>Yeah bro, people like me for my personality
>Girls love my hobbies bro, that's why they are always around me
Why are Chads so retarded?
>Yeah bro, people like me for my personality
>Girls love my hobbies bro, that's why they are always around me
Why are Chads so retarded?
U mad pussy?
i'd wager you dont have much success with ladies, or in any walk of life for that matter
This isn't r9k, but its close
Please point out what makes you come to that conclusion.
look at the size of that saw
Your angry at chads for getting all the pussy while your an incelibate faggot
Plenty of Chad's are intelligent. God doesn't dole out stuff evenly.
No, you are the faggot
Men who are fit are capable of going on hikes and doing interesting things with their bodies. I have tried to go out with basement dwellers and fat dudes. You know what they really like? Taking breaks and being really fucking boring. Also not having drivers licenses, what the fuck.
If you are fit, you are overall a more interesting human being. Being autistically knowledgable about magic the gathering or the Syrian war is not very attractive to women. Guys who are into computer science (actual comp sci, not fucking programmer dudes who spend all day writing c# and fizzbuzz) can be interesting.
Chad hobbies
>going outside
>playing sports
>going to the beach
Chad personalities
Your hobbies
>wathcing anime
>playing video games
>eating hot pockets
Your personality
>being bitter
>"I should attempt to be the opposite of what I am now"
>"I could use a little more self-improvement."
>"Just be yourself, bro!"
i'd kill to have that bod
This is accurate. Im also dumb as fuck
Programming is attractive to women if you utilize your skills to make alot of money.
>Making money is attractive to women
Yeah, if they are a gold-digger
Having money can make you more interesting. A bar conversation will go more places if you tell me about the trip you took to Christmas Island while on vacation, instead of "I spend all day every day on internet forums discussing how the Jews are responsible for a lot of things".
Unless you are an artist, being interesting costs money.
>"Oh no, an incel on the internet hates me!"
It's all about genes and physical appearance you humongous retard
Chad here. We just say that so you guys still wanna hang out with us. We enjoy having friends around too you know
Only when all the chads are dead shall we know peace.
Are you going to have cake on your pity party?
yeah but you can still do the best with what you have. I have a objectively a sub-5, unchadly face and shitty genetics. I got more Jow Forums, upgraded my hair, and made myself more outgoing. Managed to get a gf and decent female attention. Yeah I have to much harder than a natural chad but thats better than giving up.
>you just have to be a completely different person and people will like you for what you are, it worked for me :)
Ever wonder when you ask a Chad for advice he responds with: "Just be yourself, bro!" instead of "Work hard, lift weights, hone your charm and self-confidence!"? Because these things literally come naturally to them and he is effectively saying: "Just be me, bro!" You will always be a fake chad if you weren't one from birth.
You know, the Chad Transformation only takes about 6 months to a year depending on how far gone you are. Being an incel is not like being born black or retarded, you can fix it if you have the drive.
its not a sham completely. by putting yourself in uncomfortable situations, you bring out parts of yourself that you didnt really know you had. My interests are still similar. I tell my newfound chad/stacy friends that I'm nerdy or whatever but the difference is that I'm open and confident about it. I'm still me. Just a more confident version with better people skills and some muscle.
This. Buy some pre workout, some creatine, some whey, and a gym membership.
Not every Chad is as dumb.
You are too stupid to figure out yourself that women prefer fit guys?
Can you fix ugliness? Being shirt or bald?
Note: this is not true. It is very easy to spot a "reformed incel" a mile away. There is a smell.
7/10 made me reply. You worthless larping normie kike
They are t retarded you are retarded
How about do things that attract women you fucking dumbasss
All women are programmed to be gold-diggers. It's a matter of being the first to secure them in a vault, and to defend them jealously.
Stop being a manlet and you'll understand.
I like her.
Are there so you can have a model and work on yourself, weak incel MGTOW faggot.
you dumb memeflaggot, you can fix SOME things, like work out and get somewhat fit body but you can't fix your genes, what if you're ugly, short, bald, or have some kind of sickness? Now go fuck yourself, dumb kike.
And you must be a chad, right soiboi?
Yes, have a strong body, and a strong personality. Women do not view men as attractive in the same definitions as men. They will look past minor development flaws for character and strength.Hairy men get laid all the time. Bald men are said to have bigger dicks, so women love that too.
But you have to put some effort into keeping yourself healthy. Sleep at night, instead of during the day, exercise at your peak for at least a half hour three times a week.
Yea, you're covered in the smell, and you're not reformed.
Women who don't know you, don't know you used to struggle, and frankly don't care.
>Can only convince yourself to pursue women because you think of them romantically
>Realize that in this regard they're literally trash
I'd rather just fuck sock desu
Be a chad.
To an extent. A good amount of facial ugliness is fixed by dropping excess bodyfat, I've seen people "grow" chins where before there was only chub. Most people have terrible posture, fixing that will make make you look taller. When you fix the first 2, bald doesn't really matter, just shave the rest and don't worry about it. Now yes some people have been beaten into a coma by the short bald and ugly stick, but honestly most of the time you're just being too hard on yourself, just give it a try.
Post a pic of a girl's ass that you've fucked,CHAD
Tell your great great great great great grandfather who felled trees all day, and killed 5 men with his sword, that you're quitting.
(Very) Poor aesthetic
Post proof otherwise youre a larping nigger faggot
this is so insanely pathetic.
go get fit you peace of shit.
Le ebin pre and creatine. Yeah no
I wish i was on gear
>just be yourself bro!
well, youre not yourself because youre insecure and ashamed of who you are, instead be accepting of who you are, e.g, just be yourself bro. But youre a bitter loser, so stay mad buttfag.
womens attraction is very different from mens. Women are ofcourse attracted to phys features, but its features that show testostrone. Which baldness does.
be yourself and accepting of yourself, your post reeks of insecurity
>He thinks his ancestors were romantically masculine
This is even more retarded than what I thought.
They were identical to us except somewhat more muscular.
by accepting the fact that you are sexually undesirable, you can take steps to improve yourself to better and find a mate/ pass on your genes.
further your hatred of women and sexually fit males will only blind you from who/what you are right now.
easiest person to lie to is yourself.....faggot
>but you can't fix your genes
Bad genes should die out.
>insecure and ashamed
I make a six figure salary, lost 100 lbs to the point I am semi attractive and have better social skills than ever before but I still don't feel any less of those.
>another Jow Forums themed slide thread
Implying working out is enough to get a guy out of inceldom. Gtfo underage normie
I have a group of friends of about 4 or 5, they fit the incel lifestyle but are super depressed all the time. how can I help them out? They get super agitated when I bring up mental illness
Romantically masculine? Bitch they didn't have running water or electricity.
Somewhat more muscular? How about singularly dedicated to not giving a fuck what neggers like you placed in their way, because having seen 5 out of 8 of their brothers and sisters die before the age of 10, they decided they're quite fucking pleased to be alive in almost any condition, but only working makes their conditions better.
Don't come around me with that weak ass negging, I got a work out to get completed.
Fucking Thetas can't hang, trying to disorganize the gammas, and rock some betas off the ride.
Sorry fucker, you pick where you go, but you can't pick what others think about you.
If this thread manages to shame even one basement sperg into improving himself then it was worth it.
You sound like a generic pussy attempting to sound tough.
Post body with timestamp, fag.
lmao that faggy upper back
I agree
Part of it is pure God given genetics
Zoomalis get 10/10 European girls and somehow your genes are what's stopping you from getting laid.
It isnt your genetics if literal 60 IQ deformed retards from Africa can get anyone.
It's you.
Your soul is shit and boring if girls dont like you.
You aren't fun or interesting or beneficial to be around.
Respond with your cope virgin.
What kind of personality do you have? Probably not one at all.
Women fuck uggos every day of the week. Status is what women want in a man, and that comes down to height, wealth and cock size.
You can't make people want to change, they have to want that themselves.
All i'm reading is a bunch of larping incels shame other incels into being "a chad" to make themselves feel better. A real Alpha individual doesn't call himself "chad".
Seriously, what is this shit thread sliding?
>i make a six figure salary
and? mark zuckerberg is still a fucking loser with a ugly wife. Youre just a loser. Doesnt matter how much money you make, you know it deep down also.
>lost 100lbs
>better social skills than ever
doesnt mean shit if u went from 0% to 3%
>mfw I only made money to from increase my height and fix my hairline
>mfw it worked in increasing my status but am even more disgusted by humans as a result.
>Men who are fit are capable of going on hikes and doing interesting things with their bodies. I have tried to go out with basement dwellers and fat dudes. You know what they really like? Taking breaks and being really fucking boring. Also not having drivers licenses, what the fuck.
>If you are fit, you are overall a more interesting human being. Being autistically knowledgable about magic the gathering or the Syrian war is not very attractive to women. Guys who are into computer science (actual comp sci, not fucking programmer dudes who spend all day writing c# and fizzbuzz) can be interesting.
Your hobbies
>wathcing anime
>playing video games
>eating hot pockets
Your personality
>being bitter
Robots haven't refuted this yet
Losers have depression and a general sense of listlessness and futility as a result of their upbringing and inferior genetics, there is no fixing this. People like us are only alive to die alone, there is no refutation to what you've said. The game was rigged from the start.
>wear cologne
>burn all graphic tees and cargo shorts
>get ANY one (1) new hobby that isnt internet related
Waa waa waa cry more faggot. Do your best with what you got.
>be yourself and accepting of yourself, your post reeks of insecurity
If "yourself" is shit then it's not insecurity to acknowledge that it's shit.
>t. brainlet
ok robot