I just want to remind you Jow Forums how lucky you are in the grand scheme of things

I just want to remind you Jow Forums how lucky you are in the grand scheme of things.
Buck up robots.

Attached: aMmIpltVFgGkuQXXzTVP3cvI9-22jAVf3C1axJdFhnU.jpg (700x644, 85K)

>no diploma
>no friends
>parents just want me gone
I do have a cat that likes me so i guess I should be more than happy though, right? :^)
obligatory reply to bait thread

I have none of these and I'm happy, get fucked.

lets see
>have no friends
>definitely have no woman that loves me
>no pets
>my degree is useless

but hey, I do have some tea, that must be something.

instead the reality of the situation

Attached: awddaw.jpg (700x644, 76K)

remove the cookies and its literally me
at least I have nice tea

Yeah, at least I'm not married.

>posting the wrong one

i saved mine from the last thread last year

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YES i hav en't got a high school diploma YES!!!! YEAH!!

ooooh wow never thought of it that way thanks user

>parents that care who I keep dissapointing
>HS diploma, followed by years of NEETdom
>pet I regret getting cause walking it means getting out of bed


arigato, herr doktor

The only goal I've really achieved is good grades and making an edit of an anime that only a few would care about

well, at least I have tea and cookies

There's a little hole-in-the-wall sushi restaurant near my apartment run by an elderly Japanese couple who barely speaks english between the two of them. But Shimizu-san makes the best god damn rolls anywhere. I wouldn't go so far to say it cheers me up but eating there certainly centers me. If ever it doesn't I'm almost certainly having that as my last meal and killing myself.

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woah, I was really just looking past all the things I had going for me... really makes you think

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My "pet" has never even let me touch it, and it gets worse from there.

i don't have tea and cookies because i'm too scared to spend money right now because i am poverty tier living with my mom and have hospital bills

jesus my life is fucked

why would i care about a worthless certificate which taught me nothing because american education is awful
>good friends
no friends
>tea and cookies
how am i supposed to get those without any money
died a couple of years ago
>someone who loves you
i might have had an opprotunty to have my dream gf, but I fucked it up
>hey at least you are alive
yes, because my neighbors noticed that my mother was intentionally trying to have miscarriage, so she was put under watch in the hospital by my father even though she didn't want to have me.

also I'm not even depressed why are you shouting at random strangers assuming they are depressed. also your image doesn't make any fucking sense depression isn't just being really sad you absolute tard

I have literally none of the things in that pic, not even the tea and fucking cookies.

>dropped out college two times, only succeeded my third try
>schizo mom has been sent into a psychiatric asylium
>no dad
>lost all my friends when I was 11
>no pets and wouldn't have enough money to feed it if I had one
>eat cold shit cause my mom destroyed everything in the kitchen before leaving

Yeah, I'm only really lucky to be a coward, otherwise I would have killed myself.

Miss another payment and we'll take the chair!

>diploma is worthless
>friends are boring and expendable
>no pet, wouldn't even want one now
>23, never had a single woman love me, only reason I'm not a virgin is because prostitutes
>no tea or cookies
guess I'll die

contributing in a very original fashion.

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I don't have a single thing of those that fake depressed normies take for granted

here's my version

ha ha xddd

Attached: hehememes.png (700x644, 583K)

I have none of these though.
I'm also indifferent to most things so it's not too bad.

Literally don't even have fucking cookies

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fuck you i have nothing , not even a future, not even death
you posted this to mock usi have nothing at all
no family no friends no money no pets no achievements
im unemployable i am a failure and you remind just for a cheap laugh you sadist
i have nothing absolutely nothing cannot even kill myself because i will go to hell
fuck you fuck everybody

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Clean your room, look people in the eye and hit the gym
No excuses bucko, stop being entitled xDDDDDD

This is the correct answer. It's hard not to be swallowed by your own darkness but I promise there's a way out.

I have tea.
I like tea, but it isn't a reason to live.

I know you jest but I have done all of this. stopped the gym because no money but I still exercise at home or run.
I only do it so my otherwise useless lifestyle wont kill me by a heart attack

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Once my parents die I'm checking out

No goals achieved
No friends
No one who loves me

At least I have my cat and cookies

what a fucking retarded image i have none of that
>live in a garage that stinks like chemicals
>basically only eat peanut butter and ramen
>my mom hates me
>im severely mentally ill
>i can't take care of any pets
>im a HS dropout
>the only experience with a relationship was with some guy who raped me while i was on a night walk
maybe this image means something for all you fucking normalniggers here but being a robot means you dont have any of that shit

Attached: stop being positive this sucks.png (1400x932, 1.52M)

But user,
you can have all those things, and still experience depression.
Depression is a chemical affliction of the brain's physiology, not just a psychological/emotional state.

this is some good bait, nice haul

>no pet
>no wife
who the fuck considers a diploma something to be proud of..?
>no friends


nightwalk rape story NOW

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K user I'll need a backstory on that happening of yours

>goals not achived
>no one loves me
>no friends
>no pet that is happy to see me
>no tea and cookies

Are you trying to piss me off you normal fag

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How do you get prostitutes but not have tea and cookies

Priorities man

I might be able to get tea and cookies, that's about it.

>walking pretty far from my house which i normally dont do
>walking along all the closed shops on a main street which was comfy
>some shop that was being remodeled and was all open and torn apart
>didn't see or hear anybody
>"help!help!" comes from inside the place
>terrified and suspicious but hey maybe i get to be a hero tonight
>soon as i step through the door some guy hiding punched me in side of the head
>he was pretty drunk
>punches me more in the gut and yells at me to chill because i was freaking out and trying to get away
>says if i just let it happen he wont hurt me as bad
>continues to hurt me as he pulls my pants down
>dont know what to do and am very scared and hurt
>try to cooperate but dont know what to do
>he cruelly jammed his gross fingers in my ass which hurt so badly
>he punches me more and makes me get on my back to fuck me
>it hurts so badly and i am so emotionally overloaded
>keep my head looking away because i dont want to see him doing this to me
>makes him angry and punches me in the face this time to make me look up
>then he wraps his hands around my throat and chokes me
>i wake up some time later to daylight
i managed to walk home because i didn't know what else to do, but my mom was awake and could clearly see i was badly hurt and forced me to the hospital, thankfully she didnt ask to many questions, but i did tell the hospital what happened and they called the police who talked to me a bunch but for some reason the rape kit thing didn't work or whatever because i didn't tell them i had been raped until like, the next morning because the pain in my ass was too much and i couldn't hide it, then also ended up in hospital prison (psych ward) for wanting to kill myself for obvious reasons
i have not been outside at night since then, and i avoid outside during the day as much as possible

i should also add that i still have rectal problems because of this shit and it was almost a year ago

which country are you from? this is why americans have firearms

im in burgerland... but i dont think im allowed to have firearms

>see pic
>screenshoot it and go into paint
>scroll down
>there is more guys who did this too
mood status:destroyed

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Another self-indulgent comic where artist can't imagine anything outside their own experience.

Still here? I'd like to know how exactly you're absolutely unemployable. I mean, not even military or police? These don't require you to have a bunch of friends to recommend you and other normie shit like that.