Do you have any mental illness?

Do you have any mental illness?

What do you think of girls with mental disorders and would you date a girl like that?

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Too many, user. Too many.
PTSD, depression, anxiety, a few personality disorders, a few retarded phobias.
I'd date anyone. Please love me.

where are you from user? i can only relate to anons with mental disorders

You seem to suffer. You are bisexual?

Nothing official.
However, i suffer from hallucinations since i was 4, sometimes, being so severe i can't discern truth from it.
Several member of my family got dementia around 60 years old, i just feel i'm a bit faster than people.

And except that, i'm so aloof, people believe me to have others psychological troubles (i'm almost perfectly emotionless).

I don't want to go to a psychiatrist, i don't trust them. I'm waiting for a cousin to finish studying so he can be my psychiatrist, better wait to have someone i trust than some guy who might put me in an asylum.

>What do you think of girls with mental disorders and would you date a girl like that?

If her disorders don't stop her from being a good mother, i don't mind.

I'm a true schizo, if I don't take the same pill everyday at 10 pm my rage and paranoia goes to infinite levels also I become very recluse and stay in the dark all day.
I think girls with mental illness ok, if you take your meds and can live a normal life meh I'm tired of typing

My girlfriend has some mental illnesses but she wont tell me what they are, also she is afraid of fire.

I'm probably avoidant. It's a self-diagnosis though, so hardly worth the electricity I used to send this post.

Same here. I got diagnosed a few years ago. I'm normal when I'm on my meds, but it doesn't make the stigma go away. I don't tell anyone by choice, of course, but a lot of jobs want to know if you have any long-term health issues. I've started lying and saying no.

Yes I do
Depends on the mental disorder

You sound pretty neat. I'd love you.

Ex gf unlocked full blown schizo.
Not touching that with a 10 foot pole.
I have enough troubles with genetically-predisposed lifelong depression and social anxiety, coupled with panic attacks. Don't need any more shit in my life, give me stability!

As if it's so hard to figure it out on your own what they are. Look for symptoms, cross-check.

Bipolar disorder

shit's rough out there anons, hope you all find happiness wherever it may be

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I was diagnosed with clinical depression years and years ago, but they think it was in error and that I am actually autistic. I disagree, I think I am not depressed, but have ADD.
So I'm seeing a neurologist now. Neither of those are mental illnesses though, they are neurological problems.
I tried to court a girl with Aperger's once. She hated my personality and called it quits. She was a cute goth teen as well.

>afraid of fire
>fire, giver of light, heat and cooked foods
>fire the rebirther
>fire the dancing and ever changing

I've only dated girls with mental disorders, only ones that can put up with mine

>Do you have any mental illness?
Diagnosed depression and social phobia, maybe more, but undiagnosed
>What do you think of girls with mental disorders and would you date a girl like that?
I'm a nothing in life, so no girl will ever like me, but if it ever happens and she turns out to have mental disorders, I'd out of desperation, but I don't recommend, most men can keep their mental illness in check, but that's not the case with women, they're too emotional for that.

I acquired PDNOS from heavy childhood abuse. Would also like PDNOS gf

But very rare.

Social anxiety disorder

The big 3

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Call it a mental disorder, but most of them are just personality flaws. No I wouldn't. I'd only date a real crazy bitch, who sees aliens and ghosts and shit.

was just recently diagnosed with psychosis, personally i would date a girl with a mental disorder but it widely depends on the disorder and the severity of it

bipolar ii, possibily rapid cycling; ADD; and then depression/anxiety combo that goes hand in hand with the bipolar

im on 2 meds for the non add stuff and have both short and long acting for add stuff

mood stabilizers made my life like 70% better

OCD and depression

The depression goes away with 20mg of paroxetine but the OCD never goes away

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usually just made up shit. used for justification to fuck you over horrendously in the future.