Any of you live near Boston...

Any of you live near Boston? Within the next year I plan on going to a con as Samus (im a boy) but need someone to go with.

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It's about a 6 hour trip for me, which isn't too bad

I regularly drive up to upstate NY to visit family

I'm always down to go to more cons, especially with cute boys.

You mean armor or zero suit?

Thats far

>Thats far
Yeah, I'd probably stay in Albany with friends or get a hotel out there

Heres a pic of myself, I dont have the wig or makeup yet

Attached: IMG_20181215_205227.jpg (1024x1089, 156K)

Stay away, thanks

nice and tight hugh ;)

I looked at your bulge before your hand first fgt

I'm also 5 foot 3, and 105 pounds

That's pretty good stats for a 14 year old, you little boy

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lmao the fact I'm gunna turn is just impressive

I will go there but your boipucci is mine

oh no, rip me

OP here, my kik: jd202075
feel free if interested

It happens to the best of us, honestly.
I'd take you up on your offer but I'm Canadian, rip

lmao meant to say turn 21

That's pretty slim, not gonna lie. Hell, I used to be able to bench more than your weight

one thing I am looking forward to though is dudes picking me up

post a very visible bulge in the bodysuit before the thread gets deleted

I want her hard penis cumming in my boipussy

already did here yes

So is anyone willing?

god i wish I were cute enough to crossplay, but I'm just an unattractive lanklet

I'm interested only if I can hold you and rub your boy bulge

u and about every other person on this planet lmoa

Sure, just message the kik

>implying 90% of r9k can bench past 70

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we're talking about pounds, right user?

same but manlet

[Spoiler]by the way, have you got Snapchat? Works much better than kik

>by the way, have you got Snapchat? Works much better than kik

sorry i only use kik to send nudes to gaybois, snapchat is for irl

>can bench past 70
You do know that the average man can bench press 135 pounds. Its not that much of a stretch to say that most people could bench a 105lb man.

I live about 20 mins from Boston, I usually go to comic Con every year

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No just kik (jd202075) no one has messaged me yet

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god i would go over there and fuck the shit out of you if i didnt live in california

>Pic related
No but seriously good luck with that OP. Have fun either way.

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quick question, do you have the heels or shoes with a design derived from them?

No I do not have any heels