You like necks, Jow Forums?

you like necks, Jow Forums?

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this is a roastie free board

The reaction you get when you kiss a woman's neck is incredible

btw who is this semen demon

Of course. Kissing and playfully biting a woman's neck is top tier stuff.

>tfw I watch neck stretching videos in place of porn

Yes. Collar bones and the nape of the neck are both fantastic.

Especially if they're long and flexible.

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Yes, without one my head would meld right into my torso and I would look terrifying

ive always been insecure about my longish neck.

I dunno, it doesn't seem that bad:

i think this girl is balding

Kristiansen is perfect, neck included.

Girls have higher foreheads.

She is perfect and pristine.

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I knew a girl who could do that. Shame that I wasn't into necks then though.

My bad.
I meant to reply to

What do you mean you weren't into necks then?

imo a girl's neck is as erotic as her midriff, if not more.

Attached: neck.webm (440x344, 1.34M)

Those tendons are really something.

They're the best part of a girl.

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Supergirl has a pretty nice one.

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supergirl is alright I guess

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based and neckpilled

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i love pretty white necks

based if I may say so myself. what about brown ones?

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This is the ideal woman. You may not like it, but this is what peak beauty looks like

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What is this, the fucking vampire thread?

I left permanent bitemarks on a girl's neck once. Also I had a thing for choking her. I still do. She would never tell me to stop. Good sex is good.

thank u, neckst

>Good sex is good.

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>fun things are fun desu ne

absolute neck

Attached: EuphoricMediumArgusfish.webm (640x1136, 336K)

Yes. I wish I had a gf so I could lightly choke her. Not enough to hurt, just enough to show her she belongs to me.

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