Story of Fard the Tard

This is the saga of some tard that went to my old school.
He moved schools and I literally lost contact with him.
But I dont want to be in contact with him so yeah.
Here we go fellas, strap in cause this is gonna be a fucking wild ride.
I present to you, The Fard Saga.

Part 1: You are my next meal.

>be me
>be 5
>got thrown into kindergarten and sat next to some fat tard
>lets call him fard (combination of fat and tard)
>he looked at me with the eyes of you are my next meal and said
>as loud as he fucking could...IN THE MIDDLE OF CLASS.
>everybody looks at him with a really disgusted look
>everyone began to look at me.
>i then smell something that smells like a fucking cow farm
>he stands up and i see it
>liquid shit is running out of his pant leg like a fucking hose.
>i didnt what to do so i jump out of my chair and scream "FARD POOPIED HIMSELF"
>the teacher runs over and drags him out of the room
>i then scream "im about to vomit pleese bathroom"
>i was excused
>mfw i see him being wheeled out of the classroom in a fucking jaitors mop bucket.

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user continue now

I love tard stories hahaha

fuck off reddit faggot, go somewhere else

i hope user and fard have gay sex in the bathroom

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green texts are normie shit now

user what do you think of this..?

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Part 2: BETHROOM11!!

>be me
>turned 6
>1 month after the shit pants incident
>he got picked on regularly now
>everytime someone joked about him he cried
>i went to the bathroom and he came along with me (fard)
>dumbass move teacher
>some 3rd grader came in as i was taking the longest most refeshing piss
>fard was shitting bricks (i knew this because he was grunting like a motherfucker)
>the 3rd grader said something to me (knowing i was in fards class)
>"that kid fard is stoopid lool" (didnt actually say that)
>fard bursts out of his stall
>pants down low, shit falling out of his asshole.
>he pounces on the 3rd grader throwing all of his weight and shit at him
>the 3rd grader is crying
>im so amused
>music teacher walks in
>shit gets sprayed at her like a fucking skunk
>teacher vomits on the floor
>lets call her "cuckoman" because her husband was cucked before.

OK this is epic, write "epic" if ur from the bro army

>OP am goin poss grentxt for utuber read

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See you guys in r/Jow Forums. Upvote this post pls. I need more karma.

Edit: thanks for the gold

fucking reddit garbage


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fucking reddit whore/faggot gtfo

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Part 3: FECK UUUU!!!!

>literally a week later
>fard gets more and more retarded as the days go on
>fard got into webkinz
>fucking webkinz...
>this was 2007 and webkinz was the rage
>in schools 5 miles away
>i acted interested so he doesnt go frage mode (fard rage)
>he developed this mode over the whole bathroom skunk incident
>i get side tracked and leave him alone
>he comes over to me
>have the biggest urge to shit on this kids day
>i mean it literally too
>he walks away and goes to the sandpit (we were outside)
>i ask the teacher if i can leave and go to the bathroom
>i take his sonic pencil case
>i unload shit into it
>i had cereal that would make anyone shit bricks
>throw it into his desk waiting for english so we can write sentences about cool or something like that.
>he takes it out and opens it
>smell of hot shit goes through the classroom faster than hitler and stalin going through poland
>he starts crying
>pisses himself
>in blind rage he screams "FECK U!"
>teacher drags him out.
>mfw he got detention for saying fuck.

I had tards like this in my primary school. get me in the screen cap lads.

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i hope you realize fags like you killed r9k

true, with all the green text youtube channel

now i feel bad for asking to be in the screencaps...

Part 4: Frage mode activated

>after fards 1 week detention he was really quiet
>not as retarded
>still looks like a fucking potato face
>disgusting ass greasy hair
>nobody talks to him tho
>wondered why
>learned that he hung out with the 5th graders for a week and he started acting like he was in 5th grade
>he began saying yo and other gay shit.
>he called me clapped one day
>i asked him what clapped meant
>i call him clapped and he charged at me full force
>jumped out of the way as fast as i can
>he runs straight into the brick wall behind me and cracks his fucking skull open
>he cries
>pissed himself
>good to see he is still retarded after all.

Can you please stop now, OP? might be more your speed.

Stop posting you underage retard no one like you, thanks!

swear to god all those 12 yr old faggots from youtube are infecting Jow Forums cause of those shitty channels, there should be some kind of system in place to stop people 14 and under from entering

I think there is one, it's called "global rules".

yeah but they arent gonna follow the fucking rules, they should do something similar to the paypal system, where you have to prove youre above a certain age

time to ask for the last 4 numbers of your social.
these kids probably dont know what the fuck they are.


These youtube greentext normalfags are what is bringing all the neurotypicals

Pic related is what i do if i see wave titan

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im pretty sure this is bait. Even 12 year olds dont speak like this, or this kids really, really fucking slow.

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>time to ask for the last 4 numbers of your social.
amerilards, everyone

Gib onions :DDD
>inb4 banned

or for your passport id

yea or like a credit card, but it should be able to be spoofed with fake card numbers just so the smart 12 year olds get in.