have you cried yet in 2019? for what reason?
Have you cried yet in 2019? for what reason?
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Several times. I'm impotent.
idk, everything is a haze, maybe i did, i definitely wanted to a couple time just to take off the pressure
I haven't cried since maybe 2006 or 2007.
yes, I cry a lot. i'm very sensitive
Nope. Can't remember the last time I cried. Can't remember the last time that I was truly happy though. Pretty sure I'm not depressed though.
It's been years for me too.
These faggots need to learn to bottle up their emotions like real men.
Because my waifu isn't real.
It hurts so much robots.
10/10 christmas cake waifu right there.
Crying right now, just had a therapy session with my money hungry robot therapist, bitch
I cried a lot in early december, but early january has been full of things to distract me
because no gf
A real man bottles up it up. A while after, he kills himself
I have now because this woman is very cute
I haven't really cried for years. I try to force myself but I can't.
cried on the morning of the 1st.
Had lots of alcohol, and thought of my grandma that passed not a year ago. at home, it felt like a switch had been turned on, just emotion came pouring out of me, went to the bathroom and begun hitting walls. Freaked out the 2 buddies that had come over to my place.
Now feel nothing again. except tired, so tired..
I used to cry all the time, when I was a kid. For the last few years though, I've been unable to cry except on rare occasions. Probably once per year.
No, but I'm boiling with anger and hatred
it might sound gay
but dance it out
You failed the white race, end you life
I always get sad around Christmas remembering how happy me and my family were and realizing I'll probably never be that happy again
This faggot needs to stop being scared of his emotions. Stop running, bitch.
Yeh I actually sobbed an hour into 2019
My family had a big argument, I felt like shit and the girl I love basically told me to fuck off from her life
I'm an infp who doesn't cry anymore. Just too numb
Yeah, during nye since I was alone. Then again this morning before I took my pills to calm me down.
I finished Life is Strange and the prequel. It destroyed me
I love that girl, I want to marry her.
Her videos are so entertaining too.
>the girl I love basically told me to fuck off from her life
I hope you get better user. the same happened to me 10 years ago and I still struggle with it