Did your friends and family care about the age gap between you and your partner?

Did your friends and family care about the age gap between you and your partner?

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nope, not at all. hahahaha. so funny HAHAHAHAHAHAH


Nope, I'm 35 and my gf is 23. No one cares.

p.s I hope this is your daughter one day

my wife is over 600 years old

It'd be none of their business and I'd get pissed off at them if they tried to bother me for it.

Daddys little girl wants some dick boys


Cartoon loli vampires aren't real, user.

yeah? they're a lot more real than i consider you to be, user.

mmmmmmmmmmmmmm babay pussie

this is normal right?????

come on guys I thought your society was against pedophilia???? whats going on, lol. just think of the really real shit thats floating around here...RIGHT NOW! with the feds watching! HAHAH..upholding the law!!!


Oh yeah, it pretty much pisses everyone off who knows.

24 f dating a 15 year old guy with his parents (his dad's really) permission (his mom also hates my guts but is overruled)

don't worrie i'm going to nuke them like a microwaved pizza..HAHA with extra CHEEEESE

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How desperate you gotta be that youre dating a 15 years old boy when youre 24. Also did you fuck him yet?

You're not creepy or weird or special, you're just reddit.

My faith has been restored! Nuke us to high heaven Mr. sandman0

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coping pedo..

Seething redditor


I don't think I'm desperate. I have the options of any average college girl and just prefer him because he is adorable and sweet.

I haven't mostly because I've rarely been alone with him due to his mother's overbearing nature.

You couldve found guy in your age rather than some underage teen whos just gonna brag about you in school all the time to his fag friends

no I have never been asked that because I am a fucking virgin. A lonely, kissless, hugless, handholdless, touchless, FUCKING VIRGIN.

>whos just gonna brag about you in school all the time to his fag friends

I like that desu.

im 18 year old fembot and Im really attracted to middle aged men. 25-39 is my ideal age range

No she is 19 and only a month older then me. She is hapa though

How did you even meet him now im getting a little jealois some underage kid gets more pussy than me

i cant wait to see this sick scoiety get wrecked by the hand of god, lol.


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kristopher here. I don't lie. never have never will. who's winning Jow Forums??

No, why would they? Why do you ask/care OP?

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and yes i'm a freemason

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I'm in my early 40s and I had sexual contact (but not penetrative sex) with a teenager who was my friend's kid a few years ago. I've greentexted about it a few times.

She stopped taking my calls, which is likely a good thing. My emotional attachments aside, I do think that massive age gaps in relationships are usually very bad ideas. You have two people with very different levels of power, money, status, etc. at different stages in life. If you have kids there's a huge liklihood one parent will be too old. There's a good chance one partner will be widowed at an unusually young, but too-old-to-have-much-luck-at-dating-again age.

I guess it's okay if you fall in love accidentally, but people who actively pursue people older than themselves probably have a mommy / daddy complex and those that aim down usually are painfully inadequate control freaks. I know, I am one.

As for people's reactions: I doubt that people's sole objection to me dating my friend's 18 year old daughter would have been her age. With that said, I think people would mind their business but sort of privately be miffed.

who initiated me? that's our secret...

I've volunteered working at the concession stands at the baseball field since I was in high school. His brother and I are the same age and I met his family and later him while doing baseball things.

Honestly I used to kinda have the hots for his dad which his mom definitely realized so she probably has hated me for a long time.

i'm tired of your shit, David!

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doesnt the guy in OPs pic have an instagram full of pics of him with that little girl?

Lucky kid. I wish I had an older sister/mommy gf. Best I have is just the friend version of that.

Why does everyone want some pseudo-incestuous relationship? Why can't you just want an older girlfriend?

Because I want someone I can be close to and who would care for me.

Why does intimacy and caring HAVE TO BE INCEST RELATED?

>nobody is closer than family
>never received intimacy any other way
>never had an older sister

>nope they're mad he hasn't finished his degree yet even though he's in his late 20's
>he's 26 and i'm 20, i turned 20 a month ago.
>7 year difference with my fiancee

im a female in my early 20s and for some reason for the past 2 years ive noticed I have a thing for teenage boys. I think it started because at a job I had there were a couple really cute and mature 17 year olds that were freakishly tall so seemed like they could domimate me.
ironically when i was a teen myself i was into way older guys.
damn i sort of wish i could go back to high school so i could have a cute emo boyfriend and fuck the whole football team. im much hotter now and still look young.
but those guys would probably think im a creep.

Is 5 years much of a gap. Talking to a guy on tinder and I'm 23 while he's 18. It's weird to think he wasn't even in hs when I walked.

How old will he be when you walk into a woodchipper?