i wish r9gay would go away, also bully posters too, i hate you.
I wish r9gay would go away, also bully posters too, i hate you
why user?
what has r9gay done to you?
they literally post gay shit every day and try to brainwash us into being gay and bully me for not being chad they are evil fags, they know they're not wanted and have a board, why can't they just leave?
No one cares if you're gay or not
There are a few people who think eliciting a paranoid reaction from you is funny so they play into your fears
The rest of us could care less
i don't care that you don't care it's a moot point and not an argument, r9gay should leave because they're not even robots and spam up the board with gay shit.
fuck you people
>Tfw browse r9gay and sometimes bullypost.
I am your worst nightmare.
>people constantly complain about muh pol
>meanwhile literal faggots and trannies have their own generals on Jow Forums when they have an ENTIRE BOARD dedicated for them
Disgusting honestly, mods are pathetic faggots.
/r9gay/ is a containment thread for gay robots, just hide it if you don't want to see it
Trannies are another issue entirely though
They bullied me too. I was sad and told them a long story about my best friend who is loved by me in secret. They attacked me for posting "blog".
Noone responded to me. They are mean gaynormies who should leave to /lgbt/.
but they also post other threads and post in non r9gay threads pushing their gayness, r9gay is a honey pot for faggots
If a straight person posts about >tfw no gf, a gay person shouldn't be disallowed to post about >tfw no bf
Don't forget about the new sissy daily uwu!!
Just use the filter unless you are a closet gay or your struggling with wanting to transition
well that's the problem they have a containment board but still need to open up shop here, straight peopel don't want to be around gays if you didn't get the memo especially if they're Jow Forums cancer trannies who tell you to transition if you're not chad
and a lot of these fags have bfs, they talk about having gay fucking sex, these aren't even incel gays
Just filter it if you dont want to see it.
they can just evade my filter and they are taking up space other threads could be in, they have hundreds of responses every thread, why is this? how much of r9k is fucking gay?
Nobody can "turn you gay". If you're worried that people on fucking Jow Forums are doing that then you might be gay. I doubt chads worry about random strangers trying to turn them gay
I dunno, r9gay seems pretty robot to me since it's literally piss easy for gays to find each other because of how straight forward men are, yet all they post about is
>tfw no bf
>wanting incels on Jow Forums
Back to plebbit!
>straight people don't want to be around gays
(citation needed)
Unlike the image retards parading around anonymous image boards portray, gay people aren't STD-ridden sex-obsessed caricatures
>gay people aren't STD-ridden sex-obsessed caricatures
that's basically what r9gay is though
you would prefer normalfags or something?
>unlike the image retards parading around anonymous image boards portray
you're defending gays and saying they should post and they aren't freaks then saying r9gay isn't gays so what are you really defending? you're acting like gays are actually good people or something and not sex obsessed trolls who shit up this board like you see every day in and out
Gay people have as much as a right to post here as you do.
>"r9gay is not different from /lgbt/ at all, i'm sure they'd totally be able to integrate!"
also r9k has no topic
fuck you r9gay faggot you don't belong here go to your fucking containment board before i fucking kill you fucking bitch! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
Jow Forums's topic is not being /b/, all these porn and gay generals belong on /b/ or /trash/
this, you get banned for posting /b/ tier content but r9gay and other degenerate shit is allowed?!
>you're either an incel or a normalfag
Fucking plebbit refugees, go back
Imagine an anonymous Chinese candle-eating forum being the only place where you feel accepted
yeah no you totally belong here if you have a gf and career
screaming reddit doesn't make you anything but a cringeworthy brainlet btw like congratulations you're a dumb faggot who only uses Jow Forums like a loser, and plenty of normies on Jow Forums say incel, so what is your point even idiot? fucking dumb idiot.
gay generals are fine under the rules. and /r9gay/ almost never has porn in it. lewd yes sometimes, usually no porn.
/r9gay/ takes up one thread and doesn't bother anyone. it's not /b/-tier. if you think it is /b/-tier, you are an absolute newfaggot. you are probably thinking of the trap/tranny faggots when you say /b/-tier and i'm inclined to agree
Incels are not robots. The fact that you think the two are synonymous is proof that you're a newfag
Idk how this doesn't mean they shouldn't go back to their containment board? I mean it's right there, just click it and never come back, talking about how many dicks you suck doesn't make you a robot, there is never just one gay thread so that's a false assertion isn't it bitch?
the absolute state of Jow Forums. if you don't like it then leave you fucking retards, topkek.
>i-its my board!
>g-gays arent robots!
literal retards, please come and tell me how gays arent robots
robots are incels though, prove me wrong idiot, normies aren't robots are they? what are you actually pushing but the destruction of r9k?
There is no argument, I'm convinced hating gays for no reason is just a meme at this point
how are gays robots? they just act like roasties and attack robots, you dumb frog poster
Incels weren't around here until after their subreddit got shut down. Robots are neither incels nor normies, quit shitting this place up
gays talking about their bfs and sucking their dick isn't a robot is it?
well is it?
incels were around you just called them virgins and losers, the term just was adopted...you actually think incels is like an ethnic group that migrated or something lmao? you are fucking dumb and deluded just like r9gay defenders
/r9gay/ is different from /lgbt/. lgbt is full of normalfags, trannies, etc etc. usually politically left hair dye having 40 piercing having attack helicopter retards.
/r9gay/ is just full of lonely gay dudes. they don't even leave their thread. the ones that do are the tranny/sissy/trap faggots and they spam the board constantly. if you want that gone (as i do) complain about that but /r9gay/ is legitimately doing no harm.
besides, even if there were a board for /r9gay/, this board has no topic, so they wouldn't be required to move anyways. just because you don't like something doesn't mean you can make it go away. that's really infantile thinking, and kinda against the nature of the website as a whole.
You can't seriously tell me that Jow Forums didn't change after the incel subreddit was taken down
no more """"fembots""""
no more gays
2019 is here bitches
>they just act like roasties
not true
>attack robots
going to a source on this
that's like one thing out of many that changed before the election and it's not as bad as r9gay cancer you fucking anti incel bitch, what are you a white knight? a normie? fuck you faggot
Yes 2019 the year more robots transition and more robots become sissies boipucci for all of us!
seea classic attack on robots
/r9gay/ works well enough for a containment thread, after looking into all the gay stuff on the board I get the impression that the majority of people doing gay shitposting in outer Jow Forums are comprised chiefly of random shitposters and discordfags.
I don't believe "bullyposters" are a problem, it's probably more likely that you are touchy and assume people are being hostile when all they're doing is not acting overly friendly and just being blunt with their posts.
depends on your definition, but i'd say no. that would be a normalfag
No, I'm a robot, once again you're equating non-incel to normies. Incels reeeeee about women all day, robots took the black pill and try to forget that women exist. Incels are just failed normalfags who got rejected too much.
>not realizing that poster is just baiting you because you're raging about gays so hard
good one
being told to kill myself or transition into a female by homosexuals isn't just "not being friendly" it's an attack
>they just act like roasties and attack robots,
how do they act like a roastie? what? do you even know what a roastie is? what roastie comes to Jow Forums? unless you are 100% sure its a female with full proof why are you auto assuming if someone posts and states that they are a girl that you assume so?
>gays talking about their bfs and sucking their dick isn't a robot is it?
if its out of /r9gay/ thread then im surprised you take it serious that the person isnt shitposting.
>being told to kill myself or transition into a female by homosexuals isn't just "not being friendly" it's an attack
you're literally complaining about attacks, on Jow Forums. do you know what website you are on?
you are an incel, you're taking a normie definition of an incel because you've been brainwashed or you're hiding from the reality of what you are.
Yeah, it's a massive sugarcoat to say that people are just acting less friendly than normal when they literally threaten to kill you
r9gay poster here. We are not trying to brainwash anyone. If you dont like it, then just ignore the thread.
Can't tell if you're just trolling or not desu because theres tons of easily offended faggots everywhere now that seem to take the internet and things on it far too seriously. Why would a homosexual tell you to transition into a female? that would be trannies and tranny orbiters who are behind the shitposting.
>how do they act like a roastie? what? do you even know what a roastie is? what roastie comes to Jow Forums? unless you are 100% sure its a female with full proof why are you auto assuming if someone posts and states that they are a girl that you assume so?
what an autistic reply lmao you desperately trying to evade the truth that rpgay fags act like roasties and treat robots like shit because of it is really disgusting, fuck yourself.
>if its out of /r9gay/ thread then im surprised you take it serious that the person isnt shitposting.
if deleting r9gay would reduce shitposting by a marginal factor then it would be good as well, but based on the posters in r9k and what you see elsewhere i would say they are part of teh same block. I mean can you prove that r9gay isn't causing all the shitposting? they are the prime culprits, they arose when things started getting really bad...almost like, an invasion huh?
>you're literally complaining about attacks, on Jow Forums. do you know what website you are on?
I'm complaining about it on my board though, I wouldn't go to lgbt board or pol and tell them how to run their operation or shitpost there without expecting a hard ban would I?
The homos and mentally ill men who think they're women here really are completely lacking self awareness. Fuck off to /lgbt/ or just stick to 1 thread.
why do you even come to r9gay? you have a gay board.
Its almost like we are human beings. Didja ever think about that?
human beings are horrible that's why r9k was supposed to be a safe space from you fucking people
I just counted 9 Faggot related threads here in the catalog. Fuck off shitslammer
love you too bb
>its an attack
Fuck off. Its words on the internet fag.
hello normie, how is not belonging here?
>safe space
What even.
>what even
you smell like dicks you wannabe roasties are fucking disgusting and don't belong here
as much as i hate faggots, i have to agree. Faggots cannot be robots, but just like dumb normies we wont be able to keep them from our board. We dont have a fucking choice. r9gay in and of itself is fucking cancer but i believe its alright if we contain this disease in these generals, the gays should be allowed to express their homsexuality if its only in these r9gay generals. b-tier "uh am i gay if i want to fuck a tranny" threads and dumb faggots trying to turn robots into sissies in other threads should be banned.
honestly if we have to live with r9gay and roasties and normies and whatever else i will complain, i'll complain every fucking day about them and annoy them in whatever way i can. you peopel want to ruin this board well i'll ruin your shit too
>r9gay wants to ruin the board
is that really what you think? to be fair, it doesn't sound like your brain is firing on all cylinders. you know you can filter threads right?
i think you're still confusing the trap/tranny/sissy posters with r9gay when in reality r9gay probably hates them just as much as you do, maybe more
>>what an autistic reply lmao you desperately trying to evade the truth that rpgay fags act like roasties and treat robots like shit because of it is really disgusting, fuck yourself.
>has no proof to back it up
try again dumbass
>I'm complaining about it on my board though
its not your board though. imagine claiming a "board" on an anime image posting discussion website
>if deleting r9gay would reduce shitposting by a marginal factor then it would be good as well, but based on the posters in r9k and what you see elsewhere i would say they are part of teh same block. I mean can you prove that r9gay isn't causing all the shitposting? they are the prime culprits, they arose when things started getting really bad...almost like, an invasion huh?
>reiko and his trap discord!!!
that isn't proof.
you continue to make these claims about /r9gay/ yet have NOTHING to back it up. try again dumbass.
And you smell like dried cum and loneliness and your anime mousepads are disgusting what now?
>Show us proof!
>NO, the proof of raids being organized as well as the daily tide of gayposting isn't proof! I want actual proof!
>everyone who disagrees with me is a normie
>>Show us proof!
>>NO, the proof of raids being organized as well as the daily tide of gayposting isn't proof! I want actual proof!
>being this much of a retard
no wonder why you think /r9gay/ is ruining the board. you have your head up the ass. now it makes sense why your responses are so poor. useless arguing a dumbass with 1iq. play in the street you reject.
>gayposting = sissy/trap/transposting
yea ok
Not really. R9gay is limited to one thread and the lmao boipussi xD posters are just idiot memesters who most of us aren't associated with. Yeah sometimes I'll post tfw no bf in a feels thread but that's because it's a feel, not because I'm trying to convert you or raise the gay tally or some shit.
Seriously most of us are way less hostile than the loud minority will intentionally lead you to believe. And it's a damn shame too because they're getting their rocks off on fucking with people who are already suffering enough.
Also there are only about 150 active threads at a time, so all it takes to stage a "gay invasion" that takes up a quarter of the board is like two people with VPNs or proxies.
It's severely misleading and you shouldn't fall for that shit because they only want to hurt you for laughs.
yes that is correct what is your point faggot?
what do you even want proof of? i already gave you the argument, you saying "NUH UH GAYS ARE FINE" with all the gay faggots shitting up this board is like saying "what war" while you're being blitzkrieged. Were you even here when rieko was shilling discord brainwashing?
i don't care how pathetic and passive you are you don't belong here and you have a containment board for your kind did you know that?
gays to me are basically just roasties you don't belong, you never did and you'll never be robots, be a faggot and suck dicks somewhere else, go talk about how great chad is somewhere else, go talk abotu how gross ugly boys are somewhere else, fuck you.
Im thinking bots.
This isnt /lgbt/. Fuck off
Neither of you belong here. You have your own board.
They arent robots, they are just attention seeking faggots who cant get replies on /lgbt/ much the same as cunts who cant get replies /soc/ so they post here.
Fine. What the hell. I'm trying to reassure you and tell you not to listen to dumbass trolls, and that makes me pathetic and passive? Go off on your dumbass paranoid tangent if you want. It won't do you any good. You're a social outcast yourself, I assume. You shouldn't throw that your kind stuff around so lightly.
>a containment board for your kind did you know that?
gonna answer for that user, /lgbt/ is NOT compatible with /r9gay/. /lgbt/ is full of normies that had too much hair dye seep in through their scalps. if it bothers you so much that /r9gay/ exists, just filter it. quit being retarded newfaggots.
>lgbt/ is NOT compatible with /r9gay/. /lgbt/ is full of normies that had too much hair dye seep in through their scalps
what does this even mean you fucking gay invader?
r9gay is literally just the result of trolls psyopping r9k from before the election so you "people" set up shop forever like a colony, you are the fucking enemy.
>trolls psyopping r9k
anyone that got psyop'd is just a prison gay
Not our problem faggot. Youre just an attention whore who cant get replies on his home board. Jow Forums is not a gutter for failures on other boards.
this is why we can't allow you to stay, you are actively trying to psyop.
You're way too invested in this nonsense.
that's because i belong here and you don't, this is my board and you're an invader, roasties, normies, fags, you all need to leave, serious.
>Jow Forums is not a gutter for failures on other boards.
>he doesn't know
Why can't we all be nice to each other without being faggots?
Whatever. Have fun stewing over nothing and divorcing yourself from a reality that is less malevolent than some people want you to believe it is.
the only one divorced from reality is someone who thinks gays are robots and belong here
You're the one who assumes the nature of millions of people based on a few shitposters.