
What medications are you on? Illegal or otherwise & how has it helped you with whatever ailment you have?

So far Clozapine has helped with my schizoaffective and Belsomra has helped with sleep.

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so how do you feel on all those drugs?

Just my sissies cum it keeps me happy

Vyvance and adderall. (Vyvance in morning adderall in afternoon) helps with muh adhd and somehow actually makes me less autistic. (Helps with my personality disorders a bit). Good shit but I'm now very skinny. (Perscribed to me)

Go take your pink pills

Fluvoxamine is seemingly ineffective.
Lorazepam works in a pinch of bad anxiety.
Belsomra works better that ambien.
Clozapine is the only thing that has tamed my psychosis episodes with schizoaffective. Though has ruined my time of awake-fullness.
Overall not very good, but not having a psychotic episode has been nice. I just wish I could be conscious for a longer period of time.

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On risperdal. Shit made me gain like 45 pounds. At higher doses, it made me sleep 12 hours a day. Now I'm going to have to practically starve just to maintain a healthy weight. I wish I could get off it completely, but my psychiatrist would get into a fight with me over it.

ah that's too bad user, but at least your psychosis can be hit with something.

What's your diagnosis? I was on risperdal for a while, but my psych was willing to try something else.
Though is seems like antipsychotics and weight gain/energy levels seem to always be an issue.

i take nothing, except self-medicate with tobacco

i LOVED nmda antagonist dissociatives. i miss MXE. i used 3-meo-pcp for a while, medicinally. i'd take that as well

NEET living with parents though. it's honestly very extremely cheap, a mere $0.20 per day habit, honeslty. i just don't want to order it to their house

Did any of that help long-term?

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It was probably schizoaffective. Definitely at least schizophrenia, but I also had excessive energy and didn't sleep very much while I was ill, so it was probably also mania. I'm on the lowest possible injection of risperdal. I hope that if I continue to not have symptoms, that eventually I'll be able to stop altogether, but my doctor doesn't seem to think it's possible.

It's very risky to get off of antipsychotics. You can't blame them entirely for playing it safe.
Schizo with mania is a type of schizoaffective, so it wouldn't be too surprising if that's what you have.

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A lot doesn't.
I've been on over a dozen different antidepressants and had 20 sessions of ECT.
And more than a handful of anti-psychotics.
So here we are.

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Just moved from concerta to adderall.

Concerta basically bullied me and made me hella anxious, Adderall is my best friend now and it loves me

How did you convince your doctor to make the switch?

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I'm glad that nothing is working for you; it must be great to not need to take anything to be normal.

>Did any of that help long-term?

yes, well the effects of the NMDA antagonist dissociatives build up and last for up to a few weeks. i have not taken any in over a year though -- that's the problem.

you can really benefit every day, just by dosing over the weekend, honestly

tobacco is great, it's really the only thing i do anyway now

Hookah every day yo

How the fuck is that what you got? I am still a slave to anti psychotics but none of them work. So I'm stuck with a pointless physical and chemical addiction that does nothing. I'm still trying, I'm on a very high dose of something right now, if I don't take it I feel withdrawals within half a day

Why are they keeping you on the same meds if it's not doing anything for you?

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god hates u

I'm working on it fool... these meds aren't something you can just stop talking and switch to something else in a day. I've been on meds for half my life

How come? Originally origin

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Actually my Dr recommended Adderall at first. He's hella old school. I didn't want it at first and asked for something else and he gave me concerta.

I told him it fucked me up and he said just try it out and I did and it's great. Still get kinda anxious but it's not crippling

Sorry I just assumed you were on them for a while.

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Robert Paulson is best comfort

had brain cancer 3 years ago, left me with seizures
>1500mg leviteracetam bid
>100mg lamotrigine bid
>100mg lacosamide bid

>all these neet failures taking drugs for "mental disorders"

how does it feel giving money to drug companies to treat imaginary diseases?

How does it feel denying your own mental illness by degrading others?

They give me placebo rubbish like Mirtazapine when i'm prone to seizures because i'm addicted to benzo's from self medicating and vendors have been unreliable as fuck during the christmas, boxing day, new years shit reeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I have a bottle of Vodka to last me the weekend, pills of Lyrica which are also prescribed but only work every 5th time, a bottle of robitussin and some good weed.

Hopefully I can last the weekend as a happy stoner/drunk, till I expect to get more Xanax on Monday.

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I microdose LSD and its fucking great.

considering that desu, I remember when I first took LSD it was only like 50mg which felt like an amphetamine boost and I had a blast playing GTA 5 for the first time and felt like I was in the game, and the next day I took 150mg and learnt some life lessons.

Is it true that microdosing doesn't effect tolerance?

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Hasn't seem to affected me yet and I've been doing it for three months now, twice a week. Check out the microdosing subreddit theres tons of info and anecdotes on there.

>Trips of truth
Gonna order me some LSD now, hopefully it could be a good alternative to actual speed for me being a lazy cunt (which I was considering due to fuckhead docs and psychiatrists not giving me Ritalin/Adderall)

Currently on nothing. Got an RX for sleeping pills a few years ago and found out sleeping pills can be treated as being in the same category as anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medication in medical screenings for certain jobs, and they can ask for a record of what you've been prescribed going back 5 years with a doctor having to sign off on it. I should have fucking known this shit beforehand. For instance, for JET (Japan English Teacher) or airline pilot they don't accept people on those kinds of meds and ask for your medical history. It's fucking bullshit man. Be very careful what you tell your doctor or when you're trying to get on something.

godspeed user, not sure how stimulating it is at microdoses but it could be a great mood leveler for you.

>so drugged up you think that everyone needs to take pills for something
um no sweetie, some of us are actually healthy and don't get triggered by interacting with other people in real life.

I'm on Milnacipran and sometimes Abilify if I can't handle life anymore. But I work a full time job and I have 5 friends, so I guess it's going well.

An eighth of cannabis and 25MG IR Adderall 2x a day keeps the chronic pain, PTSD, and suicidal plans away