NEET-cave pics thread

NEET-cave pics thread

Attached: 1524627711598.jpg (850x637, 227K)

Other urls found in this thread:

my cave ptohomr

Attached: nigger-or8.png (1344x1400, 772K)

I've been living in this room since I was a kid. Its a bit of a mess

Attached: IMG_20190103_211540.jpg (1679x1259, 499K)

Mmm lots of tasty morsels in there

Because of the water heater it gets uncomfortably cold in here.

Attached: room.png (1169x707, 1.14M)

>lives with parents
>supports trump

Fuck off with this r3ddit youtube bait kill yourself

I want you all to die in agony

The Trump thing is just a meme. I don't care about politics. I dug this Trump sign out of the trash

Attached: IMG_20190103_214057.jpg (1876x1407, 427K)

kek it's def a r3ddit bait thread, just wait for a day or two and all these pics will be on red-dick

Nah I saw a pic in another thread and I wanted to see more

Oh wow that is an absolutely horrendous room.

>>/b/ ack to leddit


What part of Massachusetts would you live in to have Trump merch?

soi alert, soi alert

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One of them was came with a Kingsman blueray and the other was a gift
asmongold's neet lair :D

First room pic, this is my friend's room

Attached: room0.jpg (1160x653, 127K)

Second room pic, with close ups

Attached: room1.jpg (4990x2854, 1.98M)

cum on bart

I leave one dirty plate out or some crumbs and i get hit by rats almost instantly . Fucking hate this shithole old ass house i rented. Faggot landlord wouldn't do anything about the pests so i got a cat even tho it says no animals on the lease . You guys are lucky to be able to leave shit everywhere

Was thinking of posting a pic of bart with a fake cum facial, but my friend said he wanted to be careful since its like old and whatever

Attached: bart cum.jpg (2610x4640, 1.56M)

whats your camera setup for those pictures famalam?

Its this cheap fish eye lense that you clip onto your phone. Get one on alibaba for like $4 dollars or something. I don't have a link to it

Attached: Camera Setup.jpg (395x702, 19K)

dude dont defend yourself to some mouthbreather on r9k, its your room fuckem

i never gotten that bad , mine will get messy to a point when ocd kicks in then i clean it

fish eye lenses are only used for skateboard montages, not pictures of rooms

You don't have OCD, originally speaking of course.

wrong again dumb ass

>proud libtard
>cum facial
This is the funniest shit I've seen all day

Best room here, reminds me of the old days.