Be honest how many of you are actually on disability?

be honest how many of you are actually on disability?

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Me origindbsvsgw

Thought about it but it's more work getting on disability than working a comfy job like night security

Me, got it for my austim diagnosis. Suck it normies.

I am, been on it for about two years almost. Got it for multiple suicide attempts

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Got it this past summer. Took six years but I got it.

Taxes now pay for you to sit around after failing to kill yourself.

Essentially, yes. Ironic isn't it? I am trying to become a productive member of society tho, just with varying success

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were you approved for the short term and expected to be working after a few years or was it a set for life approval like autism?
if you're set for life you had really good fortune

It's an ongoing review process, so I'm not really sure. I don't think they will take it away until I have a decent job for awhile or am flagrantly abusing it. Still quite an unstable person so it has been helpful

Also after being on it for a year you get Medicare, so I get free comprehensive health insurance with no deductibles right now. Was gonna go to the doctor today but got too drunk and threw up all day instead

Look at this smug asshole, proud of his disability.

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where are the jobs for autistic people where they can make a positive difference for the world?
you can't be proud of flipping burgers for fat people to get fatter.

theres the guy who opened up that burger place to highlight awareness by killing people and parading them around like fat whales

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I used to get disability when I was a kid, legit diagnosed autism. Mom spent it on groceries and rent.

Set for life 920 aud fortnightly ama

your pic related looks like the SSDI would have been denied to anyone making those claims.
I knew a guy who claimed he had a problem with one of his joints but he was just fat.
he got approved SSDI for life.

are you physically/mentally/legally able to drive around all of Australia on a long adventure?

the dreaded

>We have determined that your condition is not severe enough


In the passenger seat

I never wanted to get to this point but after my last concussion, I don't know if I can go back to being normalish

>be ridiculously mentally ill
>get denied
>be fat
>get approved

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at first that made me sad but I'm going to believe that you'll find your love and she will to drive you on your adventure.

i want to get disability but im too autistic to follow the procedures and gather up all the necessary documents. I legitimately need help to do anything, and thats a part of my disabilities.
>literally fuck my life

Not me. It takes years and years to get on it in the USA and as a neet I'm the type that won't even usually try to get on it due to my personality, ironically. The only people that get on it don't need it due to it taking so long and actual failures not being the type to try to even get on it.

I would help if you needed it but I dunno if you even live in my country.

Can you prove you are autistic through documents? Can you prove it would impede your ability to work, those are the most important questions.

You'd need to find a lawyer if you met those requirements, who specializes in this sort of thing. They get paid if you have a case but you will be refused whatever service you apply for without them to represent you and argue for you.

I got denied for hidradenitis suppurativa and mental health issues, the HS being the main problem. Had to get a lawyer and now I play the waiting game. He said it could take up to a year. I assume the lawyer drags it out for a bigger payday when the approval is made.

Most are women because they're the only ones that are able to leech from people looking enough to get past approval. I want easy mode like women and sissies...

They don't care about mental illness as much as physical illness with claims. No one cares about how you think, just what you can do. You may as well be lying, the most important jobs are menial brainless ones where all you need is two legs and a heartbeat.

Yes they are that gay. They'll get what's coming to them when more and more go postal.

I don't doubt it. Statistically half of claims are rejected roughly, half of the population are males. Coincidence? I doubt the shit out of that. They probably only allow older males to be on it to compensate for injustice. Old men usually get retired though. It's all to attack the bachelor.

You really think women are more eligible for help with mental disabilites when they are diagnosed 1/3 as much with anything that is actually debilitating ... and I have autism, not some memeshit cluster B assness

75 percent of homeless people are men. Women don't have to ask for help, it is given.

75 percent of jailed are also men.

Think about how your one-third math plays out.

>It's all to attack the bachelor.
go on

how the fuck do you even get disability?i have a history of trauma and mental illness, can't hold a job, can't drive, even my body is starting to fail but it doesn't seem like a young white male can even get disability
like i actually need it at this point too

Homelessness and disability benefits don't have that much of an overlap, and as I said before anyone who is eligible for help with this, I will personally direct them to the resources they need if I can. I don't think anyone should be denied help when the law has gone as far as to entitle them to it, yet deny them unless they go through several years of legal struggle.

I probably qualify for it for a number of different reasons. It's tempting to try getting on it.

>young white male


go work

From younger men having more expensive insurance than other people to males having the hard labor jobs when applying for things like walmart yet females get the bagging and the males stack boxes and or buggy push, it's all to attack the males. Males are supposed to uphold society, young ones. They force them too. They should have more rights like they used to if we're going to soft serve the old and the women and the children, but we do not in any way. You're forced to sign a draft, cut your long hair, then go work the hard job with short haired Stacy that is shacked up with Chad and along with easy work she won't even need to pay rent.

Do I even have to go on? Everyone knows this but normalfaggots. I even read that the rate of arrests is ten fold for men, they just only serve time three times as often. Just for being male you are hunted, and old people they figure if they were going to be caught they would at a younger age so they get arrested less often. They get paid the least, charged the most, discriminated against the most, I mean come on.

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>Do I even have to go on?
You don't have to but I'd like it if you did.

>overlap of bum and bux
That's not the point. Women don't need to rely on the system if they don't want to. A man that's mental will have to because no one gives a shit.

wow you are just a pussy bitch man up and prove yourself

Isn't like 80% of suicides also men? I'd say we're seeing a trend here but that would be sexist and women totally have it just as hard if not worse as men.

Poor sandnigger can't get job and feels discriminated. If you're not white, go to any major city on west coast of USA and you can bring all your terrorist family over super easy. I get turned down for jobs BECAUSE I'm a young white male, of course because of racist assholes like you. White male is the minority here now

>Can you prove it would impede your ability to work
that is the million dollar question. the fat guy I knew had his bad joint examined. the doctors said that although he can still use his bad joint a lot his chronic obesity meant that any use of the joint while obese would slowly cause permanent damage, rendering him unable to work for his entire life.

i hope i get it, well goodnight r9k

We were born to suffer. We never had a chance lads. It's over.

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I'm getting ready to do it. I've worked just enough over the past few years to build up enough points to qualify for Social Security disability. I've built up a history with a doctor of trying hard to function in society, but that I might need a break to cope with things. I've maxed out my short and long-term disability insurance coverage for the year.

This might be the year I finally do it.

You just need to pull as many documents as you can and get a lawyer that is not retarded, I couldn't really tell you how to find the latter.

Don't forget to vote for drumpfhhhfht
the consensus was that men were even better than women at anheroing though ... good job!

no (You) for bad bait
Males never get charged for sex crimes just because a female can do no wrong. Females can attempt to attack a male and fail due to their inferior bodies and the intent won't matter, they will get off. A female can simply hit herself in the eye and get you arrested. A female can get impregnated then force you to pay child support and you'll have no say as to whether or not an abortion happens, only her.

Men are ugly and therefore hated. It's simple. Females are pandered to so they're literally happier. That's why they attempt it more often, for attention that they know they'll get if they 'attempt' it. How dumb do you have to be to fail at killing yourself to begin with? It's a passive attempt. People that actually want to kill themselves go find a way to do it.

I see you're agreeing with me though sarcastically, I figure I extend anyway.

What's physical is more real to these idiots. A woman is physically weak and instinctively we take care of her like we would old people and children of whom are weaker than able bodied young men. A bad joint is real too.

Never even began.

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Me. i'm on disablity. it's not an easy life at all, but it can be comfy sometimes

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>It's simple.
Tell me more

this guy gets SSDI and he's been NEET for over 10 years. he's almost 30 now so I want to post this bit of wisdom he's gathered over the years.

Men are ugly and strong so they are to take care of the weak pretty things like children and women. Older males generally have political power despite losing their physical power. It's apex hunter ethics to only hunt good sport. Doe is bad sport, a buck is good sport, never kill baby deers. Old men, women and children, they're weak so we soft serve them all. Women would have had the power, but they never earned it historically. They still don't due to not being instinctively driven so there's a wage gap to this day and a power in politics gap for women.

>Women would have had the power, but they never earned it historically
Can you explain this more

Yes, definitely. They never accept the idea that something could possibly be wrong with them, and with this awful feminist movement here empowering all the worst females, the number decreases. Guys line up in the thousands to throw money at you just cause you have a cunt

Women settle down and become mothers and let the husband be the bread winner so they never achieve statistically as much.

Then they would rather instinctively marry powerful men rather than be powerful, literally their instinct is to marry a president rather than become one. Behind every powerful man there's woman, as they say.

I don't understand why it isn't comfy all the time. you don't have to worry about the years ahead and you live on your own schedule.

Not him but they don't pay enough in USA for rent to be paid much less to live on your own and then make you show up for doctor visits to try to convince you to get a job constantly too. So you live with normalfaggots or the shitty parents that did this to you, then you get bothered by the system that wants to drop you off. Then you are admired by no one in society on top of it all. Then on the toppiest top you were a weak person that needed reprieve and they're all abusing you.

t. not even on SSI

needed sanctuary rather than the reprieve they g gave, all things considered*

>go to doctor
>your joint is still bad
>also you're still obese
also they don't keep telling disabled people to get a job when they need a cane to walk.
only the SSDI for life approval is worth it and short term government checks would make your life worse afterward

Me.. ., sir!

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>that salad of mental illnesses
they approve/deny based on evidence to claims, you can say you have 50 different mental problems but at the end of the day you would only have your word
you usually only need one problem and have it all documented by professionals

I wish I was. I have aspergers. I should really try to get it. I've struggled keeping a job with aspergers and my parents treat me like its something I can just "get over".

is it hard to get it in the U.S?

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you're going to get denied at first, but keep at it and you just might get it.

chris chan had a job at wendy's and he still got approved for SSDI. he just had a mental deterioration and the doctors said his "high functioning" autism was worse than before

hes got more than autism, hes got full blown schizophrenia.

>Women settle down and become mothers and let the husband be the bread winner

yes in Canada.

Probably none if we're talking US-based robots
SSI and SSDI are two different things

SSI caps at 751/month; quite the unliveable amount. All you have to do is prove you're fat/poor/retarded/autistic enough that you can't function enough to drag your ass to work

SSDI ("Disability") caps at 1,100 IIRC, BUT you have to have earned a certain number of "work credits" (Think years of previous employment) to even have a snowball's chance in Hell of getting approved; the older you are, the more work credits you need. I'm 30 with way too many crippled NEET years behind me so the gravy train has permanently left the station

you deserve everything you get in life with such a can't do shit attitude. Be thankful Asperger's is the only illness that plagues you, and realize that you can mitigate most of it's detriments through hard work and putting your foot in your mouth 100 times

*1,000 times
You get the picture. don't bitch and moan and expect free, non-judgemental handouts if you're not willing to put yourself out there in those uncomfortable situations
Seek assistance and work hard

I tried but it was quite the shit show. They even went as far as discrediting their own doctor who supported my case and made up bullshit like I was lying that I dropped out of high school therefore I was not trust worthy so they used it as character assassination. I really did drop out and they had my school records but apparently things like truth don't matter in the disability court.

Was considering trying again but I ended up moving and getting the worst psychiatrist ever and they refuse to let me get a new one. Its a small town and there are no other clinics to go that are actually taking patients. So I am pretty much fucked at this point but I bought a gun and its my way out. I wish I could erase my entire existence so no one ever remembers me.

>>like its something I can just "get over".
>just get over it lol

>they refuse to let me get a new one
what the fuck does this even mean

I applied 2 years ago and got rejected. They said I didn't have enough evidence.

But I have been seeing Psychologists the last 2 years since being rejected, and Im getting officially tested for autism soon, then will be applying again.

Im in Australia.

32 year old NEET never had a job

I'm too autistic to hold a job so now I get NEETBUX too stay at home all day and jerk off. Gotta love America.

it means the one clinic in town still taking patients has refused my request for a new psychiatrist and wants me to "work it out" with my current one. Because of this I now have a gap in my medical history that the disability court will bitch about destroying my case. That fucking cunt of a psychiatrist set my claim back at least 5 fucking years.

I almost feel like calling them and telling them the only way we are going to work it out is if he duels me in a knife fight in the parking lot at night. No wonder this county has the highest suicide rate in my state. Would honestly be better off just drinking or doing meth than seeing that piece of shit psychiatrist.

they denied me at first and also with the application review
i had to go to a pseudo-court room and argue my case
the side defending my deniers did not show up

it was simple. at age 28~ i went to my psychologist i visited back when i was a around 18. i told him i was still essentially a failure, and that everything i'd tried to do had never built up into anything real because of my mental problems. that i was on welfare and getting poorer, sicker and more unable to take care of myself by the day. if it weren't for my mom giving me money things would've gotten really bad. but my parents will die one day. so i need help, can you help me get on disability?
psych said yes, and didn't give me a definite diagnosis but says my shit is most related to anxiety and depression.

it was actually ridiculous to apply. the whole thing took 1.5 years to finish. they had this sort of retarded interpretation of my original application. despite my doctor being one of my named professions that can verify disability according to law they were suggesting other forms of treatment and rhetorically asking all sorts of dumb meme questions.

basically, it felt like they were just trying to see if i would keep jumping through the hoops and keep pushing.

the fact that the defending side did not even show up to the tribunal combined with their absolutely belligerent way of dealing with my application taught me to be utterly untrustworthy of them.
the fact that they can get away with delaying the application with such complete incompetance and face absolutely no repercussions (and continue doing it to other people's applications) is fucked up.

i've been on it for just over 1 year now. thank god i have a cheap apartment, i can't move though because rent has gone crazy.

You just made men look bad. Honestly, you would be right. Men are subhuman trash.

i just don't understand some of this. i think its because i've never had any healthcare since i was a toddler and am unfamiliar with how these things work.
oh well.
i hope it works out user, keep trying.

>the tribunal
Are you on a reservation?

what i went to is called a 'social justice tribunal' like a pseudo-court type thing. it's the same thing you might go to if you were involved in a custody battle in a divorce, or other things like that.
interestingly enough i felt like the lady that i spoke to was sort of like one of those sjw judges you hear about. it was up to her to decide if i qualified, and she gave it to me. thank you justice lady.

I cannot accept that there are people this retarded yet still able to construct sentences. This is bait.

are you in canada? US?

well under normal circumstances a person would hopefully not move to some shit hole small town where there are very few doctors in all specialties. When I lived in the city changing a psychiatrist was piss easy but here I have no options. Next nearest available psychiatrist is 300 fucking miles away.

In this town if you just want a regular doctor you have to submit some long ass application and wait for them to approve you so you get the honor of seeing the almighty doctor. Its shit and I hate my parents for moving us here.

one of the most frustrating things about applying was this little information package i got at one point, it wasn't a legal document or anything but it was meant to be helpful advice from the people who work at the disability application/related office.

the package says verbatim "a letter from your doctor verifying that you have a disability is not enough." essentially trying to say that you need to create evidence that they will accept as valid

the law says "you must have your doctor verify your disability" and that's it. just that you must be verified, and it describes who can verify.

they would deny the application on a small clause in the law that says 'a director shall make a decision' which is essentially the 'ha! we can fuck you over whenever we want!' clause.

in my hearing the first thing i reminded the tribunal was that the first day of my psychology appointments the very first thing i was told is that everything i tell my doctor is confidential and that he has indeed verified me.

combined with the absolute (seemingly purposefully incorrect) belligerance of the disability review people it was just so fucking stupid. so glad i won. but it still makes me mad. my review is coming up this year, so maybe that's why?



The disability money in Bulgaria is not enough even for food. So no matter my conditions, I prefer not to engage in such social stigma.

we had a poll like 7 months ago now that showed 48% of this board is 18 or younger.
so, how many of these fucking whiny twats do you think are actually disabled, huh?
meanwhile, i'm a lifelong Schizophrenic.

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all of it is documented

I am because I got rear ended by some dumb broad going 70mph+ at a stoplight. Fractured my spine in multiple places and completely fucked my back muscles up. I had to quit my job at a grocery store that I actually loved because of it. I have 6 rods in my spine now and can't work for a long time.
My insurance also went up because of that despite her being 100% at fault. Never move to a no fault state. It's such a pain in the fucking ass dealing with.