The philosopher of a new age steps up to the plate to examine the 'Incel' phenomenon. How do you feel about this, Jow Forums?
ContraPoints Discusses Incels
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You're months late on that one my dude
Also, I would suck her dick.
>Caring about a pure materialist's opinion
Jesus Christ.
The video is old. Robots, although virgin, are not followers of the reddit incel philosophy, robots identify more as outcasts then they do virgin. Thread with this video gets posted constantly, no one cares.
>caring about what a man who dresses up as a woman thinks about relationships
it was a pathetic inceltears tier attack from a complete r9gay tier faggot who failed to be a man so has no real advice to give to men anyway, he is disgusting in every way in the same way feminist women are all disgusting whores but worse since it's a male
>How do you feel about this, Jow Forums?
Jesus. Stop letting memes infect your mind
Mommy Contrapoints is the best. Let her guide you to the light, robots!
don't forget your pills, alice
incel is a state of mind.
And being a robot is 70% nature 30% nurture
Materialism/non-materialism seems like such a dumb debate, whatever is is, that should be the end of it. If there's a ghost in the shell or if the shell and ghost are the same or whatever, who cares, just settle on what is, move on and learn.
don't dabble in philosophy if you think that's unimportant as it is pretty much the largest debate and the most important dichotomy of all.
no i'm serious, he's supposed to be le epic high iq libtard tranny but on this video it was just normie propaganda that was just inceltears tier bullshit, sargon and pjw are both guilty of this as well, retarded normies cannot stop bullshitting about incels, they are weird like that for some reason but they're all in unity around this one issue.
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Whatever is is, end of debate, no dichotomy needed.
also it doesn't seem like a debate from what you said in . You act as if materialists are flat earthers, that's not a large or important debate then.
I found the video.
She makes a lot of sense in this video
I dont get why you lads dont like her
I'm not an incel because I'm ugly but because I'm socially crippled and have no idea how to interact with people.
go back
I'm not gonna listen to a homosexual deviant.
I like ContraPoints, she might be crazy but she's well spoken if you look at her earlier material.
In one video they claimed to have a personal philosophy that allowed for an illusion of transcendence. Doesn't really sound like something a pure materialist would say, don't you think?
Why is ContraPoints so popular, all of a sudden? Especially on Jow Forums? I've tried listening to his videos, but his fake-woman voice is so annoying. That, and no logic can validate trans bullshit to me.
contrapoints is an incel lol.
Nah, he used to be a Chad-lite before becoming a Stacy
There was a thread about youtube cancer channels on Jow Forums a while back. I responded to one a post where some guy posted ContraPoints that nobody responded to. I just talked a little about the history of the channel. (I used to watch it about ten or so years ago, its a really, really old channel btw) A few people got interested in the channel after that and its begun to be spread to other boards.
>listening to a tranny's opinions on anything
>mainstream figure comments on something controversial and unpopular within the mainstream zeitgeist
let me guess: "they're dumb and you're right to hate them please like and subscribe"