro for the 4 weeks i spent there.
From my experiences Officers normally do a ton of talking, but honestly the military may break you out of your shell and give you the confidence to talk
I'm in the (US) Army
Shit sucks but it beats being homeless