Play sum chess w/me robots
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What the fuck is the aim of g5? and why isnt it immediately captured?
i was busy developining pawns - also i was playing fast and didnt' see it
5 minute time limit, lets have a quick fun game robots. no thinking for 10 minutes a move.
also who's the aussie wathcing the game?
another 5 minute game
you playboring defence and keep losing anyway
queens gambit declined isnt boring... wtf... funner than e4e5
boring by the the standard of an anonymous Jow Forums game come on man
never seen a "fun" r9k game of chess
another 5 minute game cos fuck the haters xx
really? this is a bit sad
eh, just playing for fun.
"fun" by the standards of the person i was replying to
How do you anons think when you play Chess? Are you supposed to think verbally?
just thought id interject
after a bit it's only routine - then when a new situation appear you just think of solving it in practical chess terms
i just think of the best move to make in the situation im in but i rarely actually assess the entire situation
After you play enough, looking ahead the next few moves is like watching a fast-forwarding game in your head. It just happens automatically.
Can I get good at chess if I have never played it as a child or teen or am I just going to be at level 1 forever?
you could get good - just not that good - by the way playing is really fun (at least to me)
weren' you supposed to leave the board forever also? what happened?
play for fun, gitting better, not good, happens on its own. alternatively watch some chess classes on youtube or something. im pretty sure theres a chess section on twitch
>weren' you supposed to leave the board forever also? what happened?
I pussied out.
>tfw now I get it why I have always been so bad at chess. You are not supposed to think verbally, you are supposed to only think of the chess pieces and the turns without using words
you realize that pussying out means remaining here, right?
>you realize that pussying out means remaining here, right?
then of you read a faggot loser meme philospher as foucault everything is understandable
>then of you read a faggot loser meme philospher as foucault everything is understandable
I don't lmao. Here is Wittgenstein gang