Nice guys

Well robots. Are you a nice guy?

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I am
>six foot or less
>hang out at home

And that's it

This is really telling of the roastie mindset. Take a really plain, normal looking dude, who's probably totally normal for all we know, and assume the worst out of him and attribute to him a bunch of things you don't find attractive. All because he doesn't look like Chad of course.

What the fuck does non threatening genetalia even mean?

image is literally a default white male figure. it's so vague that it could be attributed to any white male between ages 16 and 45

Women put an extremely high value on looks because it's all they know and all they've ever been appreciated for. They resent average/ugly men because they have the self-satisfaction to just be comfortable with their looks and find other reasons to like themselves. They want to hurt, abuse and use these men for daring to find some happiness and identity outside of being hot

Just a nice dong of 6 inches or less with a moderate girth. Something that doesn't give a woman pause and make her consider if she's about to be hurt.

That's me 2 years ago.

if you're not Chad (source of fun and sex), then you're a nice guy (can be used for money, stability, or to do favors for you)

>grey shirt
yes i almost exclusively wear grey or black
>boyish good looks
>fast food physique
>cheap sneakers
>3rd of 3, 5th of 5
This is absolutely and without fail an accurate assessment of my entire social life
to be fair i go to the park sometimes or just walk around

I am nice only because i see no reason to be mean. i dont have a soft heart and i dont really care about peoples problems, although i have been a misery listening device occasionally just because i thought i was practicing social skills by doing that. I no longer engage in such degrading situations.

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You can listen to her misery, but you have to attack (And remember, is not rape is she gave her explicit consent at least 6 times and you make her reach orgasm)
Also, is pretty hot to listen a girl tell you how her cousins fucked her at 12, and then start fucking her yourself

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Don't forget that any nice guy who doesn't provide money, stability, emotional support or favors is an incel (must be rejected and ostracised as a warning to other nice guys)

not me at all lol

The problem is "nice guys" have been fed the lie that they're the heroes. Not true at all, they're the lackey. Women do not love and support the lackey, it is the lackey's job to support them as they aim for the real prize in their eyes who they actually love and support, the real hero.

You guys must accept that pic related is the harsh truth. Women appreciate 'nice guys' superficially. They like the niceness but that's it, that's all there is to you (though it's understandable if that's all you show). You're boring to them, and once when you show your "true colors" as they call it, you break even that perception of "niceness" in their eyes and become a shallow jerk. At least the jerks women love have a heart of gold or some other shit. You are nothing.

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I thought so, but the moment I saw a vulnerable trashy girl and git her home I did this super embarrassing shit like ask her to wash my penor, she'd probs do this shit if I was smart enough to cure her hangover first. We fucked on a next day. I'm pretty harsh on her, but no doubt less so than her previous guys who were all middle aged alcoholics. She kissed me on her own before I went to work, so that's a good sign I guess, even though I really insulted her in bed yesterday. I feel like I'm turning into some kind of drunkard slav, just like everyone else here.

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The only things I can relate is is having boyish good looks and a soft heart
Also I guess being under 6 foot

i find the whole anti nice guy thing weird but i'm a guy and not a feminist

>tfw no sensitive and soft-hearted bf


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fuck off, you LARPing piece of garbage, this is serious

That description matches me, except I'm not attractive and I don't listen to women's problems anymore. The instant I hear the words "my boyfriend" come out of her mouth, she's worth less to me than dog shit. I've wasted enough time being a shoulder to cry on.

this is kind of my mentality

oddly enough I'm more popular with women now that I don't give a shit about their thoughts and feelings

>i find the whole anti nice guy thing weird but i'm a guy and not a feminist

The welfare state has made nice guys the abject slaves of roasties and their bastards.

To support that system of slavery, it's necessary for the nice guy to be dehumanized and demonized. It's not enough for him to merely be unattractive; he has to be morally defective, to justify treating him as a drone or as chattel.

Women demonise nice guys to justify treating them like human garbage for being attracted to them while also being shy and unattractive themselves.


the issue is that women like to think of themselves as the empathetic and deep gender which cares more about who you are on the inside than appearances and who believe that traditional ideas of masculinity are toxic

nice guys exist as proof that they have zero interest in a guy who's genuinely kind and supportive towards them if he isn't attractive or masculine enough, and so they have to perform mental gymnastic invent a reality in which the friendzone doesn't exist, all nice guys are fedora-rapists who should be shunned and they literally never noticed that that shy boy who hung out with them at any given opportunity, did things for them all the time and hung on their every word was attracted to them, despite the fact that they immediately intuit that their boyfriends are cheating on them if they blink funny.

They do this so they can rest easy at night believing that they're not just as shallow and biologically driven as the men they constantly bash and they've convinced society of the truthfulness of their mindset because that's what women do to get what they want -- they delude themselves and then they force men to delude themselves too by threatening to withhold sex and approval.

>so irrelevant to all the female friends I've had that they neither used me as an emotional tampon or as a date
I guess being a background character has some perks

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Obligatory post to BTFO any nice guy bullshit roasties have made up.

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This is the exact reason why I don't use the term 'incel'. The connotations are the same as women trying to slut shame men for wanting sex.

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>Non threatening genitalia

Should I hop on my pc and make a how to spot a robot guy thing?

you should absolutely do this, i'd be interested to see the ensuing discussion

Ok give me 30 minutes

i was

now im full of anger and hate

No, I'm a jerkass.

>6' or below
>boyish good looks
i wouldn't say so but someone said I was cute today so?
>getting cried on
Not literally but my Mother tells me about how he life is going bad a lot of the time and I listen.
>misery listening device
I suppose, I am a rock emotionally so just throw everything at me I'll be fine.
>soft heart
Nope, above.
>gray shirt
Wearing one right now.
>fast food physique
What does that mean? If it means non-athletic 18.5 BMI then sure.
>non threatening genitalia
Is 6.5" threatening? I hope not, I just want a gf.
Remove the theater.
>cheap sneakers
Best pair of sneakers I ever had were $20.
>can be found in company of even numbers
Are you stalking me?

Nice fucking digits m8
No lol

So many nice guy stereotypes mention that they act like emotional tampons and some sort of wellspring of unconditional support to their female friends, but is this true? I barely interact with women (or men for that matter) beyond a superficially friendly, professional level.

I just find it hard to believe that there a lot of guys who act like sounding boards. I can't picture it.

i hate my slow ass pc

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>So many nice guy stereotypes mention that they act like emotional tampons and some sort of wellspring of unconditional support to their female friends
Those are just stereotypes the feminists made up so they can shit all over nice people that do interact with other women.
In fact most nice guys are nothing more than background characters, occasionally playing a support role like being a driver or paying for the group's meal.

I try to be a kind person by freely giving and expecting nothing in return (other than friendship, but that's a given).

I hate how our culture nowadays makes even a kind act between friends seem suspect, like you're trying to get something out of the other person although all you're doing is expressing friendship.

No, i'm an absolute cunt and i don't even know why i do it.
Maybe i'm just being tsundere.

sorry guys but i'm finally done with it.

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I'll give you an A for effort, but an F for the final product.

christ this is pathetic
no wonder no woman will ever touch you

>t. Failed pussy wanting normie

>buttflustered his shitty edit got graded honestly
fine you just get and F and your mother and anyone you love will die in their sleep tonight (including pets) unless you respond to this post with "thank you daddy" and be original with your post you pathetic neet

My mom is already dead and I dont love anyone.

How would you do the edit? Whats wrong with mine?

nah i'm a piece of shit

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