Have you left your edgy channer phase behind? Moot and Snacks have

Have you left your edgy channer phase behind? Moot and Snacks have.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Feeling empathy makes me feel emasculated

Big words for someone who stuck his dick in a literal beached whale's blowhole

Christopher Poole is and always was a trecherous dickless cum guzzling piece of dogshit little kike cunt and I have no idea who that other cuck Snacks is.

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>that post
>that imgur filename
welcome neo-Jow Forums

They call it "nu" now

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>its all about being edgy or bigoted
Thats where youre wrong kiddo

man, I wanna grief those fags so bad. trolling nowadays sucks, everyone now knows what it means and how to react, whereas 20-15 years ago you could get away with causing one of them to suicide

Yeah, I bet you would have been a real epic master troll.

That's because empathy is a spook.

Yes I have my good sir Im now a left-wing socialist

yes but somehow i'm still here. i guess it's just the depression hahahahahaha

Guy on the left isn't wrong, being a person who still enjoys nihilistic fucking around on here and surrounded by everyone who has to have a "side" when shitposting is like being a 40 year old at a college party.

Guy on the right is an insufferable holier than thou cunt.

Well, guy on the right isn't wrong. It's embarassing what "trolling" has become. We used to fuck around and annoy for the lols with the unironic neocon christians that post on here now.

Or left I mean, whatever though.

What I find most obnoxious about the guy on the right is he would think that Google is a tool of the left or force for good in the world. As though he's ever even once done something good in service of the monopolistic and predatory company. He thinks the snarling and all consuming behemoth capital he works for can have a human face.

>I have no idea who that other cuck Snacks is.

You need to go back to where you belong.

The important part is that he confirmed that moot has actually grown up and can behave like an adult now.

That wasn't even remotely his point, though. His point was that Google shouldn't create a hostile workplace for it's employees. If they hired exclusively Black Panthers and Radfems, I'm sure you'd need safe space too.

Believe me that's true. He was pretty underageb& when he started this whole shitshow so I can forgive him for it, but for not selling it to some far right yakuza guy.

And? I don't care, I'm addressing that he thinks Google is a force for good. It's kind of obvious you wouldn't want to higher a channer retard or some nazi guy to any company.

>If they hired exclusively Black Panthers and Radfems, I'm sure you'd need safe space too.
This is entirely incoherent

why is that guy decrying the sin of generalisation while doing it?

>moot has actually sold out and can behave like a castrated faggot.
Fixed it for you my nigger

Looks like you still have some growing up to do

>some nazi guy to any company.
According to them, anybody who doesn't suck eshaydubya dick is a nazi. Saying something as mundane and inoffensive as "it's okay to be a white" is unacceptable hatespeech akin to making death threats according to their ilk.

him saying nigger is shitty but whatever. What's your point? You sound like a mong posing as a leftist but aren't

Don't you have some racebait threads to attend to Schlomo? What are you doing here?

According to any reasonable person. The guy with a balkancruz tattoo? Yeah probably a nazi.

Even if you want to cry about my eshaydubya fucking your stupid face, what does it even mean. What are you complaining about, why are you so mad? It's okay to be white was literally designed by Jow Forumstard nazis you stupid cunt.

My point is that the longer you are here the more boring all the unimaginative edginess becomes, and it looks like Snacks and moot agreed.

If that's your point then you're right. Who even uses this site? Underageb& and underageb& that never grew up and are now like 27 and even grosser.

I couldn't care less about what both have to say. Especially Snacks.

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i just enjoy the user message board format, especially on r9k. Everything is original; to me it mimics social interaction. Many people get suckered in by the "you're here forever" meme but I come to this place while still maintaining social standing. This is JUST a message board.

>we want to be inclusive of people, not ideas
Wait, I thought diversity was a strength because different people bring different perspectives. If it's not the perspective they want, then why are they so obsessed with diversity?

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Fuck off why do I need to take professionalism everywhere? Answer that you cunt, I will try to contribute to society in my way but not being able to say whatever you want be it in videogames or even a website like this cause somebody will be "offended teheee" feels fucking bad, dont be surprised it puts people down.
Worse is when you get gated community self hating cucks getting offended for you lmao.

So, you don't think it's okay to be white huh?

I do not give even a tenth of a fuck about those faggots

But its okay to be offended! yaasss queen slay!!!

>Moot and Snacks have.
Moot and snacks are and always were basedboy faggots. Why any of retards look up to them as rolemodels is well beyond me.

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>It's okay to be white was literally designed by Jow Forumstard nazis you stupid cunt.

That's actually the point.

It's an utterly uncontroversial statement and can only be evaluated justly on the basis of its actual content.

>NUH-UH we are going to look at the speaker first and if we don't like the speaker we're going to reject the content!

Then you are unambiguously a piece of shit and I would rather burn down what's left of the shreds of good will holding this society together than share it with you. I fucking hate people like you, and always will.


The context here is that any consideration of any other factor other than the truth value of the statement is the analytical method of Bolshevik trash. So go fuck yourself.

You know I saw those posts by shut on twitter but I never realised it was the real shut until now. It must be if Snacks retweeted it...

>i just enjoy the user message board format, especially on r9k. Everything is original; to me it mimics social interaction. Many people get suckered in by the "you're here forever" meme but I come to this place while still maintaining social standing. This is JUST a message board.

Jow Forums may be horrible, but the rest of the internet is worse.

Sounds to me more like a bunch of people preemptively making excuses for whatever "edgy channer stuff" they posted which might come back to haunt them in their new cult.

>hahaha w-we ALL used to do that and then we GREW UP and DON'T DO IT ANYMORE (we do, it's just now instead of making jokes about dumb niggers and posting about how we wish they'd be exterminated we joke about dumb white men and post about how we wish they'd be exterminated)

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I've been here over a decade and I'm fine with this. He's a complete newfag, sure. But moot is a backstabbing sellout faggot. So fuck him and the snacks he rode in on.

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I've been wondering about the same thing for a while. I still don't think it's him but on the other hand it's hell of a coincidence if he isn't.

Its this fucking soiboy faggot invasion, dont mind them or be aware of them.
they will never understand whats not being able to laugh at almost anything and getting kicks out of writing random shit on the internet that results offensive, fuck off goatfucker OP your sister is getting raped as we speak

I've never been a complete edgelord, but I was pretty ignorant to just how stupid edgelords were.

Being an edgychanner is literally enlightenment.

>welcome neo-Jow Forums
>as in it's somehow bad to recognize that moot is a massive cuck and wt is an ephemeral nobody

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>moot is a massive cuck
This is an attitude that only newfag retards who thought Jow Forums was all about free speech and political activism have. Everyone else is still hoping you'd leave already.

but it is thought I cant get banned you getting offended for shit that doesnt affect you on your everyday life is another thing.
go worship media sponsored cock

You retards STILL think calling us NEW is going to get you anywhere?
Jow Forums is about free speech now, it is about political activism, and it's better for it.
If you don't like it, you can off to Facebook, boomer. You're past your expiration date.

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I'm going to kidnap moot and livestream his torture someday

Everyone who came here after 2007 is permanently new and there's literally nothing you can do about it

why is that so far up your ass? N one said it wasn't

>That's actually the point.
Then it's a pretty dumb point for stupid people. Because Jow Forums designed a ruse and then fabricated a response to it shows nothing.

>>NUH-UH we are going to look at the speaker first and if we don't like the speaker we're going to reject the content!

>Then you are unambiguously a piece of shit and I would rather burn down what's left of the shreds of good will holding this society together than share it with you. I fucking hate people like you, and always will.
What the fuck are you quoting. You're screaming and shitting all over the floor but for what?

>more contrived quote and hysterical screaming
What the fuck are you saying. You don't even know what Bolshevik means you twat

You don't get it, faggot. I don't care if you call me new. New is better.
We don't value oldfags anymore. You don't get a free pass here just because you've posted on this site years ago.

>Then it's a pretty dumb point for stupid people.
The point was that SJWs are offended when you tell them that it's okay to be white, therefore they're proven to be anti white.

>Because Jow Forums designed a ruse
The statement, "It's okay to be white," is not a ruse. Pol genuinely believes that.

>and then fabricated a response to it shows nothing.
The response wasn't fabricated. They provoked the response, but the response was also genuine.

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>i'm a redditfugee and PROUD of it
the nerve on newfags these days

please lurk for at least two years before posting

>The point was that SJWs are offended when you tell them that it's okay to be white, therefore they're proven to be anti white.
This is a really stupid inference only a dumb guy would make. Congrats on not being too bright I guess.

Pol polling an incredibly stupid op doesn't prove anything. You stand with your chest puffed out proud to have wasted your time tripping over your own dick.

RIP luggage lad

Yes, the NERVE of us ebil redditugees to recognize that we're better channers than you've ever been!
If you're anti political and anti freedom, Reddit is more your style. It would make a great retirement home.

>This is a really stupid inference only a dumb guy would make.
It's a common sense inference that anyone with an IQ above 80 could figure out if they weren't being deliberately obtuse.

>Congrats on not being too bright I guess.
Congrats on writing like a 15 year old genderfluid ponykin on her special Tumblr blog.

>Pol polling an incredibly stupid op doesn't prove anything.
That's not the reaction I'm referring to. I'm referring to the vitriolic response from the media and campus students, the exact people Jow Forums targeted. Suprise suprise. They don't think it's okay to be white.

>You stand with your chest puffed out proud to have wasted your time tripping over your own dick.
I mean, you sound retarded but at least you're not claiming my dick is small like most NPCs.

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>ur an npc
>ur a ponykin
>ur 15
>ur genderfluid
>ur a dum girl
>u have an 80 iq
>u are obtuse

The adult's guide to civil discourse. You keep referring to a acontrived "media and campus" outrage with no proof. You engaged in a dumb online campaign and wasted your time. Congrats, doesn't mean any less that you wasted your time.

Literally nothing to respond to since you spent your post with the above greentext nazi kiddie memes.

>ur dumb
>ur stupid
>ur a cunt
Just because I'm more varied in my insults than you doesn't mean they impact my argument in any way.

>The adult's guide to civil discourse.
Fuck your adult's guide. You probably think swallowing your wife's boyfriend's cum is what makes you an adult.

>You engaged in a dumb online campaign and wasted your time.
Of course you'd think that. You don't value your time the same way I do. That's just your gay opinion though.

>Literally nothing to respond to since you spent your post with the above greentext nazi kiddie memes.
There's plenty to respond to. You're deliberately ignoring it because you have no way to respond other than concern trolling like a little bitch.

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>concern trolling
*I meant tone policing

nobody cares about your latest right wing meme phrases

Yeah, definitely swallowing my wife's boyfriend's cum. Whatever that and all the other shit means.

You have yet to present this overwhelming "proof"

And what fucking tangible points did you make that weren't calling me a slippery cuck or whatever

By the definition of meme you're wrong though, retard.

>definition of meme
get a load of this fucking tard

Fascism is bereft of meaning. This person just thinks countering with a response in the negative affirms their position. This man's petulant defining of "meme" to suit his ends actually summates why discourse with fascists is pointless.

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No eternal manchild here, I don't want to.

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>Whatever that and all the other shit means.
It means I don't value your opinion on what you think adult is, because that idea is retarded.

>You have yet to present this overwhelming "proof"
I mean, I figured I didn't have to, but

>And what fucking tangible points did you make that weren't calling me a slippery cuck or whatever
The point was that SJWs are offended when you tell them that it's okay to be white, therefore they're proven to be anti white. It's a common sense inference that anyone with an IQ above 80 could figure out if they weren't being deliberately obtuse.
The statement, "It's okay to be white," is not a ruse. Pol genuinely believes that.
The response wasn't fabricated. They provoked the response, but the response was also genuine. I'm referring to the vitriolic response from the media and campus students, the exact people Jow Forums targeted. Suprise suprise. They don't think it's okay to be white.
Just because I'm more varied in my insults than you doesn't mean they impact my argument in any way.
You don't value your time the same way I do. That's just your gay opinion though.
And everything in this post, cuck.

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>8 gazillion youtube links and insane ranting about "sjws"
brainlet detected

Do you have any counter to what I just said? If something is a meme, people care about it, otherwise it wouldn't be a meme.

>Fascism is bereft of meaning.
>discourse with fascists is pointless.
So discourse with anyone you claim to be a meaningless term is pointless. Right off the bat, retarded.

>This person just thinks countering with a response in the negative affirms their position.
It does if it's backed up with facts and logic.

>This man's petulant defining of "meme" to suit his ends actually summates why discourse with fascists is pointless.
Using a definition to someone saying "NO ONE CARES XD" isn't petulant. It's a truthful statement, and frankly more than the person I'm responding to deserves.

>attacking the sources instead of the information
Oof. This is about as much as I expected though. I was looking forward to it.

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>We also beleive that people can change for the better (e.g. hiring +Chris Poole).
>Thinking you have the right to Judge moot or his ideologies.
>Coming from the point of view that your better than him.
>Not realizing that moot accomplished more as a teenager than this guy will in his life.

Fucking faggot.

imagine thinking i'm going to read any of this

>Fascism is bereft of meaning.
>discourse with fascists is pointless.
So discourse with anyone you claim to be a meaningless term is pointless. Right off the bat, retarded.

>This person just thinks countering with a response in the negative affirms their position.
It does if it's backed up with facts and logic.

>This man's petulant defining of "meme" to suit his ends actually summates why discourse with fascists is pointless.
Using a definition to someone saying "NO ONE CARES XD" isn't petulant. It's a truthful statement, and frankly more than the person I'm responding to deserves.

Hey buddy, why don't you fuck off back to plebbit ok??

You don't need to look at moot and snacks to see that leaders turn against their followers, just check out the history of every succdem politician. They shifted their ideology in response to becoming e-celebs, the rest of us still need a world without leaders.

>a bunch of yt pedants and furry 'intellectuals
Haven't seen anything besides some people being moderately upset on twitter


wow that sure showed me. You showed no "vitriolic response" from anyone, just a couple of fatass youtubers squeeing about how le ebin cake is a lie and they're so witty for a piece of paper, and a fascists aus senator making some bogus measure

>Started going on Jow Forums around the early 2010's
>Feel very old and out of place on this site now, even though I know I'm still an eternal newfag myself

It's a strange feeling

>So discourse with anyone you claim to be a meaningless term is pointless. Right off the bat, retarded.
This is a a pretty stupid and unparsible set of a sentences.

>It does if it's backed up with facts and logic.
Oh, well let's see that facts and logic(tm) then

>Using a definition to someone saying "NO ONE CARES XD" isn't petulant. It's a truthful statement, and frankly more than the person I'm responding to deserves.
You petulant child, do shower us with the wisdom you're apparently not revealing. Never have I seen someone decide to die on the hill of the definition of "meme" like this. It's all just confirming what I said in

Hey man, I'm an originalfag who's had private conversations with both of them and they're both total fags for sure, but did you expect hem to cross-dress at meme conventions for the rest of their lives? Or put up with having moderate modern Jow Forums? Even fags don't deserve that.

>did you expect hem to cross-dress at meme conventions for the rest of their lives?
No. I don't see nipmoot wanting to be the little girl. Turns out that's not a requirement to run the site.

Why do people still compare snacks with moot? I'm 100% sure they both haven't spoken to each other in over a decade. Snacks is currently a wannabe weeb DJ while moot is ??? a soon-to-be laid off Google employee

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Feel free not to, but I proved you wrong in that post for the second time.


>a bunch of yt pedants and furry 'intellectuals
>You showed no "vitriolic response" from anyone, just a couple of fatass youtubers squeeing about how le ebin cake is a lie and they're so witty for a piece of paper, and a fascists aus senator making some bogus measure
>attacking the sources instead of the information
Oof. This is about as much as I expected though. I was looking forward to it.

>Haven't seen anything besides some people being moderately upset on twitter
You'd see more if you watched the proof that I linked you.

>This is a a pretty stupid and unparsible set of a sentences.
Exactly. They're contradictory. Remember, they're your sentences, not mine.

>Oh, well let's see that facts and logic(tm) then
>do shower us with the wisdom you're apparently not revealing.
You'll wanna look at sentences above this greentext and ones below the next.

>You petulant child,
Show me how I'm petulant, gramps.

>Never have I seen someone decide to die on the hill of the definition of "meme" like this.
Where's the dying at? I told some guy that by the definition of meme he's wrong. That's it.

>It's all just confirming what I said in #
Nope, that's just your confirmation bias.

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>Show me how I'm petulant

i will never watch your gay youtube videos stop replying to me

>[person] uses Jow Forums as a stepping stone to fame
>Jow Forums sticks by them when no one else does
>[person] attains mainstream success
>[person] immediately stabs everyone here in the back and goes out of their way to rabidly slander their most loyal supporters for a pat on the head from their new masters
Every. Fucking. Time.

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You only need to take a look a moot to tell he'd just believe whatever is the dominant ideology to fit in with his tech friends. If it was far right he'd be sieg heiling with the best of them.

>Oof. This is about as much as I expected though. I was looking forward to it.
Hahaha I anticipated I'd be made fun of for referencing fat furry YT pedants BUT I KNEW I WOULD BE so it is YOU who are owned sir! I myself am ACTUALLY LAUGHING about it.

>You'd see more if you watched the proof that I linked you.
Hurr durr watch three hours of fat YouTube pedants
You didn't watch all of it either dumbshit. You're talking about some people mildly upset on TWITTER

>Exactly. They're contradictory. Remember, they're your sentences, not mine.
I'm not even the person you responded to. You made a sentence that made zero since. So you're claiming that no acktchually you were just aping what someone else said? In that case you're beaming about how you didn't understand something and couched up your half baked understanding of it. Okay.

>You'll wanna look at sentences above this greentext and ones below the next.
So shit that has nothing to do with your dissertation on the meaning of meme that you're coming up with just to countered being called out for being a reactive cunt that made it up on the spot to be right online.

>Where's the dying at? I told some guy that by the definition of meme he's wrong. That's it.
Imagine making every effort to confirm what was said in >50227371 using the same tactics outlined.

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>everyone I disagree with looks goofy

>Hahaha I anticipated I'd be made fun of for referencing fat furry YT pedants BUT I KNEW I WOULD BE so it is YOU who are owned sir!
It's completely irrelevant if you made fun of me. You asked me to post proof and I did.

>Hurr durr watch three hours of fat YouTube pedants
Go ahead and skip watching them. Just stop trying to dance around the fact that the proof of the left's reactions is in there.

>You didn't watch all of it either dumbshit.

>You're talking about some people mildly upset on TWITTER
As I literally just said, if you watched the videos, these aren't just twitter reactions. If you don't want to watch them, you're gonna have to take my word for it.
Not that Twitter isn't incredibly important, though.

>You made a sentence that made zero since. So you're claiming that no acktchually you were just aping what someone else said?
I was greentexting two separate sentences. Pay attention or quit butting in on things that don't involve you.

>So shit that has nothing to do with your dissertation on the meaning of meme
It doesn't need anything to do with the meaning of meme. There are facts and logic in both referenced parts.

>that you're coming up with just to countered being called out for being a reactive cunt that made it up on the spot to be right online.
I'm not making up either of the statements you referenced, and I'd like to see you prove otherwise, but apparently you have a problem with sticking your nose into conversations that you don't follow very well.

>Imagine making every effort to confirm what was said in >50227371 using the same tactics outlined.
The tactic being simply restating the person's argument in the negative, which I proved I did not do.

Go ahead. Show me.

You're free not to watch them, but they prove you wrong and in doing so you're not contesting that.

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everyone can change for a price

>You didn't watch all of it either dumbshit.
I watched all of them back when they came out. It's okay to be white was a topic I enjoyed for over a month. That's why I was so happy that you asked for proof.

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>It's okay to be white was a topic I enjoyed for over a month.
imagine having a brain as broken as this

>several contrived lines

Let's cut out your hysterics and nuh-uhs and address the points. You think we will get enlightenment if we watch the same furry fat pedants as you. Amazing. Show me the "vitriol" please. If your brain is so addled it HAS to be an hour long fatass looking at a camera or expressing through a fursona then post timestamp link.

>you getting owned on Twitter is incredibly important
Yes it is, yes it is

Imagine being so much of an anti white faggot that you get triggered over people watching content they like on their own time

>imagine being so triggered at someone not being a nazi on for channaru you freak out and call them gay and say they hate white people

Brain worms everyone, brain worms

>a brain as broken
Is the argument actually that you are wrong politically because you enjoyed the wrong youtube videos?

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getting your political opinions from crazed basement hobos who create youtube videos should be damning enough