Why does everyone hate us?

All I see is nasty and mean comments about INTPs :(

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You guys have all the brains to succeed in the world but none of the willpower to direct it.

That's why it's the archetypal robot MBTI.
Smart but lazy.

>Being INTP
>have just learnt that INTPs are bad

What ??
Why me??

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intps should be fucking culled from humanity
let's just start a suicide pact and spend one night playing quake and doing acid together before collectively jumping off a cliff
who's with me?

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Try to see how it translates to other systems that don't pull punches.

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it's because intps are the only people obsessed with myers-briggs

it's very similar to how everyone hates that girl who is very into astrology

I dont usually bump shitty threads, but OP, you are faggot.
t. Intp

INTP's can ascend to godhood with a little bit of cocaine in them.

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i'm about ready to dip into my stash, the sadness is becoming overwhelming

I'm an infp and I want an intp gf! I once had an intp friend who was a male and he offered to suck my dick but I turned him down. we're not friends anymore

Not falling for that, E__J.

i wish i were extroverted or judging, i wouldn't be so useless then. i'm just putting intp's best interests at heart

The thing about being an INTP is that there's a hidden whitepill which is the hope that if we ever overcome our laziness/depressive cycle, we actually have the intellect to become seriously fucking successful, way more than the average normie.
That's what keeps me going, anyway

MFW Im not a stupid INTP and infact an INTJ

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You're a-okay
t. istp

Because you think you're above everyone because you're "supposedly" the smartest personality

>if we ever overcome our laziness/depressive cycle
Good one user.

>4 percent of the population

I've gone full hermit mode, but I don't have any friends to pull me out.

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Can someone post the ">so you're dying alone" and similar edits?

At least your existence is acknowledged somewhat. Better than being an INFJ and constantly forgotten about
4%? Fuck off, that's 4 times easier than I have it

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But what if we are the smartest personality?
I'm not claiming that we are, but there is surely at least a pretty strong possibility that we are, and if we were it would totally invalidate the claims of other personality types who attack us because they're insecure about their own intelligence. That's why I don't like it when people talk shit about INTPs, because if we truly are the smartest, then you faggots all just look like a bunch of jealous brainlets.
Do you see what I mean?

It's a possibility, therefore the "supposed"
>because i'm smart, you hating me obviously means you're just jealous of my IQ
good one my dude

But that "supposed" is based on a sturdy scientific foundation.
It is entirely logical to suggest that INTPs are the most intelligent type
It's totally fine to disagree, but when you venomously attack us for it, it makes you appear as insecure brainlets

every time i try to escape it, i get the same result and it comes to haunt me

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No one is attacking you for being intelligent, people dislike you for feeling superior to everyone all the time because of it

It's not that we feel superior, it's that we are

>implying i feel superior
150 iq means nothing compared to well-adjusted brainlet who gets to travel the world and experience everything because they're just smart enough to get by and just stupid enough to keep doing what they're told

Not really, people, especially those on Jow Forums value IQ greatly

See We hate ourselves more than any other personality type, I'm sick of this meme that we feel superior to others because of our intelligence

it seems to be people with lower iqs, i haven't seen people with higher iqs flaunting intelligence and saying how great it is. how it makes them any happier than a less gifted person. the thing about having a high iq is that you have a lot more needs than others, it's easier to be disappointed, you feel more alien, you generally just feel like you're not meant to exist. you're extremely sensitive. you build higher and stronger walls than anyone else. it's fucking hell.


Bipolar and Asperger is found at increased levels in our personality type. Literally both mental diseases make you feel superior about your self, its in the symptoms

myers briggs is the same bullshit as astrology. it's just marketed to look credible.

prageru does the same sort of minimalist design to disguise blatant lies and bias, and make it LOOK really credible.

if you're really convinced that a test with a fancy name can determine who you are for the rest of your life, you kinda deserve to stay the way the test says you are until you croak.

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You don't need to flaunt it, saying you're an INTP instantly makes people understand that you're intelligent.

heh i wish i could always feel as great as when i'm manic. i think that's a huge exception. bipolars and autists only feel good when they do what they're meant to be doing. the rest of the time is spent trying to ignore feelings of inferiority and wondering why they can't be like everyone else.

Smart doesn't mean shit if you're an impotent failure.

Yeah i've got both, really sucks desu. Worst part is we rarely ever feel like we've got something to do

definitely the worst part. once we get going we're unstoppable but it hardly lasts for long.

>tell me about your personality and I'll categorize your personality
>tell me about some stars and I'll categorize your personality

Like a spark snuffed by our own anguish

>tell me about your personality
that's the thing. you're only giving an algorithm contrived snippets of situations for it to figure you out as a whole. the devil is in the little details, the connotations that computers aren't smart enough to understand, let alone classify.

i do see what you're saying. let's assume that myers-briggs, with only the answers it has, is completely accurate, to the point where everyone (including yourself) would agree on the answer it gave for you.

this still leaves a massive problem in understanding who you are. you are constantly changing, and your personality is not set in stone. you really can make a habit out of being a different person, for better or for worse. it's really not that hard to completely change yourself over the course of a couple years. but people get trapped when they think they've figured themselves out, when they think they'll find peace by stagnating their character. this perpetuates the feeling of being trapped in a person they hate.

so while myers-briggs might be more scientific approach than astrology to understanding your personality, it's still the wild goose chase to understand a personality. all they really serve to do is excuse the flaws of some people and shame the flaws of others.

["can't help being a gemini" bullshit here.]

Comparing it to astrology is fucking retarded. At least make yourself not look like a stupid nigger and compare it to an online IQ test.

To chase a wild goose, is running in the direction you thought you saw the goose at some point equally productive as waiting for night time and playing connect the dots with the sky?

>get bored of talking to someone I've known for a while
>know they'll sperg out and have a meltdown if I block/remove them
le sigh
guess the type ;^3

i forgot that autism doesn't allow you to parse idioms. i should be more careful on this board

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Some idioms are based around closely following analogies.
Some idiots never want anything to retain any meaning.

>reading this

Put one in my skull please.

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I bet you think the big four is horoscope tier too huh

Everyone hates every personality that is not theirs

While sometimes hating their own even more.

well, i mean, yeah. you can't measure or chart anyone's personality. the closest measurement you could get would still be a scattershot and generalized caricature of who someone really is, and even then, none of these personality tests or charts or whatever account for time. people change over time.

y'all are picking apart my word choice and not my point.

>There is no accurate metric by which you can describe and catalogue modes that people interpret, analyze, and react information

Would you say this is your argument?

Because it's wrong

because you are the normies of the website

bros how do you tame your obsession with being right

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>calls himself intp
>proceeds to bark about that filthy thing called sex and love which is literally a bunch of chem reactions in your brain that goes off quickly

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>be me INTP
> everyone hates doesnt talk to me
> phone rings "hi friend " my car broke can you fix it for me

this is my life every day , the only time peopled want to be my friend an talk to me is when they need something fixed

that's only a part of it, but i'd like to see why i'm wrong.

the meat of this, though, is that no one seems to acknowledge that your personality changes frequently. people get their MB reports and freak out because it's got things about their personality they don't like. no one thinks to perhaps change these flaws about themselves (assuming MB even gets it right), and then people feel trapped in a personality they hate because they just accept that it's their nature and can't be fixed. that's why i despise tests like this. it gives people who were fine reasons to hate themselves and then gives assholes an excuse to be assholes.

>the same faggot has been calling me for half a year because i lent him money once
i hope he gets in a fatal car crash

you never see any chad INTP's

im INTP an all chads iv met are brainlets threre the ones always calling me up to fix something

my life is starting new projects and giving up on them repeatedly

>Why does everyone hate us?
Penis envy

>newfag doesn't know how to sage

Get out.

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INTPs are ironic robots, as in they are normies that are just pretending.

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I dunno but I used to be INFJ

INTPs are master race, I just want to meet one and help them with my autism.

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see I am a sad incoherent alcoholic without the humanity of INFPs

I am just a stupid weird thing

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Made the transition from INTP to ENTP and never looking back.

I don't feel like I'm pretending to be a robot, more like being a failed normie

yeah me neither, i just feel like i "know" how to act but if anyone watches me from across a room they'll realize i shut down and go into aspie mode like a robot who completed a social routine and is waiting for further input

>never looking back.
Makes sense

I'm even dating one of these "people" but don't think you'll get away with the shit if you're dumb enough to let autistics know what you are deep down

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well, INFPbro, fellow INFP here. I tried to fit in with the damn normies once but the hermit mode is actual bliss. everything apart from that is all calamities, torment and other misery.

I'd say it's the other way around. INTPs have the ability to blend in with normals pretty well. Not enough to pass to normals but enough to survive. I wouldn't say they were a robot either though. INTPs really just want to sit in a room alone and do nothing until something interests them. Then they can autism away at that thing for anywhere from 10 seconds to a few days until doing nothing again while waiting for motivation. I don't know what to call that, but it's certainly not a normalfag or a robot.

Smart people never work hard and the world has too much competition.
They're normalfaggots. Pretty much all robots test INTP. They all act like House MD and are hated for obvious reasons. They hate them back due to everyone being idiots.
bad bait deserves no (You)

Cyborg, that's been well established around here.

>expecting an IN(ormie)TP tourist to have lurked at all

>implying sage even works properly here
>implying there is a reason to sage on Jow Forums, furthermore on fast boards like this one
>implying there are no people who write shitposts in this thread right very now

Fellow INFP here. i feel that. being alone is all i want and whenever my freinds ask to hang out i start to feel ill and when i go out all i want is to go home and be alone. Hermit is life

>I just want to meet one and help them with my autism.
i feel like i need to meet a clone of myself so we can motivate each other to achieve maximum autism, or have a really good enfp friend who makes me stop thinking about how much i hate myself and want to die

Please don't use that "just chemicals in your brain" shit. If you are using that to invalidate something then would that not include all your brain's function? As they are also just a bunch of chemial reactions.

try being ISTP

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Can confirm, truly the hardest type to be

I know that feel user, I too am an ISTP

For some reason xTPSs get shit on a lot on this board. ENTPs also get a ton of hate in MBTI threads

ESTPs are just chads while ISTPs are enlightnened blackpill robots that dont even care about "muh gf"

>Imagine being ISTP, the castrati subtype

Because you're autistic as fuck

I don't hate intps, just the ones that think they're smart but are actually retarded, I feel like they are the worst example of your type.
God dammit why are you so right? I can't even think about getting a job without preferring to think about a bullet through my skull.
People stress me out so much It's incredible, It makes me feel inadequate in all areas and un worthy of the title of human, but then at the same time I feel better than others. I'm just a literal fuckup who's going to die as soon as his parents do.


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get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head
stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop
fuck you robot, this is original fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you

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just be thankful we're not infp

>cant have fun with the knowledge that others are smarter than him

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most of these except depressed
got over that shit early lmao

damn that is me user. its a hard life.

What? Being an ISTP is easy mode

they hain't us cuz they ain't us

>having this much J and F

We can close this thread now, everyone on Jow Forums is verified INTP.

The way I see it, it's not a matter of willpower but rather people getting in our way.

>You guys have all the brains to succeed in the world but none of the willpower to direct it.
>That's why it's the archetypal robot MBTI.
>Smart but lazy.


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still a matter of you not having enough willpower to overcome those that would be in your way.
t. autistic intp

>smart but lazy
take out the smart part and you've got most intps

I'd say INFJs are the worst. Anything where they can indulge their snowflake narcissism