Why do chads do this?

why do chads do this?

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God that beta smile from the gnome is infuriating

I'd be so mad and so turned on at the same time.

Was the guy in the way and wouldn't move? If not, that would be pretty infuriating if that happened to me.

if Chad did that to my bf i'd probably have second thoughts about being with him...

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What's the correct move for manlet here? Square up and deck him in the face?

pretty much


>the fact that he doesn't immediately hit the guy in the face

absolute beta

hit him? shanking him would be better.

funniest shit ever

wait how is that guy so small?

No he would get laughed at for manlet rage

Yea, going to jail and having a record and being unemployed for the rest of your life... AFTER Chad beats your ass. That'll show him!

Jump on his back into a rnc and sleep him

there's no way you can't count it as self defense if you hit a guy as he's in the middle of picking you up without consent

the best option would to be verbally aggressive, stating your dissatisfaction about being touched and forcibly moved, then continuing to say that you'd beat the shit out of him if he touches you again. If in the event that he does touch you it would be beneficial you actually have the ability to beat him.

Let him and everyone in the room know about your superior IQ and potential future earnings.

Justifiable self defense.

Taller men have on average higher IQ and income.

lol are you stupid? Self-defense is only acceptable in court if you felt like your life was at risk you idiot.

That's if you use lethal force you dumb fuck

Maybe in cuckfornia

Anything you do will be passed off as "manlet rage" or "little man syndrome" and be used to humiliate you more. Best thing to do is get the fuck out of there or call the guy a cunt and leave it as that


Thanks for the info, but it was a joke.

you can't fucking legally punch someone as an adult for picking you up as a semi-joke in modern civilized society you fucking sperging idiot

There is nothing we can do.
Fuck this Earth and fuck this life.

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Who going to wait for the guy picking you off of the ground to actually do something and maybe fling you into a wall or some shit before deciding if they're in danger lol?

Snatch his beer and chug it

>Gets picked up from behind with what appears to be no prior warning
He'd be perfectly justified in lashing out and punching the guy in self defense there.

Yes you can you fucking pussy. Him forcefully moving you is assault. You can legally punch him

lmao manlets BTFO forever
It's over for them

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lol good luck in court with that one, incels.

Yes, you can.

If someone physically grabs you, you can employ the level of violence required to get them to stop.

You'd have to punch him WHILE he's doing it, though. No stewing about it to get mad and shouting and shit and THEN hitting him. It has to be immediate.

that's wrong. You can only defend yourself to protect yourself from imminent violence, and you have to use a PROPORTIONATE response. Punching someone for picking you up as a joke is not acceptable.

>always carry aids needle in my pocket just incase something like this ever happens
>as Chad is picking me up, stealthily inject the needle in his left thigh
>look at chad and say "Ill have my revenge one day, until then enjoy the drink on me" and slam down twenty dollars on the table
>leave the bar
>search facebook for Chad and watch the timeline of events I set in motion
>after years have passed and Chad is in hospital I visit him
>i buy balloons and chocolates for him
>i enter his room and slide the furtherest chair from him, dragging it loudly across the floor as I stare and never look away from him
>"hello Chad, remember me?"
>Look at chads eyes as flashbacks of him picking me up that fateful night flashes through his mind
>"ive come for my revenge Chad"
>I get up and grip unto chad, his body deterioted from the aids, bones sticking out everywhere, doesnt weight more than an 8 year old child, feeble like a baby I lift Chad without an exertion, feel him shaking from either fear or just the coldness of the room since the Aids lefts him with no fat, just a bag of bones now, i walk a couple of steps pulling wires and IVs off and gently place him on the cold dead floor
>"we are even now" I say walking away from him, my jacket fluttering from a draft in the hallway as I pull down my sunglasses and I heard the faintest of whimpers from Chad

nah that's fucked in this situation, you can't counter grab the guy like some reversal command throw shit in a fighting game, you have to hit him. And yes being lifted up out of nowhere is a good enough clause to expect imminent violence you don't fucking do that randomly and call it a joke after.

Some random person grabbing you?
Yeah I'd feel in life threatening danger

>No counter
>"lel you incels"
Tell me why it isn't assault and why he has no right to self defense then

this is the only appropriate response

Nothing. Manlets are not people and should learn their place.
When will they learn bros?

Good one kiddy

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>Average dick size but not a manlet

I guess i dont have it so bad after all but when you're a bigger guy girls expect you to be carrying a monster dong

If you honestly don't think a judge will see you as a psychotic angry assaultive manlet who is a risk to society for punching someone in the face for casually lifting you and moving you half a foot away at a bar, then you're delusional.

imagine talking to a hot chick and this happens to you

The appropriate response is grabbing his nuts with all your force while he picks you up. Since it's a low area no one will see it, but it'll hurt like shit for him, and also humilliate him. Then grin at him and maybe give him a wink.

The only winning move is not to play. Like many things in life. You could tell him to get the fuck out of your way and push him aside and make him hit you in which case he'll catch a case.

if Chad picked up my BF my BF would shoot Chad.

>"anyone should just be allowed to pick people up and move them and expect so consequences"

Good luck with that one against the judge you risk to society

I CC and I'll just say he reached for my weapon.

but let me guess, it's ok to grope women at a club because that's an environment where people should expect to be touched right?
You incels are such snowflakes

report him for original sexual assault


Mega douche alert. Bartenders hate when you do that shit. He probably was served watered down drinks all night

>be user

I'm a black femanon , and if someone ever did that to my bf I would stand up for my bf and get in his face. Why are white women so disloyal, ya'll dont deserve white guys.

thank you for agreeing with my argument.

I never agreed. It's not ok to move someone without their permission. It's a much graver offence to punch someone for moving you though.

why are yall like that? I dated a nigress for a year and she would show her ass in public all the time.

Spunked-down drinks if bartender had any sense of decency.
The manlet loses all respect if he doesn't immediately and violently retaliate against the adam's apple, genitals, or somewhere similarly sensitive.

well odds are youre replying to a trans "woman" with a penis and mental illness which causes them to say bad things to get attention

>ya'll dont deserve white guys.

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i'm knocking that nigga out the minute he touches me
t. 5'8" manlet.

Yeah you aint gunna get unemployed forever or have all that shit. If some random asshole decided to come up from behind and pick me up and off the bar stool I would hit them right in the face, motherfuckers always act tough until they get hit square in nose. If you don't at least square up and start a confrontation your a beta basedboy.

>It's a much graver offence to punch someone for moving you though.
necessary response to force being let down. Rights against this we're thrown away when you began assault by literally surprise lifting a dude off the ground

based manlet
why are lanklets so beta?

Black bot here
The secret is to travel in groups and take the fight outside.

Where is this clip from? where did you get it?
What is the context?

Again, good luck in court if you intend to waste a Judge's time with a stupid argument like that instead of pleading guilty and hoping for a lighter sentence.

I'd seriously love to see your head get caved in when you try this on someone.

Yeah I'll be fine when the judge sees the security footage of some asshole lifting a dude up out of nowhere. Good luck getting screwd yourself

this footage would actually hurt your case because your only hope would have been to exaggerate the forcefulness of Chad's action against you. This footage clearly makes it look like a funny joke.

Why didn't he sucker punch him?

If that were me, I'd be crying and would never go out of my room again. Fuck this world. Why do people have to be so mean?

1. it's illegal to punch someone for gently lifting you
2. Chad would kick his ass

WE can see what looks like a funny joke, but the guy likely had no idea.

You have to attack him the moment he starts to lift you, that way you make it clear that it's not an acceptable thing to do.

Tho then the guards will kick YOU out for defending yourself.

>that's wrong. You can only defend yourself to protect yourself from imminent violence, and you have to use a PROPORTIONATE response. Punching someone for picking you up as a joke is not acceptable.

Unwanted physical contact IS violence. It's past the imminence stage as soon as the guy touches you to pick you up.

You think it's not proportionate, because you think "It's just a joke, brah!" But "It was just a joke!" has absolutely no legal standing. Lethal force might not be proportionate here, but punching the guy is well within - WELL within - the level of force required to make him stop what he's doing. And you are absolutely and without limitation allowed to employ a level of force up to the level required to make him stop what he's doing.

all arguments aside you'd be too much of a pussy to even punch Chad lol, especially over a joke. I wouldn't even worry about it if I were you

Looks to me like he's friends with manlet and is stopping him paying for a round of beers

"oh, he's buying"

Chad's defence wouldn't be "it was a joke."
You can't PUNCH someone for GENTLY lifting you. That is NOT well within the limitation by any means. A judge would never rule in favour of such a spastic violent response in a public social setting.

this is unknown from the point of a stranger suddenly picking you up in an anonymous setting and would not hold up in court, you aren't required to participate in peoples "jokes"
bar fights literally happen all the time over pettier shit than this and nobody gets convicted, but i'm guessing a beta like you doesn't go to bars often. nobodys going to convict you over a punch to the face when they laid a hand on you first especially, as long as you arent giving them permanent damage, which a punch 99% of the time wont

is the guy who got lifted up a manlet or is the guy who picked him up just really tall? i'm not really a manlet, 6'0" 180 lbs, but when i was in college i had a roommate who could've picked me up easily because he was like 6'4" 250 lbs

I go to bars all the time. In the real world, when ADULTS fight, they get convicted if the victim (in this case Chad, from a hypothetical punch) presses charges. Telling the jury someone gently lifted you won't exactly do you much good if you're trying to justify battery like this

Let him fuck my wife

>Your post is not original

This dude just unironically whiteknighting Chad over here. It's faggots like you that give your kind (manlets) a bad name. If you were at all based like
Chad would get laid the fuck out and learn his lesson.

You're replying to a larper

He shouldn't ever come to russia, every month we have some "chad" getting Jagdkommando'd for things like these.

I'm actually trying to advise you manlets against doing someone which will ruin your life.
Fuck chad for lifting that guy. I hope he dies. But punching him for that isnt smart. youll get convicted if he presses charges.

If i was white knighting for chad I'd recommend you manlets punch your local chad ASAP

Getting grabbed and lifted and punching during the act of someones hands on you in this forceful way will lead to getting you acquitted of charges. I know you are lying about knowing the nature of bars because there's no way you would know which fights lead to acquittals or convictions because these are month long events which nobody gives a fuck enough to follow. You will be thrown out for fighting and then you go to another bar.

Police often get called to bar fights. Try again when you actually have an intelligent thought.

t. bar attendee, law student

>implying in a city atmosphere you're going to stay around after a fight

Police get called into any sort of altercation or disturbance ALWAYS, that doesn't mean courts or convictions always happen fucktard.

Thought is that if at the moment of chad touching you punch him, he would not have gently lifted him and it would be probable that he had some other ill intentions.
And i bet that most likely judge wouldn't rule anthing serious.

when did i say it will always happen? no where. When people are drunk and fight they often stick around because they're in a daze, and someone else calls the police.
You will not get convicted 100% of the time, but it's a possibility and it happens often. You really are a fucking idiot, aren't you?

They get called up to extended bar fights where some hyper-aggressive morons or ratchets claw at each other for 10 minutes in the street while a crowd watches, not a five-second encounter where someone puts their hands on someone and gets KO'd posthaste. Yeah, you'd get kicked out, but politely accompany the bouncer to the door and leave and there's little to worry about.

>You can't PUNCH someone for GENTLY lifting you.

Yes, you can. Or are you from the UK or some absurd faggot country?

You can punch someone for gently placing their arms around you to hug you, if their action inhibits your free motion and it's unwanted.

You can punch someone for being in a group of people that surround you and use their body weight to walk you in a direction you don't want to go.

The threshold of violation of your autonomy that legally entitles you to use violence to escape is much lower than I think you realize. "Come on, I was gentle!" and "Come on, I was being funny!" don't fucking count, dude.

Frankly, in US jurisdictions where possession of Mace isn't illegal, you could probably legally Mace the guy in this situation.

Either leave or go full Francis Begbie on him with all the consequences.
If you choose to go full Francis Begbie then chads life must be as ruined as yours will be after the legal ramifications.

You realize that laws aren't so black and white when discussed in court. People in the law profession usually are not autists. Many things are taken into consideration before letting someone off for battery. If you think that manlet has a >50% chance of walking out of court innocent after punching that Chad for that you clearly don't know anything about how the legal system operate in reality.

>when did i say it will always happen? no where.
The subject of the discussion was convictions and the legality regarding the use of force. You entered with "police often get called to bar fights". You must go to a shitty law school if you're this low IQ.

>When people are drunk and fight they often stick around because they're in a daze
No. Either one guy gets knocked out and the other leaves because he is kicked out/ruined the atmosphere, or both guys decide to break it up and either make up or both leave and are kicked out. You have never been to a bar in a major city.

>You will not get convicted 100% of the time, but it's a possibility and it happens often.
If you provoke a fight and get hit you will not get a conviction or even care enough to go through court procedures unless you got seriously damaged. I've known people who have had their wrists or fingers broken yet they don't even try to take it to court because 1) you cannot track that person down easily, 2) legal expenses and 3) you recognize your own level of involvement and take your punishment like a man because you realize the law will not solve 90% of your problems in life.

Just wait until he gets out and ran him over with your car