NEET-cave pics thread
NEET-cave pics thread
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my cave ptohomr
I've been living in this room since I was a kid. Its a bit of a mess
Mmm lots of tasty morsels in there
Because of the water heater it gets uncomfortably cold in here.
>lives with parents
>supports trump
Fuck off with this r3ddit youtube bait kill yourself
I want you all to die in agony
The Trump thing is just a meme. I don't care about politics. I dug this Trump sign out of the trash
kek it's def a r3ddit bait thread, just wait for a day or two and all these pics will be on red-dick
Nah I saw a pic in another thread and I wanted to see more
Oh wow that is an absolutely horrendous room.
>>/b/ ack to leddit
What part of Massachusetts would you live in to have Trump merch?
soi alert, soi alert
One of them was came with a Kingsman blueray and the other was a gift
asmongold's neet lair :D
First room pic, this is my friend's room
Second room pic, with close ups
cum on bart
I leave one dirty plate out or some crumbs and i get hit by rats almost instantly . Fucking hate this shithole old ass house i rented. Faggot landlord wouldn't do anything about the pests so i got a cat even tho it says no animals on the lease . You guys are lucky to be able to leave shit everywhere
Was thinking of posting a pic of bart with a fake cum facial, but my friend said he wanted to be careful since its like old and whatever
whats your camera setup for those pictures famalam?
Its this cheap fish eye lense that you clip onto your phone. Get one on alibaba for like $4 dollars or something. I don't have a link to it
dude dont defend yourself to some mouthbreather on r9k, its your room fuckem
i never gotten that bad , mine will get messy to a point when ocd kicks in then i clean it
fish eye lenses are only used for skateboard montages, not pictures of rooms
You don't have OCD, originally speaking of course.
wrong again dumb ass
>proud libtard
>cum facial
This is the funniest shit I've seen all day
Best room here, reminds me of the old days.