Psychiatrist thread I guess

>visit psychiatrist before xmas
>tell her about being a neet, having no desires besides sleep, only eating when food is in front of me, everything being a drag etc etc
>tells me it's probably just my personality and cant think of any meds that would help but has to see me 2 or 3 times to make sure
>next appointment is in about a week

Is there even a point in going? I was feeling guilty as fuck spending mommy's money on her and kept thinking I'm just a retarded/lazy fuck with no actual issues and spending even more shekels just to have that confirmed would really hurt.

Post your stories I guess

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Dunno why I expected serious replies

you're thinking so much you've shut off the action taking part of your brain

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Wow man that is so extremely deep and stuff
brb cleaning my room and doing nofap

Try doing Nofap

What's wrong with female psychs?

that's a good porn. just wanted to post that

Blondie is Heartlova, dunno who the beaner is
thanks for the bump
fuck this board

NoFap is a meme that kills your dick

luna amor. original

I'm originally bumping this in hope of replies

Imma take a big guess here and say these aint natural

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You dont deserve them honey :^)

Hey bitch want to get cut open I just used tineye btw

>female psychiatrist
you deserve everything coming your way

Thanks a lot my 16 year old friend, I'm sure your extensive experience with female psychiatrists makes your post valid

Hold it right there friend. I'm gonna need some sauce on that image before I let you proceed

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Girls having this kind of carefree fun but denying men is going to get a lot of them hurt

Heartlova and Luna Amor friend


They do this for a living sweetie

>I'm sure your extensive experience with female psychiatrists makes your post valid

indeed it does

Then share some ya lazy cunt

In my experience: Female psychologists are concerned with rationalizing your situation into something good. "Could be worse"
Whereas Males are concerned with rationalizing up and out of poor situations "What's the game plan"
However there are PHENOMENAL female psychologists who do amazing work out there. This is simply a matter of averages, exceptions exist, and all psychologists should be given a fair shot at helping you.
In all cases ask yourself if visiting the psychologist is actually making a difference. If not, seek a new one

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They're real dude, what are you 13? Look at other pictures of her nude, the sag and the squishiness is a dead giveaway.

Go to a different one. Some psychiatrists are useless

I'm pretty sure one of the first things a psychiatrist will tell you is to stop browsing Jow Forums, so I'm not surprised no one still here has been to see one.

This is a psychiatrist, so a qualified doctor, not one of those psuedo-scientific twat psychologists.

I didnt look at her much, too busy fapping to Heartlova

Are you underaged?

Isn't the fact that she doesn't wanna put me on meds from the get go a good sign?

see this fren

Why don't you call your mom sweetie and go shave your head then shove it up her cunt bitch lollmao

Jow Forums (especially r9k) is notorious for being a cest-pool for ill-advised and often harmful ideas. If you tell a psychiatrist that you spend most of your time discussing your hatred of women and society on a forum where you are met with like-minded people who give you validation and encouragement for your anti-social views and behaviour, I would expect them to suggest giving it a rest. Also you are a nigger and a faggot, suck my dick.

what is a cest-pool?

cesspool fuck you nigger, i will have that ass boy

>Also you are a nigger and a faggot, suck my dick.

I'm not 16 man, I don't fall for the zoomie memes on this place. (redpill, alpha/beta, all wahmen evul)
I sometimes get to talk to someone who aint retarded here who can sort of relate to me.

Dunno how I'd end up mentioning le Jow Forums to her, I just told her I sleep a lot and sometimes play videogames

haha le funny spelling mistake man xD

psychiatrist made me eat doo doo, me no ever go back. do not go back fwen! they not who they say they are, they poo poo eaters!

wtf I hate psychiatrists now

Did she said anything other than
>>mybe thats just hw u are, cum pay me 2 more sessions goy

She said I'm probably going through an early adulthood crsis of sorts cause I've got too many options but no idea of what I want to do so I choose to isolate myself in resposne

That's it for now

I'd lick the shit out of those girls' asses.

I can relate desu.

I used to blame my laziness, lack of motivation or ambition etc on depression, until I realized I'm not actually particularly sad and maybe I'm just naturally a lazy socially awkward fucking NEET and this is who I am.

I'm normie in the sense I like travelling and crave love/affection, but I don't ever remember having any realistic career ambitions lmao. Now that I'm bored shitless and running out of money, I am considering getting a job though. Despite my bitterness and lack of motivation, I still have a desire to help people.

Thing is I don't feel depressed. I just don't feel. I dont really desire anything, I kinda gonna rot away

Helping people how?

Have you taken a personality test from your doctor? Sometimes they give your doc an idea of what treatment they should follow. For what you have written you sound kind of an schizoid type but even then some people hide their "personas" for they want to justify their failings. So be aware of that. At the same time, if youre young (xx-21I think) your personality has yet to be "set" so if you take action earlier you can change your "approach" to life, dont disregard psychological therapy

>feel miserable due to lack of sleep
>dad tells me to quit job
>tell him i am incapable of shifting my circadian rhythm to a "normal time" for wagecucking

Turned 21 recently
Nah she jus tasked me a bunch of questions about myself, my family and some standard shit like "do you wanna sudoku, do you sleep well, do you cry at random" etc

It's only been one appointment

My dad is in his 50's and has had fucked up sleep for decades, he bough Melatonin or w/e like a week ago and he sleeps fine.
Not saying it will work but give it a try.
Also how is this related to the thread?

>see parents on fathers' day
>"how's work, champ?"
>tell them it's miserable having to wake up so early every day
>they tell me to leave and i can stay with them "as long as you need"
>eventually they ask me when i'm getting a job
>tell them i don't want anything where i have to wake up early, because i can't shift my circadian rhythm to wake up before noon
>waking up to an 8am alarm every day for years was literal torture
>makes me go to psychiatrist
>psychiatrist sees literally nothing wrong with me waking up and falling asleep at the same time every day, even if it's a bit unorthodox time (usually wake up around noon-1pm
>he prescribes me ambien and says to come back a month later
>it doesn't work in the slightest
>don't go back

that's the entirety of my experience. i still wake up around noon to 1pm every day

Oh ok
Well give Melatonin a try, though my dad's problem was that he kept waking up at random, stroll through the house, sleep again, repeat.

How long has your sleep been fucked?

>She said I'm probably going through an early adulthood crsis of sorts cause I've got too many options but no idea of what I want to do so I choose to isolate myself in resposne
Is there any actual evidence for that wild flight of fancy or is she pulling it out her arse?

Also, psychs hate it when you try to self-diagnose and they'll often refuse to give you a diagnosis for a while even if you're totally correct, because some of their patients are massive hypochondriacs who convince themselves they've got every disease possible.

I just told her Im open to anything and dont have preferences on how to treat me or what's wrong with me

I mean it kinda makes sense, though I'm 21 and 18 and my problem isnt being conflicted between things I want to do but about me not wanting to do anything.
I also told her about a lot on how my few friends will invite me out at some point and I dont feel like going out cause that would mean showering, getting clothed, leaving the house etc or how watching a movie/video games is a checklist of smth I should do "but that's just your personality"

I'm 21, not 18*

>Well give Melatonin a try
it's not a sleep hormone, it's a darkness signaling hormone. crap

and yeah that was me somehow it accidentally posted before i was done

>though my dad's problem was that he kept waking up at random, stroll through the house, sleep again, repeat.
>How long has your sleep been fucked?

i sleep great, actually. i never remember dreams, i never wake up in the middle, etc
it's not a "sleep problem" it's my circadian rhythm. i am a biological night owl. back in high school i would always stay up late, but i still had to wake up early for school. the result? i was always weak, sickly (runny nose 24/7), depressed, felt like shit. i'm also by far the shortest male in my entire family, GH secrets during sleep. i was chronically sleep deprived since i started high school, probably even before, and only got relief during uni skipping classes. functionally permanent "societal jet lag" basically

>A night owl, evening person or simply owl, is a person who tends to stay up until late at night, or the early hours of the morning. In several countries, especially in Scandinavia, early birds are called A-people and night owls are called B-people.[1][2] Night owls who are involuntarily unable to fall asleep for several hours after a normal time may have delayed sleep phase syndrome.

normies have pathologized it too, claiming someone who feels better if they wake up later has a "disorder":
>Delayed sleep phase disorder (DSPD), more often known as delayed sleep phase syndrome and also as delayed sleep-wake phase disorder, is a chronic dysregulation of a person's circadian rhythm (biological clock), compared to those of the general population and societal norms.... Depending on the severity, the symptoms can be managed to a greater or lesser degree, but no cure is known, and research suggests a genetic origin for the disorder.

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>it's not a sleep hormone, it's a darkness signaling hormone. crap
Melatonin is
You are thinking of Melanin

Have you checked if you can be a night guard?

>my few friends will invite me out
i am also inviting you to leave

BTW i am 25 now. so you could say i have been this way (always staying up late, preferring to wake up around noon, no matter how often i wake up to alarm clocks) for at least a decade. basically, since puberty.

what sucks doubly-hard is that all my work experience is web development, something you do on a computer... which can be done any time of the day. except all employers want you to be there early in the morning -- there's no job where i can work 2pm - 10pm. except freelancing, which my dad absolutely hates the idea of.

he doesn't think my "condition" is real, it's mistaken for laziness. being forced to wake up early every day just makes me want to die... i'm not allowed to feel good if i can't get sufficient rest. it's totally fucked BECAUSE people don't understand, in america apparently -- other countries seem to recognize it as legitimate. it's not even a big deal otherwise, i can get shit done

that's why the psychiatrist really couldn't help me, he didn't see a problem. only my dad does. he wants me to be a good little wagecuck, wake up early, go to work with a smile on my face, work up the corporate ladder, make bank, etc.

i don't even care. i am NEET (i just do freelance stuff for a little bit of money) and i prefer this because i can wake up whenever i want.

>I also told her about a lot on how my few friends will invite me out at some point and I dont feel like going out cause that would mean showering, getting clothed, leaving the house etc or how watching a movie/video games is a checklist of smth I should do "but that's just your personality"
What does this really mean, in practical terms? One of my friends had severe depression and he used to have pissbottles and bedsores because he wouldn't get out of bed for days at a time, and he would describe himself in the same way as you did. On the other hand, some of my other friends are entirely sane, and they'd also describe themselves like that.

>You are thinking of Melanin
wrong - melanin is skin pigment

melatonin isn't a "sleep hormone" that is a marketing scam, it's a darkness signaling hormone. it tells your body "it is dark outside" that's what it does. there's a lot of fraudulent science out on this chemical, in order for people to make loads of money.

Melatonin makes the brain sluggish, causes the sex organs to shrink, and damages immunity by shrinking the thymus gland. It is the hormone of darkness and winter, and is produced in the pineal gland by any stress which increases adrenalin. Adequate sun light suppresses the formation of melatonin.

>In 1994 A.V. Sirotkin found that melatonin inhibits progesterone production but stimulates estrogen production, and it's widely recognized that melatonin generally inhibits the thyroid hormones, creating an environment in which fertilization, implantation, and development of the embryo are not possible. This combination of high estrogen with low progesterone and low thyroid decreases the resistance of the organism, predisposing it to seizures and excitotoxic damage, and causing the thymus gland to atrophy. -Ray Peat, PhD

>Although melatonin sometimes antagonizes serotonin in a protective way, in itself it can lower body temperature and alertness, suppressing thyroid and progesterone. (Sirotkin, 1997) -Ray Peat, PhD

>Have you checked if you can be a night guard?
i don't even want to be up all night either. i want to work 2pm - 10pm. it's whatever though. my dad would really hate that, since i went to the top ranked uni in my state and have programming experience. he'll say that's "wasting my life" at a "dead end job" or something. and i live with him, so that's the issue there

As in I dont leave the house sometimes cause of that, I dont shower unless I have too (I've gone showerless for over a month a bunch of times till mommy yelled at me) and even then Ill postpone it for hours, I feel tired while drawing drawers and putting clothes in/out and my ears get blocked upon leaving the house.
When I used to work out I'd leave the house at the last possible sec trying not to think Im getting clothed (sounds dumb but dunno) and be a few minutes late (till I just stopped going, again)

Again, Im not saying Im depressed, but I cant help but think all those simply tasks could be done easier.

I'll also avoid going to the toilet when it's cold for a day or 2 but that's normal right?

Did you tell her that you've gone without showering for a month and ended up smelling like a homeless person and only cleaned yourself because your mother yelled at you, or did you tell her that sometimes you couldn't be bothered showering and putting on clothes to go out with friends?

I just told her that everything feels like a drag.
Im a neet, isn't it normal to not shower if you dont have to go out?
You get used to the armpit smell and it doesnt even smell if you dont lift your shirt

>Im a neet, isn't it normal to not shower if you dont have to go out?
i don't really shower very often

>You get used to the armpit smell and it doesnt even smell if you dont lift your shirt
if you use deoderant it doesn't smell at all, honestly

i also don't generally like showering

>Im a neet, isn't it normal to not shower if you dont have to go out?
You have to tell her exactly what your life is like without making assumptions about what she knows.

Yeah, it's normal I guess.

I just wish I could shut my brain off for 8 hours breaking rocks without talking to people, get a paycheck, then go home and stay in bed and maybe watch anime if I'm in the mood (which is rare)
Dunno if she can help me, but I've been a NEET for a year and mommy keeps yelling at me to apply for jobs or go back to college but neither of those options are braindead enough for me

Psychiatrists perscribe meds.

Improving your personality is a skills based problem. You should see a clinical psychologist.

But I dont know what to tell her unless she asks me and I dont wanna waste the 50 bucks an hour by talking too much

>Improving your personality is a skills based problem.
What's wrong with my personality?

>if you use deoderant it doesn't smell at all, honestly
It does after a week of not showering dude lol

Sounds to me like your psychiatrist is saying you have personality traits making you prone to depressed moods. Or perhaps dysthymia.

A really skilled therapist can help you get to the core thought patterns that are fucking you over. That and medication and exercise can help.

She told me we can talk about why I feel the way I feel if I'm interested in that, she didn't say "you don't need meds fuck off".

Exercise is ok for a while, then it stops doing anything/become a drag too and it's all the same all over

Oh urm, when I was 18 I went through a paranoid phase for like 2 months in which I literally couldn't sleep or eat cause I thought CIA niggers or 1337 haxors were gonna dig up all my edgy internet posts and blackmail me/harash me.

It's rediculous to even think about now, is it worth mentioning?

when i was 19 my parents talked to me and my dad said he got a call at work about their son named "jason" (not my name) going on some website. i only later found out, by going back on that blog, that the name "jason" was saved in the auto complete section of the bog commenting form. it made me paranoid as fuck, honestly.

it was an anti-semitic website

>it was an anti-semitic website
Been there done that
I just laugh about it now but damn it fucked me up

I stopped feeling sad and now i just feel angry all the time alongside smoking two packs, a day gambling, driving recklessly and drinking. What's wrong with me

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Are you better or worse then?
Also how did your psychiatrist do that?

Psych-ologist here. Please do not go to psych-iatrists if you do not have medical problems. They are not trained, nor do most care, to do therapy with you. Most of you would benifit from seeing some basic cognitive behavioral therapy to learn better habit building skills. Please do not rely on medications from your psychiatrists, you'd be very lucky to find any who actually want to engage in therapy with you.

>if you do not have medical problems.
How the fuck am I supposed to know that?

Went once and she told me i needed to "get in touch with my true self"

wtf does that even mean holy shit this is infuriating

Not OP but Im a 32 year old shut-in NEET, never had a job. Been going to Pysch-ologists for ~2 years and it hasn't changed anything.

i'm not but i'm pretty sure a psychologist will give you a referral if you need happy/tranny/not-anxious/stop-believing-dumb-shit pills

Dunno told me to meditate and try to remember what used to make me happy, well i also remembered what made me angry and depressed in the first place

See a medical doctor.
Two years is pretty much what I would consider the appropriate time to consider either; actually start doing what your therapist tells you to do, or find a new therapist if they are truely not helping you plan how to better your situation. What exactly are you seeing them for?

>actually start doing what your therapist tells you to do
oof, the nerve

Ive been through 2 of them so far, 1 said they don't have the experience dealing with people like me, and the other moved to a different practice.

On my 3rd one now, but is a slow process.

Go see psychologist instead. Psychiatrists are like, what there are no meds to throw at this? That's it, I give up, there's no way I can help you.

>1 said they don't have the experience dealing with people like me
That's actually super common. Don't feel like it's on you in any way.
>On my 3rd one now, but is a slow process.
Therapy is a slow process, but hang in there as long as you're learning and improving.

I'm really liking this thread. I've gone to a psychologist twice, once when I was a kid, around 10 yo and the other time around 1 year ago for only 2 months because I had suicidal thoughts. I could work it out eventually by talking about it with my mom and honestly, the psychologist didn't do shit for me.
I'd like to, eventually, go to therapy just for the sake of it. Maybe not to talk to someone and work on minor problems.

>by talking about it with my mom
Therapy is just having someoen to talk too for a lot of people

Yes, actually. Some people (me included) feel really alone from time to time but, the same people, most of the time, have a parent, a brother, an uncle willing to talk to you and actually trying to help you.

Go I'm there guns blazing OP, shoot up the place, smear shit on the walls and jiz in the quacks face. You know it's the right thing to do. Look deep down inside yourself and you'll see it to be true. Also, I just got done Fucking my second bitch this year, so we can fire off a couple of shots to that.

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That sounds like a lot of effort my dude, Im tired just thinking of it

> Look deep down inside yourself and you'll see it to be true
I dont see anything

>Also, I just got done Fucking my second bitch this year
That sounds like fun, kudos user.
Just go somewhere remote and shoot at the sky my dude


My friend, might as well go along and confirm it.
If so, just fix your life up. Clean up, go out, randomly chat to people. You don't know them, they don't know you, no stress about looking weird, it's great fun.

Bump because why not. I like this thread.

Rationally that makes sense
Practically my ear gets blocked and I cant even hear what Im telling them

It's fucking weird, sometimes I surprisingly talk to randoms, others I cant order coffee

I've also been posting on this thread for the past 6 hours or something lmao fml

Lol literally got told by her, "I can't really do anything to help you, but let's schedule a meeting 3 times a week so I still get paid."

She said she cant be certain yet, Id be worried if she tried to sell me pills after glancing at me

Not that guy but I'd say that female psychologists are fine for women but I doubt many of them would be able to really relate to a guys experiences. Just don't have the frame of reference.