ITT: greentext recap of the entire 2018 in terms of experiences with women

ITT: greentext recap of the entire 2018 in terms of experiences with women

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>be hikikomori NEET masterrace
>have no need for femoids because I'm not a subhuman driven entirely by his most basic instincts
>feel good
feels good.

>friends convince me to go out more and stop wanting to wait for future wife
>actually get a girlfriend
>made my life hell
>to beta to break up
>friends think we were best couple
>she emotionaly manipulates me And makes me feels worthless
>finally break up with her
>explain to my friends what happened
>they feel bad for me
>all my friends treath me like a emotional baby

>A woman I know from high school asked what I am doing now

That concludes 2018

>not a subhuman driven entirely by his most basic instincts
Yes you fucking are, it's just that you were sexually abused as a child and as a result of being damaged during your most formative years, you've developed neurotic, pathological instincts concerned primarily with avoidance of others and self-absorption as a means of escaping pain.

In no particular order
>coworker treated me like a psycho rapist for asking her out, then led me on until she quit the job and moved away.
>mistaking married 30 year old women for being my own age
>some 40 year old roast said I looked like I was in my 40s when I had to get her alcohol checked out by my manager
>various women around my age laughing at me at the counter
>female manager suggests I date the coworker that treated me like a rabid dog when relationships are mentioned
>mother yelling at me when I confided that I wanted to leave my minimum wage job
>BPD whore ex came by house while I was gone and scared my little sister
>went to military ball (ROTC fag) for the last time as an alumnus, roast ex cornered me and tried to proposition sex to me (never have and probably never will), dodged the question and left before she could speak to me again when it was over
>bonus: retarded "fembots" and other supposed female posters that probably were mostly larping fat men in their 30's, all here, way too many to count.
That should be it for the year. Aside from the last one, all of these occurred in a 3-4 month timeframe.

>all this projection
original wewwww

>Impregnated wife.
You may start hating me now

>started online relationship, which failed due to retardation and unenthusiasm on both sides
>met in real life, saw a movie
>relationship is ambiguous
>2 days later, leave the country
>obsess over cute unavailable gay, who accepts the attention and teases me
>several girls mistakenly think I'm flirting with them
>return to US
>still thinking about ex from internet
>man in group therapy tried to ask me on a date on his 60th birthday, I ignore him, he gets upset and never comes back
>end of year - still thinking about ex from internet (still ambiguous)
I feel worse after writing it out. I'll do better this year

>Start out year with dumb roastie whore
>Get burnt
>We get back together
>Get burnt again, cut contact
>Wait 6 months for my baggage to drop
>Make account on bumble, start dating
>Meet 8/10 East indian qt
>Become FWB
>Meet 10/10 black chick
>Date and cuddle
>Meet 7/10 South american
>Date and discuss art and literature

I'm seeing them all right now. They're all way better than that stupid whore, I don't know how I was ever that desperate-- to go for a woman with that many red flags. It was like trying to buy a sandwich with a gold brick.

Anyways, long story short, bumble is fucking awesome. I get everything I need: attention, intellectual stimulation, sex, physical touch.

Bout to add a fourth one the 'harem', tonight-- I need an amazon to exercise with. Really, I could be fucking all of these women, But I refuse to bend on my 'sex with one partner at a time' principle.

Actually though, what the fuck is up with girls and zodiac signs? Why do so many take them so seriously it makes me so mad

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>no trigger discipline

Expected nothing less from females.

>tried to chat with a classmate
>ghosted me
>tried to chat with a classmate's friend
>ghosted me
>tried to chat with an old classmate from school
>ghosted me
>tried to talk again with an old internet friend
>ghosted me
>tried to talk with a teacher I had a crush with
>ghosted me
Thus I gave up. I wasn't born for this, truly. I hope to die soon or to get the courage to do it myself.

>be me
>fire up tinder, have chad roommate help me
>swipe swipe swipe
>match with a qt chinese exchange girl
>talk for a while but never meet irl
>keep swiping for a couple months
>match with kinda fat girl
>talk for a few weeks
>invites me over to hers
>fuck her chubby asshole
>continue fucking for a few months
>she tells me we cant fuck anymore, and she was getting engaged to a 45 yo dude
thats it

rough one user. hope youre ready for fatherhood and dont fuck up a kids life

>kiss girlfriend on new years day 2018
>go ice skating for her birthday
>celebrate 3 years together in march
>bike around town during summer
>finger her tight puss first time
>take ASL course with her
>got a job, saving to visit tokyo together
>sign love song to her in front of class for ASL final
>celebrate my birthday
>kiss her on new years 2019
That about sums it up

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That's an awful Iot of projection, user.

what? this is an incel board fuck off normies

No one is ever truly ready for fatherhood. And I also desperately hope to never fuck up my kids life. Wish me luck, fags. God knows I need it.

why don't you go ahead and fuck your slut girlfriend in the ass and leave us virgins alone fucking chad piece of shit

But I'm busy shitposting and making involuntaries feel bad

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I'm on Jow Forums at 2 AM, I can't even imagine talking to women

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>go to work
>come home
>speak to no women

>ask girl on the internet out
>see this girl in one of my classes
>she likes someone else
>indirectly rejected
>see this other girl in one of my classes
>also likes someone else
>indirectly rejected.pt2
i want to forget about 2018 already

>meet qt at work
>I come by her office a few times
>I wait what feels like too much time to ask out, one time she talks about how she likes another person from the office
>I forget about her, convinced I waited too long and becaming friends with her was a mistake
>months after she hooks up with a friend of hers after months of friendship
>I meet another qt at the office
>same situation as before
>after months, ask her out by text
>she says yes, but bails on me with an excuse the day of the date
>stop having feelings, we are still friends

Looking back, I'm really glad I didn't end up with them though, it allowed me to focus and work hard to find another job, and I'm happy with that.

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Sounds like my story, see post above.

Do you still have to interact with them or can you ignore them?

>Start of year stayed at girl friend's house for a week and slept on her couch
>Dated a crazy homeless black chick in march
>Spent a weekend with my 12yo third-cousin
The weekend with my cousin was the best. What a cute girl.

...what did you do with your cousin, user?

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For a long time I was in love with this one chick in my math class in college. Since the semester started she instantly caught my eye, she was not like a 10/10 stacy but I found her really attractive. After months and months of me contemplating myself I finally decided to try and ask her out.

I prepared for it thoroughly by preparing for any possible responses from her. I went up to her where she was sitting alone and I said to her "Hey user, mind if I ask you something?". She said sure and then I followed with "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies sometime?".

She responded with "Sorry, I am not interested in anybody". This is of course a lie because not long ago I was sitting down at the library studying when she came and sat close by with her friends and orbiters. Could barely make out their conversations but I am pretty sure I heard her say the word boyfriend a couple of times and "the guy I am seeing..." At least she was kind enough to let me down ez and not make a scene.

After this I started questioning my looks and it led me to start posting my face on soc and reddit, some rated me a7 or a 6 but most rated me average to below average some hot girls even rated me a 1 & 2. This devastated any confidence I had accumulated after years of depression and self doubt.

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>future wife

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>2018 starts
>Go to Colorado with my older sister because she lives there and I love mountian climbing
>Speak to some girl for a few seconds at the top of the mountian as is Norwegian tradition
>ff to late January
>Some femanon I would occasionally talk to had her birthday so I send her a present
>some girl likes me because of how crazy I am in my English class but I do nothing of it
>talk to the occasional femanon from r9k or soc and stop talking to them usually after three days
>meet a really cute femanon towards the end of my semester but drop contact with her for unknown reasons
>for the first half of the summer the only women I talk to are my mother and sisters
>get a job
>some older ladies come in and I help them with advice on tools, hardware, and construction
>end of summer I meet more random femanons and quickly drop contact with most of them because of autism
>Fall semester starts
>Talk to some girls in my classes but they soon realize how autistic I am and get annoyed or find me funny
>Often run into some girl from a 2017 class who is really edgy so we have really long conversations when we meet at random
>Meet some more femanons online over the last few bits of the year
>more of the same old same old. Some interesting stuff but I will not say for their privacy
>year ends and I am still a khhv

We held hands at one point, almost. She grabbed my wrist and dragged me along as she ran to this giant spiderweb thing at the park. I patted her head as well and we played footsies at the dinner table.

>tfw no emotionally unstable and highly suicidal girls gf

I'm glad you had a good time with your cousin.

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Ok, here we go, are you ready for this?


>Oneitis had rejected me in late 2017, I had to decide whether or not to cut contact with her completely.
>Pretty quickly decide to do so, but it's hard because we take tons of college classes together.
>I had become friends with a lot of her friends; they knew oneitis had manipulated me a lot and led me on despite not liking me romantically, so they try to hang out with me as much as possible to make me feel better. I'm thankful for that.
>The year goes on like this for a while, I still try to get over oneitis.
>In early September, one of the female friends comes over to my dorm room and we admit that we find each other attractive. I have my first kiss with her. Could have had sex too, but I said it would be too much too soon for me.
>I'm still not over oneitis, though. The two friends, including the one I kissed, start to get impatient with me, want to start hanging out with oneitis again despite saying many times earlier in the year that they didn't want to be friends with her anymore.
>Try to get me to agree to hanging out with them when oneitis is present, which I had refused to do up to that point.
>I continue to refuse, they get pissy.
>At one point a couple weeks later, I say something politically incorrect to them, without thinking how it sounded. The one I hadn't kissed never spoke to me again from that day forward. I never knew her to hold a grudge like that.
>The one I had kissed, as much of an SJW as she is, still talked to me. As I slowly but surely got over my oneitis, I decided to ask her out.
>She rejects me.
>I realize that there is literally no reason to even want to hang out with her or the other girl anymore, as there's no possibility of a romantic relationship with either of them, my oneitis is falling back into favor with them and, and I constantly have to walk on eggshells around them due to their progressivism.
>Spend the rest of the year hanging out with my conservative and/or apolitical friends.
>Happier than I've been in a long time.

>girl I've known for 6 years got vaguely romantically involved with on and off got a job traveling abroad internationally
>bought a nice apartment in Athens for dirt cheap
>basically wanted me to travel around with her and be a house husband, sort of my dream
>said not because I don't speak the language and have no means of supporting myself abroad
>the only girl I ever really had serious feelings for

happy for her though

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Oh yeah, also during the summer I talked to an r9k girl for about six weeks on Discord. The first conversation I had with her, I made it pretty clear I was looking for a gf. Didn't bring it up again because I was too shy. After those six weeks, I found out she wanted some other r9k guy to be her bf, so I stopped talking to her. I guess I can't complain about this one too much, but I had no comprehension of how long to wait before asking her to be my girlfriend officially. She probably would have said no anyway.

You'll never know how good/bad that journey together could have been now

What was the "politically incorrect" thing you said?

>One girl approached me
>We walked together after each lecture
>I get her snapchat
>She notices how nervous and shy I am and she asks why I'm so quiet several times
>I ask to get lunch with her and she responds by saying she just wants to be friends
>Another girl I met in lab and knew she had a bf but I wanted to be Chad and make her cheat
>Got her number and talked to her a bit
>We went to a fair on campus
>I start flirting with her and she ignores me
>Try again another day and she ignores me
Yet another year of failure. It is now 4 girls that have rejected me and I'm only 20.

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yeah it hurts, especially when the reason they dont feel for me what i feel for them is because i am bad at interacting and everything a girl does either flies over my head or stays in my thoughts for a long time
>Do you still have to interact with them or can you ignore them?
ignoring them is no option because i sit next to them in classes. to 1 of them, i confessed (over snapchat because betafag) and the other i never told. still sucks though, hope ill find someone who does like me back. also hope it for anyone who is looking for gf/bf

I guess "politically incorrect" isn't exactly the right term, but I said that "if a lot of straight white men believe the same thing, maybe it's worth taking it into consideration". The thing in question was that we don't need to change languages that have masculine and feminine nouns.

>18 year old girl starts to like me for some reason
>we hang out and smoke and kiss a lot
>feel her up
>she ghosts me out of nowhere
>later in the year
>fell in love with a thicc christmas cake
>wait that's not love is it, she's just some whore flirting with me and i'm a bipolar autist
>continue to court her anyway
>write her a piano song because i saw her crying once
>she said it was really nice etc whatever
>she has a boyfriend but it's not going well
>eventually we hang at her place, she gets me drunk and feeds me a bunch of unusual food
>we fuck and i shoot so much jizz she actually says she's never seen that much in her life
>she sends me home
>ask to come over later
>she avoids the question
>about 2 weeks after fucking and getting kicked out out her place i get fed up and start a fight
>she blames me for not being patient and being too erratic
>okay whatever
>a month later she sends this
>have another argument
>end up blocking her
>didn't talk to a woman for the rest of the year
>it's 2019 now
>still don't trust anyone

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>rarely leave house
>haven't talked to a friend, let alone a women in an entire year
Another year, another moment closer to the rope.

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Holy hell, I expected you talking about the bell curve with them or some shit.
Those girls are not "progressive", they are fucking morons.

My philosophy today is to never talk about anything that has to do with gender or race.

Much easier and less trouble.

Yeah, tell me about it. I should have never started hanging out with them in the first place, but I had low self-esteem for a while and had to get any kind of validation from women I could, even if it meant being friends with a couple of dumbasses.

Trust me, I'm definitely following that advice from now on.

>Like one girl
>I know she likes me
>Don't know how to ask her out
Don't want to fuck up so I don't do nothing

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The absolute amount of projection in this post, holy shit.

You cant hope to steal other guys bitches right off the bat user. You have to be gigachad to do that. Right now youre not even chad yet. You will get there, by the sound of your greentext youre doing ok. I had a similar experience

>be me
>basically a chad
>all of 2018 get girls but all relationships flop cos retard.exe always kicks in
>last night have amazing dream
>in dream have beautiful sex with woman called Amanda and have good date with her
>remember end of dream I say "Amanda you're amazing"
>wake up
>tfw when realise it was a dream
>spend whole day thinking about Amanda
>fall in love with Amanda (shes actually fucking amazing)
>cry cos Amanda isn't real
>yay 2019

>January - avoid all non-professional contact with women because a) they all hate me anyway and b) even when they stop hating me for a few moments (like if they're drunk) there's always the spectre of my world champion premature ejaculation looming over everything I do
>February through December - repeat January

>Be Chad
>Browse Jow Forums
Choose one

>Used interpals to talk to qts but even there its really hard for Shy and akward dudes
>Talked to a russian qt for 2 months till she showed no interest
>Talk to Irish qt, we get along very well
>After few months i confess to her but she rejects
>Still talk to her because i just like talking specific stuff with her
>Got hugged by a female Friend( it
Was during her day, shehas a bf but felt good anyway) meaning shes the first grill outside of family to have hugged me
>Another female Friend recently told me that she found someone in her class that might interest me so shes gonna start gathering info for me

As a side note, does anyone think its easier to hang around friend grills? They talk a lot in general so for me its great i just have to listen while with dudes well t you have to put more thought really

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This happens to many people, don't fuss about it. You both will forget about each other soon enough.
She's as guilty as you for not making a move. This whole 'men are supposed to make the first move' is so obsolete in 2019 I hope I shouldn't even explain this to you.

>fucked a short stacked latina prostitute in a shitty motel, didn't come close to cumming except when she gave me a handjob
>I got so excited that I told her to stop so I could blow my load inside her but then the feeling went away and in the end I left without nutting
>flirted with three black girls I met on dating apps until two of them blocked me and one turned out to be a catfish
>cuddled with a fat girl off tinder
>fucked an autistic girl but didn't finish as it was exhausting, painful, and not stimulating enough
>kind of fell in love with my therapist
>still occasionally talk to the catfish girl

I wanted to challenge myself. I have no charisma so I thought that stealing a man's girl and fucking her would help me. It just made things awkward between us and I deeply regret it

Fucking do it
>Hey femanon, I don't have anything planned for (insert day), how does (insert activity) sound?
Or maybe
>Femanon, how about we (insert activity) later this week? I thought it sounded like a good time.
If she says no,
>Alright, do you have any ideas for when we can plan something? I'd really like to get to know you better.

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I get it, but youll have a much better chance at pulling it off once you get experienced with smaller stuff. If youre really that embarrassed about it maybe you can apologize to her, tell her you were feeling a bit down that day and your feelings got away from you, or something like that.

Thanks user, despite my social skills being below cero I'll try.

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No need to apologize. Haven't talked to her since the semester ended. That's how it always goes. I try talking to girls but once they aren't interested I give up and they never talk to me again. How do people even become friends? I don't get it at all.

I didn't have any experiences with women or that many people really. This was 2018 in a nutshell:
>get internship
>go to work
>go home
>eat and use computer until time for bed
>repeat until August when I go back to school
>go to classes
>go home and use computer until bed time
>go to bed
>take exams, do well
>play drums when I can
That's all.

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>get fembots temp mail in january, ghosted in an hour

>go to navy recruiter in february, have self harm scars from middle school, meet girl who also has self harm scars while they're coaching us on what to say at processing, see each other a lot and I teach her some basic engineering shit like leverage and pulleys, she got disqualified but she seemed into me so i tried to exchange numbers, forget to give her mine like an autist and never hear from her again

>get fembots discord in september, ghosted in two messages

>greentext recap of the entire 2018 in terms of experiences with women
Okay, here goes:
Anybody else had a year with women like this?

>go to a brothel a few times
>ask out a girl at work but she gets weirded out and starts avoiding me
>go back to brothel
>ring in the new year drunk and playing Smash Bros with some friends

Could've been better honestly

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This is the only true robot answer, none of the rest of you are really scottish

>spoke to a girl on new years day of 2018 when I was blind drunk
>went to a smallish Halloween party that my housemate invited me to, half of them were girls
Absolutely zero in terms of actually chatting to girls though, and it seems to be the same this year

>Go on date with girl in January
>She doesn't like me back
>Try out Tinder
>Meet big tiddy goth gf
>Not wife material but we fuck around for a month and then break it off
>Go on several more Tinder dates, none really work out
>Hook up with girl I know at a frat party
>Fuck her again two weeks later
>Not looking to fuck around anymore and form meaningful relationships in 2019

Not a bad run. I've come over most of my self-consciousness/anxiety so here's hoping next year goes much better.

lmao how did it take you three years to finger this nigga

>meet tinder girl
>get rejected
>start hanging out with a shy qt from drama
>ask her out
>try to start online conv with a classmate
>message seen
>have a couple of clasmates numbers tho
>try to add a piano class qt on fb
>last part of the year new oneitis appears
>part of a friends circle
>she doesnt have a bf
>shes weird in a good way
>tall like me
>wont ask her out tho, I know the rejection would crush my soul

>wanted to get girl to cheat
Disgusting. No better than a roastie. I sure hope you weren't planning on dating this girl after you got her to cheat. If she cheats on her old BF, what makes you think she won't cheat on you?

>get married in march
>come to the slow realization throughout the year that I don't love her and am just trying to fill the hole that my best friend left when she died
>too late to just break it off because she's 8 months pregnant

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>do drugs
>do stupid shit
>run out of xanax because dealers are slow and full of excuses or ghost me
>get withdrawals
>spend 50 hours just walking around my room and stabbing the air with scissors in a psychotic episode
>get seizure eventually or spazz out like that soiboi in that vape store and get put in mental home
>bit unstable for a few days there yelling at nurses demanding vallium, xanax or klonopin
>eventually calm down and get out in a week or so
>no vallium, xan or kpin script so i'm a bit pissed that I have to still pay street price fucking so called professional "cunts"
>get a bunch of benzo's because I found new based dealers
>run out again and repeat the manic and panicky episodes
>due to this cycle every 4 months my 2018 felt like a blur

there are all of my experiences with women in 2018

oh shit it's stabby user again. damn i hope you get your fix soon. that doesn't sound like a good state to be in.

>buying alcohol
>woman at checkout keeps saying my name, asking me personal questions
>try to get out very fast but she kept asking me things

Nothing other then that

Actyally another stabby user desu, I was a dummy and just found out you can do rehab at home, I might even say i was addicted to painkillers to get oxy as well

atm I have no intention to quit, as long as I don't run out and manage it better but then again sometimes I don't feel in control of my body and have a YOLo approach to life when i'm in that state.

I'll see how my 2019 goes as I do have the intention of trying to lower my tolerance and dosages and make it an every 2nd or 3rd day thing but no intention of quitting completely

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>get girls number and ask her out, she's flaky, texts me horny stuff after I leave the country

>get girl's number after overhearing her talking about a shrooms hookup on the bus, texted asking to hang out but no reply

>get girl's number in a dinner party I went to with family, asked out, busy and she said "maybe next time for sure"

>ask girl from friend group out, she said it'd be "more comfortable" with the other people, couple days later excommunicated group bc i called them out on the bs that they should be afraid of going out at night on campus

>girl hovering around me after class, says she's busy after i ask her out on snapchat but asks if I fish, say no but I'm down, no reply, ask out again, she says sure but also that she has a boyfriend

>girl asks for my number to help her out on math and we go to the library but suddenly i can't do math anymore and embarrass myself

that's it lads

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>this girl that lives in my housing and seemed to be in every one of my classes
>didn't talk to her
>that's it

>also, some hoe thirsting her snapchat in one of my superior entertainment streams chat
>hit her up and exchange nudes for first time in my life
>do it one more time but sexier
>after that she stops talking to me

>and talk to femanons on discord one night and then that stops

>oh and one time a girl asked to look at my notes from class
legit, that is the SOLE experience I've had with non-related females in 2018.

>I don't any friends so nobody tries to hook me up with anyone else
>I don't talk to women at all because I'm extremely hard on myself and very discouraged because I literally can't imagine anyone being attracted to me
>nobody talks to me because I'm not attractive and have nothing special or interesting about me

probably gonna kms in a few years I'll let you guys know if I feel like going through with it

how far did the teacher attempt get tho?

cold approach for a date, without knowing her, AND she probably has a boyfriend. Nice, man. Exactly what I would have done and have done in the past. too bad it doesn't work.

they seem to avoid socializing just the same as us, lad.

Congratulations. I hope to have my wife knocked up soon as well.

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Read up on child psychology and advice on raising. As well as how to make sure a baby doesn't die. You may never be ready, but you can be prepared.

>Lost virginity with a hooker
>kinda regret it
>fucked like 3 other hookers
>had a 3 some with a dude and a girl found on dating app
>had another 3 some except it's with this dude and his wife, cucked him
>I occasionally get to nut raw inside of her
>haven't detected any stds
>I hope she's taking a pill bc I don't want any illegitimate children

Who /99problemsbutabitchaintone/?

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Sounds like a good year for an ex virgin

>drove 2 hours in mothers car to take a girl i met on tinder on a date
>she had weed
>i hadnt smoked in a year
>feelin squirley so i took some puffs
>ended up hotboxing the car
>arizonafag here, some high grade Mexican border shit
>mom has work at six am
>way too high
>bad anxiety
>have to take her home
>could tell she wanted to fuck but the weed was fucking with me
>she gets mad on the drive to her house
>drop her off
>calls me lame
>drive home
>febreeze the car
>lay in backseat until four am

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Our time will come, Commie is making AI waifu real.

>say hi to a newish coworker
>no ulterior motive am just introducing myself
>stares at me with a disgusted look and says nothing

>talking to a girl couple of times a week
>she starts signalling that she likes me
>one day directly tells me that I'm attractive
>start ignoring her because idk what to do next

>start texting a girl
>don't know how to text girls
>she hasn't text me back
>I haven't text her back

I'm still a virgin but at least I know that I'm not a hopeless case.

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I'd say it's a good year, I just got good at dating apps. Meaning I would spend days trying to find a lay that wasn't a hooker.

>introduce myself to girl, talk relatively comfortably
>turns out she's transmale
>massively disappointed, this is the closest I've felt to a woman in years
>consider being transgay
>try to maintain friendship, feels like she's distancing herself

>girl in improv club talks to me
>we become vague acquaintances
>have to stop going to club because I'm busy
>see her months later
>defend my friend who she casually calls "creepy" because he's socially awkward
>haven't seen her since

>in a dance group
>mostly girls in group
>I may as well not exist unless it's specifically about dancing
>one seems interested, but I can't manage to maintain a conversation

>seems like everyone in Christian study group is already taken
>that's fine, I'm just here to learn, anyway

>counselor is female
>she's nice
>helps me deal with some long standing emotional issues
>voluntarily stop seeing her in December, want to try out my newfound coping abilities

>try to give girl gift for helping me plan trip to Japan
>can't manage to meet, just going to mail it to her at this point

Having all the girls I've attempted to pursue in my life be either taken or ideologically incompatible is frustrating, but I'm actually hopeful for this next year. Counseling was really helpful.

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> have gf
> she is completely retarded in a tumblrish way
> want to break up with her for months
> break up with gf
> 2 days later have new gf that is a coworker
> Ex is still a stupid mess but it's no relevant now
> 2018 starting now
> New gf is so coool
> Eventually fall in love
> Have a week end vacation with her
> Hiding our relationship to coworkers is exciting
> Hiding it from her dumb religious upper class family isn't
> Somewhere to this point I totally cut contact with one of my exes which is an abusive narcissist trying to fuck off with my career
> Feels good to not have this cunt in my life anymore
> Back again at my wonderful gf
> Omg it's so amazing is this what true love is
> She changes job
> She moves to a new appartment
> Suddenly she became distant
> I eventually change job too
> Our relationship is shit now, we barely see each other for no fucking reason
> She breaks up with me
> I'm a sad mess
> Have dates with a few girls I never contact again
> In a few months I didn't have a single crush on anyone
> amibrokenagain.jpg
> I'm still a sad mess to this day

>Moroccan girl in ENglish Lit class
>we text and talk
>go on date
>she's pregnant
>my dick wasn't in her
>got smashed and dashed

>Pub Speaking class
>Hipster artho
>not assertive enough(by my assessment)
>miss my chance

>miss chance with others but there was less chemistry in those
>accumulates into summer depression and I end up dropping some classes

>work at school(internship)
>Mexican chick with 2 kids
>separated from their father
>Hanging out during summer
>semester starts
>sperg out and become distant

>World religion class
>tubby puerto rican
>we text and flirt
>sperg out and become distant

>redhead chick where I used to work
>has a kid
>sperg out and don't try because I don't think she's interested and we're both too awkward to hold conversation beyond small talk

>all this accumulates and weighs on me
>depressed as fuck during october
>get introduced to this girl at school in november
>we go on date
>I like her
>she likes me apparently
>we kinda officially become bfgf
>more dates
>finally hold hands
>got a kiss(was just a peck, she says she hates PDA)
>she bit my hand and shoulder multiple times(had to keep my dick from turning diamonds) (says when she's hungry she bites things and we were holding hands in that moment)

Finally got rid of my K(isless)H(andholdless) at the age of 26(turned 26 in Dec) despite losing my virginity around 5. Okay year I guess. Better than other recent ones?

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Let's just do the last part of 2018 because it's like gonna be like a whole book of madlibs here.

>Celebrate New year's Eve
>At a music edm festival
>Off my nut
>Meet this lady in a onesie
>She's like 4/10 and 30
>Don't realize this
>We dance
>I finally realize
>Hit the eject button

Yeah good thing I was wearing a hood and a mask the whole time.