What do you think she is thinking?

What do you think she is thinking?

Attached: 1546547807973.jpg (1140x1365, 829K)

Who? The ugly tall one?

omg she is hot

fuck being a manlet

probably wondering if her friends are post op too

"wish i was white"

not original obviously

boobies on middle roastie are nice

I wonder what their craniums look like.

Indian women are fucking pathetic looking lmao she can barely keep that fake smile on her face cause she knows standing next to those beautiful women makes her look like even more of a pudgy goblin

80% sure that's a mexican

Regardless, she just needs a better personality

Indian and Mexican women are both goblin tier

He might have meant Indian as in Native American.

Fuck she even hoover hands on Stacy

to be honest I would go for the tall girl even though the middle has really good tits

yet the brown one is the only one who wants you

I would unironically go for the short, dark girl.
Her exotic complexion, her naive insecurity, her powerful stocky physique, the fact that she probably knows how to cook!
Middle girl has nothing going for her except her chest.
Tall girl has nothing going for her unless you have a thing for lanky giant women.

Doubt it, she looks like she only likes white guys

>I'm going to be sucking Chad's dick after he takes the picture

literally a completely inferior women compared to the other two. what does she have that they don't? more fertility? intelligence? athleticism? like there's literally nothing

>Needs a better personality
Sick burn. How will the goblin ever recover?

I hope so. She deserves a white man's (relatively) gargantuan member and a stable future with lots of sex and babies.

>all these retards going for the midgets
>not going for the strong, tall, white woman

Attached: 1533241859893.jpg (627x627, 88K)

>can't wait to go home and post on r9k about how fembots exist

You know all her friends told her she was beautiful and 40 guys hit on her that day?