>You have 10 seconds to justify being an unemployed loser
Well, go on, I'm all ears.
>You have 10 seconds to justify being an unemployed loser
Well, go on, I'm all ears.
I don't need to justify anything to you or anyone else.
why do you feel the need to post naked females? fuck off fag.
Unemployed losers detected
I don't care about others opinions
Fuck niggers
100% of my time is my time
To do what with? Sit in your room watching cartoons for the 1000th day in a row?
>Sit in your room watching cartoons for the 1000th day in a row?
I was normal as fuck and worked hard for years.
Got anxiety out of nowhere.
Had to quit my job.
Got new jobs, but had panic attacks on the way there or at the jobs on my first day.
Gave up trying for years.
Now it's been 4 years or so, need to hope the anxiety has fucked off because I either need to work and be normal or just kill myself.
I have no justification. An explanation maybe, is that I have no experience, skills, ged and I don't do well socially. Unless I find some kinda mentor that will literally hold my hand and guide me into normiehood, this is how it'll be
So you have an infinite amount of worthless time?
Is that supposed to be a good thing?
I couldn't find this image on reverse image search. Who is this?
Asking because I'm portuguese and her card's written in portuguese.
>I don't have anything
>Thus I can't become anything
You do realize that every starts with nothing, right? You work your way out of it. No one is born with experience or skills or education or social skills. Stop being such a damn pussy bitch boy.
>Is that supposed to be a good thing?
Because I enjoy living off taxpayer money and enjoying the angry taxpayer tears. umad?
This, wagies eternally btfo'd.
>unemployed loser
kek wagecuck
She looks like a Mexican politician who was part of the Green Party. Her pic went viral. But that person obviously spoke Spanish
i have seizures randomly i cant control and it prevents me from most jobs
Look I'm a fucking sperg, I don't know how to learn to be a normie. There's no manual and I can't figure it out myself
I'm lazy and feel like I'm meant for something greater than being a wage cuck.
Yeah man, so mad. I'm going to cry in my house, and my car and at my bank (while counting all my money).
While you laugh in your parents basement eating the ramen noodles your welfare check can barely afford.
because i don't want to waste 30+ hours a week for 300 bucks a month. i'd rather invest in the future and make more money that way. work in, work out.
being a wagecuck is actually worse than being unemployed... so keep coping, your boss at mcdickheads wants you to work overtime some more.
Not really justification but I realized long ago that If I'm becoming a nervous wreck a week into doing a voluntary job then I've no chance of getting into any sort of paid work. Plus I was told when I applied to a library "why would they chose you when they could chose someone that is much better and doesn't have any problems"
On a different note, those tops like the girl in the OP is wearing make me diamonds
How do you invest with no money?
>He thinks everyone works at McDonalds because that's the only job he can get
I'm a paranoid schizophrenic so at least I have a good excuse to be a lazy piece of shit on gibbuxs who spends 13 hours a day sleeping
if you're starting from rock bottom (homeless with no money), migrate to the city and start looking stuff up in your local library. make use of public facilities and keep yourself clean. following these steps can teach you how to get around on the streets, and once you have specific goals in mind that you can work towards, you'll get much farther than cranking out greasy food from the counter.
>i can't refute this logic at all so im gonna strawman it with a hint of ad-hoc
I tried playing stocks before and the transaction fees ate everything up, the only profit were meager sums after holding a stock for 6 months. If you're not starting with yuge capital or are a math whiz, it's a meme. Unless you mean other types of investing in which case I'm curious what you have in mind specifically
i have a job hahaha
He's right though and you're wrong; he just justified why he's unemployed.
double oof
I don't feel like it's worth it
i just play chess
I can't justify it. I am a failure. I will stay a failure.
Well, I did have a job for a few weeks. Look for something new.
im the opposite... i try not to work but somehow end up always fucking working. I just want to get hurt so i can just get paid for life
More and context ?
Explain to me why i would want to contribute to a rapidly declining western civilization especially when i have no chance of having a loving wife and kids eh?
That I dont want to be an employed loser lol?
please, go choke on a giant smoking hot cock
wow he stocked shelves what an amusing use of his time, im sure he enjoyed it
the normies didn't want me to be happy so i checked out of society and leech off it, maybe if you were nicer i would want to contribute
>You have 10 seconds to justify being an unemployed loser
Fucking cunts take it as personal every time I quit and are prudes about me coming back. Every good damn time
I want a busty latina to make fun of me for being an unemployed loser
im not unemployed op btfo
>Explain to me why i would want to contribute to a rapidly declining western civilization especially when i have no chance of having a loving wife and kids eh?
It's even worse than that.
We are now at a point where even having or voicing a desire to make a contribution, or take care of a loving wife and kids, is an intolerable humiliation.
Wanting to do any of that is prima facie proof, in 2019, that you're a beta loser.
i have a ridiculously high amount of testosterone so you can imagine how much acne i have being 19, makes me fucking unpresentable even for shitty job interviews: a heroine addict looks better than me.
But I'm employed tho.
What a fucking time to be alive
Happy new year everyone, if you thought last year was bad just wait.
>reason for unemployment: acne
you fuckin kidding me m8?
I think that Is a Colombian chick
I wouldn't hire someone with really bad acne.
Who wants to look at that shit all day? Acne gives me the heebie-jeebies, though. I actively hate it when people who have it are around. I feel like they're seeping oil and pus on to everything.
Very accurate user and very sad and dark
Is this bait? Do people really care this much?
>Enjoying life without wagecucking
>Living minimally and not deriving pleasure from material things
>Having a good relationship with your parents
yeah being a NEET is soooo bad . U right nigga
>be me
>Finished high school as Chad
>got severe concussion in 3rd year uni. >Personality changed
>lost interest in career path
>got involved in political campaigns and other risky shit because Chad and given opportunities
>get fat
>lose interest
>get fired
>no desire to be or do anything
>sometimes feelsbadman
Government can still take all that away when it feels like it.
>He still trades manual labor for imaginary (((currency)))
mother nature bless her tits
because im a failiure
I think people should justify why they don't hire me. Give me any course or training to do and I'll ace it.
For real though there are some things really wrong with me. Zero ability to converse at all. Now I know there are guys who will say that and then go out for a night and have a wife and kid at home, that's not what I'm talking about, I mean literally mute. If I can get through any casual sort of meeting or social interaction at all and not come off as a complete weirdo it's a win for me. I'd like to think I'm getting better, but sometimes I doubt it.
This is the gal
What about mental labor
gotta leave for work in 5 minutes
i'd rather be unemployed
though unemployed lottery winner would be the ideal
Get off my fucking board and go back to pewdiepie
And instead I just ignore you and your 10 seconds
>48 applications for internships
>0 interviews
My family never loved me and neglected me all my life which led to me not caring about making money as long as I am fed
but I work 2 jobs and am a manager at the second