Free (you)'s

Im drunk
lets talk, I will answer all of you fags.
I am human like you just a little bit different

lets chat

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Fuck yeah. I am sick so I can't drink. Drink for the both of us. Do you ever dream of moving as far away from people as possible? I want to live on the moon. I think that is far enough.

I am lonely my life is shit
>consumes liquid

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he said one small step for man I'd say oh my god I'm on the moon

>lets talk, I will answer all of you fags.
It's 2019, why are you still here?

on it dude, im drunk too and glad to talk to someone, what are you drinking?

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I would build a little moon death base. And if anyone tries to attack it I would blast them with an orbital moon death ray. There would be a pressurized green house for food.

is my dream.

I am man
i dont get lonely
>It's 2019, why are you still here?
fuck you, I go on my own terms
>what are you drinking?
straight vodka

>be having good year
>improving life
>feeling good
>some ups and downs
>generally okay
>suddenly can't feel happy anymore no matter what I do
what's wrong with me? this has never happned before

Same here. Straight up vodka. I'm starting off 2019 with quiting smoking (so far so good; though I might still hit up some weed every month or so).
Thinking of doing some volunteer work just to make my resume look a bit better because I have a huge gap due to hospitalization and caring for mother for 3 years. She died last year and honestly I feel relieved. Image not related.

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do you listen to Swans?

I'm in constant physical pain and now I guess I have to go back to the dentist because clearly what he did is fucked up and needs to be redone. One of the most painful experiences of my life and I get to go through it again...
I was gonna wait until the appointment for this other thing in 2 weeks to talk to him about it. Now sure if I should try to talk sooner... It would need to be a separate appointment. Feel like i've talked to the secretary there so much they know me by voice now. already been in pain 2 months so what's another 2 weeks...

Hi user, what are you drinking? Also what drives you to post here? Tell me some stuff about your life, I like getting to know people.

Wtf happened to you? Root canal gone wrong? They couldn't squeeze you in before 2 months? This doesn't sound good.

Do you enjoy pain? If not get that shit checked. No one likes the dentist but 9/10 times people hate pain more; compare temporary pain with constant pain and don't be stupid.

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Oh and if they can't fit you in sooner just start calling 3 times a day and be annoying.

dude stop spamming these no one wants to talk to your neet retarded ass

dental bridge. it's on the border of painful and annoying 24/7, sometimes terribly painful like getting stabbed in the face. want to rip it out of my skull. he already did one adjustment, and it fixed one issue and made another worse. at this point it would have to be completely redone.
they're pretty fast at making appointments, i just don't want to go back, but it's driving me crazy. I might actually commit suicide at this rate. constantly, god damned constantly... but if I go back and have it redone it will be near unbearable pain and then my jaw will be seized up for 2-3 days so i can't talk or eat. i should bite the bullet, go back, and tell him shit is fucked up i guess. got to make a whole appointment just to speak to him though, then likely a second appt to fix it, then that third appt for my other issue...
i pay out of pocket because no insurance, so i don't know if they would charge me again to have it redone or not. frankly i can't afford yet another surprise $1500 expense.
i should probably email them at least... i can't live like this.

He's getting replies so clearly you are in the wrong faggot.

Sounds rough man. Wish you guys would get some from of affordable healthcare but with most of the USA fatting it up that'll take a while. Hold on my man.

>>straight vodka
I thought straight vodka was only for putting in water bottles for drinking while out in public, not for drinking at home

How big? How many teeth does it span and where in your month? I'm guessing he didn't root canal the abutment teeth. Also your jaw shouldn't be killing you after that unless maybe you got an implant supported bridge, but even then it really shouldn't for that long. You need to call them. They're legally responsible to keep you safe as your dentist unless they throw you out via a certified letter and they need to correct anything that's hurting you. If they don't you can complain to the BBB and even the state dental board. And you're paying out of pocket so unless you're going to a clinic you're a highly valued patient because private practices will charge you their own fees without the insurance write offs. But I get that as a patient you didn't know they would suck so bad until you went through it. I feel bad for you. There are better doctors out there and you're probably better off finding a different one going forward.

Tl;dr your dentist sucks and you should call and make them fix it.

Yeah... Yeah our healthcare system does suck. But on the plus side you can make appts very quickly and be seen promptly, just the financial hit is a downer.
Yeah, I'm being dumb, I'm sending their office a message explaining my symptoms. I communicate better in writing than speech so I want him to have a written communication where I can adequately express the sensations. Gotta do something about it... can't live the rest of my life like this.

Hell man, sometimes you just want to get wasted fast.

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whats your discord


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Learning how to communicate vocally is a hell of a good skill, I don't intend to say I mastered it but realizing most people don't give a a crap about you and learning to defend yourself through talking is a weapon you can use for a lifetime.

You sound like you know a lot about the subject. He's not a bad dentist at all, he did a crown for me that is perfect. It's 3-teeth to the lower far back. It's a re-do of a previous one at another office about 10 years ago, that office fucked up the install and it had to be re-done soon after, but it was pain-free for 10 years until it started feeling shitty and this dentist said there was decay underneath. He's pretty gentle for a dentist and I'm not afraid of him for once. Just something is wrong. He used a different material as well, old one was metal and then ceramic, this one is...idk what but there's no metal underneath, just the plain white-ish material.
What I hope is that all the issues are just needing a fit adjustment, and the soreness and sensitivity is from that being off and it'll be an easy fix.
>root canal
He did not, not even sure if I'd want him to. He did say he had to drill more closely or whatever because of the decay from the first one having a gap in the fit... and that sensitivity might arise in which case i guess it would need a root canal. not looking forward to that, and hope to god it's not going to cost me anything.
I have tmjd, even crying or chewing something chewy will fuck me up. pain life...
I messaged the office anyway, thanks anons... getting drunk right now trying to take my mind off it.

Hope your night is rather comfortable. Is there anything right now that you are working towards and more out of interest, what jobs did you used to have?/

Had an alright shift aside from the very end where I forgot to take my pizza off of the oven just before we locked the store, hence was slightly miffed as I got in my car. Been reading a large book on the North East to further accustom myself to the area, should be finished tonight and will go to the library about 5:00 A.M. to pick out another to fill the "local history" quota. Its been very interesting especially having learned that Bishop Auckland that is often present on signposts isn't some council extension to Hartlepool but rather a fully-fledged town with a large historic castle and over 22,000 residents. My eyes are tired though found a new manner of ensuring that I get out of bed on time whilst also being comfortable and not bugging housemates with my dozen alarms - quite simply wearing a headset with alarms on browser, how that never occured to me before is surprising though I usually am slow when it comes to things. Quite lovely relaxing in bed, playing Clannad while knowing that if I fall asleep my alarms will come on here.

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I work in the field. He probably did a full porcelain/ceramic substrate crown, maybe zirconia. It's a good material. If all you need is a bite adjustment that would be great news. I'm not a fan of bridges though. If one tooth fails the whole thing goes. If one needs a rct the bridge needs to be sectioned and you just had it put on, but lets be positive. Two crowns and an implant would be ideal for me but I get that cost is an issue. Anyway, hope all goes well for you. Also 10 years with a bridge, how old are you if you don't mind me asking? I've never seen a patient my age with a bridge.

>that feel when you thought you got an honest reply

I had been a teenager at the time so it hadn't been up to me...I would rather the 2 abutment teeth not have needed grinding down in the first place if the missing one could have just gotten an implant. but hey, I was 16 and had no say.
27. missing tooth was from a routine cavity filling that they cracked while drilling, clearly malpractice but my fucking drug addict parents didn't pursue it, I'm the one who pays the cost in the end... yeah, thanks, I know I'm fucked for life. supposed to be young and healthy and got this shit instead. Well. I have a fun life ahead of me.
you're probably the dentist user I spoke to before who told me not to worry about it. in the end it got worse and i had to go in, and there was decay and all and the whole thing was shot to shit. not your fault. I'm just real god damned salty. you're a nice user.
reason i have shitty teeth is because as a young/mid teen i was too depressed to brush my teeth. at that time i was barely showering or doing any basic grooming, real bad fucking depression, laid around in my room all the time, can't even remember a single thing i did during that period. i take care of myself now but too little too late. golly gee wish i wouldve had parents to look out for my wellbeing... on the plus side i told my parents and they felt guilty and sent me some money, about $1k. too little too late of course... i'm just real bitter about the whole lot of it.
on the bright side i'm not planning to live past 45-50 so i likely won't got to worry about dentures and all that. shit only gets worse with time after all. eventually gonna get real drunk and then shoot myself or jump off something real nice and tall.

Oh, you're my age. I didn't mean that you're fucked for life or anything like that. I've seen much younger full mouth extraction cases. I've just ever seen a young person with a bridge since they're a bit dated. Usually just a space or an implant. Missing a couple teeth isn't a big deal at all, neither is having a bridge and that's something coming from me. Dental issues are more common than you think, trust me I know.
I hardly ever see a perfect mouth. You're still young and maybe otherwise healthy unless uh... you're not. I'm also not whoever you spoke to before. I'm a hygienist and I'd also never tell someone to ignore dental pain. I'm sorry to hear about your depression. How are you doing now?

Huh, there's more than one dentistanon on Jow Forums. Well, alcohol is man's best friend so I'm less shitty. I know I'm not the absolute worst case but still feels bad man, this all was entirely preventable. I want to go back in time and beat the shit out of myself. I have other health issues but they're all mild annoyances, not anything requiring a doctor visit. I can't really complain, at least I'm not an epileptic or something, or that user with skin cancer RIP.
But my god alcohol is a lovely invention isn't it?
Also I feel kind of bad for you fuckers, always got to pick at people's mouths. Man you know some people have killer ass halitosis, and I'm pretty sure I've bit a dentist when I was younger (fucker deserved it), I don't envy your job.

Again, not a dentist, just work for them. Bad breath and smells in general don't phase me anymore. Bad cases usually result in an assistant coming in to my room and opening the window and that's what gets me to notice it. Might be all the disinfectants masking the smell to me or maybe they just burnt all the receptors up there. Who knows. I think I've adapted to it. Got bit once by a special needs kid when I first started at my current office. We keep an ice pack in the freezer. Jesus that sucked so bad and I couldn't even get mad at him because he couldn't help it. Thankfully it only happened once.
It's not a terrible job. Good hours, decent pay. I never have to work nights, weekends or holidays. I'm at a small office so no benefits or retirement but I can manage those myself. I'll probably mess my hands and back up eventually.
Alcohol is lovely but I would really, really like to cut back. I get enough radiaton at work. I'd like to at least avoid liver cancer and I've probably been overdoing it. It's hard when you don't like being sober all the time.

>It's hard when you don't like being sober all the time
Heh? you can tell me about it, user. i don't actually drink more than once a week or so. it's like an energy drink, if you have one every day it just becomes normal, but if you save it for a special occasion you get the full benefit of effect. what'cha drinking about?
my retirement is a bullet so idc
>hands and back
didn't think of it that way, yeah man. them xray machines freak me out too, i hate thinking about the radiation, guess the action hygienist gets it worse. fucking cancer machines, like a mini chernobyl trip. ah well

>once a week
I enjoy it more frequently. I hardly ever get drunk anymore but that's partly due to the volume it would take. I won't let myself kill a bottle of wine on a work night. I don't think I have a valid reason to, I'm just gross. It's comforting to me, makes me happier and less bored.
>action hygienist
I kind of like that. They say it's fine to expose X-rays as long as you're a certain distance away, but I can't remember the number. I go out of the room but I don't know if it's far enough and there's always scatter radiation. There's little censors you can get that measure your accumulated dose that you send in to get read. Add that to some other X-rays I had taken on me a couple months back and I'm probably pretty high on the scale of what's acceptable. Or maybe I'm fine. Anyway it was nice chatting with you user. Make a dental thread about your bridge when it's fixed or something. I want to know what went wrong and how it turns out. Good luck with everything.

Let's see your boiclit and bussy you want it filled with boicum

How much have you had tonight so far? Planning on drinking until you blackout I suppose?